Matthew 6:33 Is True!

It was August 1981, and I was looking for a job at the local hospital in the small southwestern town I had just moved to as part of our ministry’s yearlong outreach program. This was a small college town, with only about twelve thousand people residing in it. I had just graduated from college with a degree in medical laboratory technology, and I desired to work part-time at the town’s small community hospital so I could immediately put my college degree to work. I was putting God first in my actions, and I was believing for God to do “exceeding abundantly above” all I could ask or think!

I applied at the hospital and was excited to get an interview. At the interview the supervisor said, “It’s amazing that you’re here right now. We just had an opening in the laboratory! We weren’t sure how we could fill this position in this town.” I was hired and my hours were perfect: mornings, part-time. During my employment there, I was able to hone my skills as a medical laboratory technician. I saw in a tangible form that Matthew 6:33 is true!

Matthew 6:33:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I Finally Understood

My first fellowship was a Branch meeting on July 4, 1979. This was the first time that I saw the love of God manifested by all the believers and saw the manifestations of holy spirit. This was the first time that I walked into a room and was loved and totally accepted for who I was. I was impressed that of about forty believers, every one of them made the effort to greet me and made an impact upon my life. What I saw was what I wanted in my life.

I took the Foundational Class in September, and that class showed me how to get rid of fear in my life. I had been brought up with the belief that when you die you go to heaven. This really bothered me because when I was nine my mom died. Many people told me that my mom was watching over me, and that made me angry. My thinking was that if she was watching over me, then why didn’t she live to be there with me and help me to grow up? Then the Foundational Class taught me I Thessalonians 4:13-18. Being taught these verses delivered me and healed me from wrong teaching and fear. I was electrified at what I was being taught. I soared with delight and was no longer angry at my mom. I finally understood that she was asleep, awaiting the return of Jesus Christ, and that brought great peace.

Another verse that brought so much deliverance in my life is John 10:10: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” I gained understanding of the goodness of God and that He wanted to bless my life, and I gained understanding of the adversary. I now have the knowledge and understanding that I am born again and can speak in tongues and that the adversary no longer has any rights to my life.

This ministry has taught me how to work the Word of God and prove that the rightly divided Word of God works every time. God has brought deliverance and healing and wisdom and understanding to my life because of the rightly divided Word of God that I have learned in The Way Ministry.

Able to Bring Comfort

Prior to being introduced to a home fellowship, I wanted to understand why my grandad had to die. I still needed him. For two years, I was in turmoil over losing him. I asked God to let him know I missed him. I said, “Grandad, if you can hear me, what do I do about….” My heart was broken. Now, this was not a continuous, daily event, but it happened often enough to cause me some anxiety.

In 1993, I went to my first home fellowship. After the fellowship, one of the ladies and I sat on the front step, and she shared with me about the dead not being alive. She shared very logically why my grandad is not alive in heaven at this time, and she showed me from God’s Word. Instantly I was released from my prison! I cried because I FINALLY got my answer. I wanted to know more, so as soon as the Foundational Class was available I signed up.

About a year after I took my first Foundational Class, my mom graduated from the class too. It was awesome.

Over several years, I continued to grow in my understanding, went out as a Way Disciple, went to work on Staff at The Way International, met my husband, and so on.

Fast forward to the fall of 2009. My mom was diagnosed with cancer, and it was terminal. It had spread to her lymph nodes. Within a month of her diagnosis, she fell asleep. Although it stung very much, I knew the truth. She is awaiting the return of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Without the truth of God’s Word, I would have been in the same situation I was in when my grandad fell asleep. This time I was able to bring comfort to my sibling and to my extended family, and to friends of my mom. I was able to minister to them with God’s Word. Although it is a difficult topic, I was able to help. I also received encouragement from my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The way I was able to handle the loss of my grandad versus my mom was like night and day. I am so thankful to the ministry, The Way International, which taught me the rightly divided Word and how to renew my mind. Do I miss my mom? Of course I do. But I am confident that I will see her at the return.

Seeing Others Succeed in Life

Proverbs 29:18:
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

The best thing about learning the rightly divided Word from The Way International has been knowing God’s vision for my life. I was born and grew up in mainland China. My nation is a male-dominated country, and there it is widely accepted that boys are considered more precious than girls. I am thankful to my parents for raising me to not limit myself by accepting this belief. I was brought up to believe that as long as I work hard and stay focused, I can be just as successful as boys. My parents had a vision of success for my life.

Fourteen years ago, I was introduced to The Way International, and for the first time I was shown the rightly divided Word. I was interested to know what God said about “success.”

Joshua 1:8:
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

I learned that success depends on carrying out the conditions of the rightly divided Word as Joshua 1:8 states, not just on hard work as my parents taught me.

Recently, my understanding of godly success has been redefined. I now understand that success is not just about me, but about sharing my knowledge and what I know of the Word with others and seeing others succeed in life. I met a woman at a conference and developed a good friendship with her. This woman shared with me about a certain mental bondage that has imprisoned her for ten years. She had to sell her father’s business when she was twenty-six years old because she was too young to be able to manage it when her father passed away. For ten years she had been trying to prove that she is not a loser in life. I shared with her Psalms 103:11-13, and this has helped her to envision herself being released from guilt and condemnation.

It is a great joy to not only see God’s vision for my own life but also to be able to share God’s vision with other people by giving them the rightly divided Word, enabling them to succeed in life!

Power to Reconcile

It was story day at the library, and my kids and I were there enjoying our weekly routine. After we sang songs and listened to the lively storytelling, I did my normal storybook search. The storybook search is when I peruse the shelves for books that my kids will enjoy reading later while they play happily with toys and with the other children also at story time.

This particular day they were playing with two other children who were siblings and just their ages. I had seen these kids before, but today their mom, whom I had never met, was with them. The mom and I casually talked about our children and their favorite toys; it was a pleasant conversation. Finally, the time came for me to round up the children and our large pile of books.

I was beginning to head to the checkout when I “heard” some clear instructions from God. The very brief instructions were specific: I was to invite this mom and her children to my home. I was a little surprised, but I thought, “Oh…OK.” So I stopped, turned around, and headed back to the woman. By the time I got to her, I was convinced of what I needed to do. I extended the invitation to the mom, and with no surprise to me, she accepted.

A few days later that mom and I got together at my home with our kids, and the rest, as they say, is history. Today that woman is a wonderful friend and Advanced Class graduate who is enjoying the blessing of knowing and living God’s Word. During the process of undershepherding my friend, I had lots of opportunities to apply and teach the Word that I had learned and was learning from ministry classes and fellowship. I am especially thankful though for what I had been taught about the nine manifestations of holy spirit from The Way of Abundance and Power series. Being knowledgeable about the power available to me because of the holy spirit I have inside was key to my boldness to follow through on God’s instructions.

Often my heart has been full of thanks to God for His love in this situation. God’s care for one individual and what He is willing to do to help us reconcile men and women to Him is heartwarming. God clearly lays out in His Word what our role and abilities are in Christ, and I am thankful that I can make situations such as this my normal expectation.

Acts 1:8:
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost [holy spirit] is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Ephesians 3:20 to the Fullest!

Blessings overflow constantly.

Most recently, I decided to adjust my finances to get out of debt more quickly, save for the future, and have enough to give with plurality in mind. I decided on a budget and was looking for new housing within that budget. It definitely seemed impossible by five-senses standards; but when we are in alignment with God’s will all things are possible! God led me to a brand new, fully renovated and furnished apartment with more “bells and whistles” than what I had even asked for. AND it is $50 less than the amount I budgeted for housing! It is approximately twelve to fourteen minutes from fellowship (I had requested less than twenty), and it’s on the BEACH! Ephesians 3:20 to the fullest! So many principles here—and I learned all of them from the Word I have been taught in our ministry.

I Decided to Believe and Act

A Region meeting in May of 2014 inspired me to get committed about taking the 2015 Advanced Class. I had been proving the limitlessness of God in other categories of my life, but I wasn’t sure how God would erase over $40,000 of debt in less than a year so I could attend the class. I began by finding out what God’s Word says about debt and why it was important to live debt-free. I met with a seasoned believer who was able to teach me and show me where those truths were in the Word, and I decided to believe and act on them.

My first step was to go through my budget, looking at my income and expenses and at exactly how much debt I had. I quickly realized that I would need to increase my income and decrease my expenses. I remembered the principle of giving equals receiving and increased my tithe. In Christians Should Be Prosperous it says, “…the tithe has never been improved upon except by increasing the proportion.” After reviewing my budget again with all the expenses reduced, I knew God would go to work to help my income increase.

I was at work on a Monday morning, and I was thanking God for all His blessings, including getting me through college with minimal debt and helping me find a fun job with good pay, good benefits, and good people to work with. The next thing I knew, I was marching into the president’s office and explaining to him why I needed to look for more work. I told him about the Advanced Class and that I needed more income to get out of debt, and that I would be looking for a part-time job soon. The president told me that I could take on some more responsibility at my current job and work more hours for more compensation. It was a very simple solution that I was peaceful with, and I knew it was from God. With all this, I was debt-free and registered for the Advanced Class all in God’s perfect timetable.

Delivered from the Snare of Debt!

I came to The Way Ministry twenty-four years ago. I arrived entangled in debt—I owed money to people here and there. I urgently needed deliverance, and God delivered me at the very first household fellowship I attended. He prepared and set everything just right for me to hear the Word I needed to be delivered from the snare of debt.

The teaching that day was about how to live within one’s means. The very first verse of scripture I learned was Proverbs 22:7: “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” It was just a perfect portrayal of my life then. I wondered if the teacher knew I was coming and had selected a topic just for me. But I soon learned that my Creator, God Almighty, is a loving, all-knowing God, Who had set the scene just for my deliverance. With more verses of scripture, the teacher exhorted us to take believing action for total deliverance from any form of debt. I immediately made up my mind. I made the decision to believe and act upon the truth I had been taught. I started attending fellowship on a regular basis and doing my best to put God’s Word into practice. And gradually, I got delivered not only from debt, but also from other bad habits I had developed over the years.

From then on, I have never been deceived about God. Every aspect of my personal, family, professional, and social life has been transformed by the greatness of God’s accurate and matchless Word. From a life full of fear and doubt, I became a bold and convinced believer, ready to act upon God’s Word to make His promises mine. Had it not been for God and His Word, I would have disappeared from the face of the earth a long time ago.

Thanks to the Word of God I have been taught in The Way Ministry, today I am able to overcome any pressure that comes my way, and I can do it without stress. What God has done for me with His Word, He is willing and able to do for anyone who believes.

Motivated to Manifest God’s Love

I’m deeply thankful for what God has done for me as I’ve applied the Word I’ve learned in The Way Ministry! God has given me my heart’s desires, and I’m particularly thankful for how He supplied me with a like-minded Christian wife. When I reflect on how our relationship came about, I see that it was a direct result of the love I learned how to live through this ministry.

When I was seventeen, I went to my first Advanced Class excited to learn deeper truths about God’s Word and to spend time with like-minded believers. During that time, I gained a confidence in God’s ability to take care of my every need. I went from being a worrywart to a calm and easygoing individual. Also, I gained a richer knowledge of God’s great love for me through teachings from the Scriptures and from seeing it living in the people in that class. What I learned and saw greatly motivated me to reach out to people in my hometown and to manifest God’s love to them. Before the Advanced Class, I didn’t particularly realize how important it is to actively love those around me. I quickly found that what I had learned would be life changing!

A few months later, I made a new friend in one of my classes in high school. My old self wouldn’t have looked for opportunities to be loving and kind toward my classmates, but I had changed! She later told me that she had wanted to become friends with me because of how I went out of my way to be kind to her and others. We began talking about God and soon had many heart-to-heart conversations about life and God’s Word. She didn’t know or believe very much of the Bible, but she was interested in learning more! She signed up for our ministry’s Foundational Class and took it that spring! It was basically my first time speaking God’s Word to someone, and the first time I needed to help undershepherd. Because of what I had learned and observed in The Way Ministry, I was able to lovingly help her understand the integrity of God’s Word, God’s goodness and love for her, and to support her manifesting power from on high for the first time! She was very excited about what she had learned: the Bible makes sense!

She received great things because of the accurate teachings of God’s Word and the love I and others serving in that Foundational Class showed her. With a like-minded love for God, our friendship became a relationship. A few years later, she too completed the advanced class on The Way of Abundance and Power! How awesome it was to see someone else learn the great things I had learned. We continued to serve together, and she assisted me in leading a fellowship at our university campus. After graduating from college, we got married! God certainly gave me a wonderful partner to help me be my best for Him. A few years later, we went Way Disciple as a married couple.

It still amazes me how God provided me with a wife who would love Him like I do and who would want to live a life of service for Him too. Our Father is too good! God surely blessed me with an amazing partner in life, and we are so thankful for the love we know how to live, which brings others into His loving family.

I Didn’t Think There Was Anything about Me to Love

My life was forever changed for the better when two Way believers stopped me and my friends on the streets of a city in Kansas and spoke God’s Word of deliverance to us when I was only sixteen years old. My friends didn’t care too much about what was said, but I did, and I listened with a hungry heart. And as God promises, all those that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled. I was filled!

At sixteen years old, I lived in a group home, with no means of making money or getting around. I was totally dependent on the household of believers in that city. The circumstances were bleak. But that did not deter the believers in the fellowship and Branch!

I took the Foundational Class about six months later after faithfully attending one of the home fellowships in town. The believers were so wonderful in how they supported me and helped me get back and forth to fellowship and to other events. They also helped me to earn the money I needed to register for the class, and they got me to every session on time! I learned many significant lessons on how to pray and believe God for deliverance, no matter the circumstances. The disciples taught me to expect great things in my life and that there was nothing that I couldn’t do with God and with His power that I had within me. I remember those lessons and the great success I had, even to this day. To all of them, I will be forever grateful.

Before The Way Ministry I was alone—a forgotten castoff of the world. My life was nothing. I didn’t know what it was to be loved or how to love. I didn’t think there was anything about me to love. In my heart I had given up on ever being happy. God brought me up and out of that darkness and despair. He brought me to an amazing family, His family, when I had no family and no one who cared for me. He took my hand and brought me into the light and deliverance of His glorious Word by what I learned and by the love of the believers of The Way Ministry.

God healed my heart. He showed me how much He loves me and that He chose me to be His child, loved and cared for by Him, for always! He helped me to make my life into something that I could be proud of. I have been surrounded by love every day of my life since that significant day years ago when someone spoke God’s Word to me. Because of God’s Word, His love, and that same love manifested by the believers of The Way Ministry, I have and continue to live the greatest life I could ever have imagined.

Today I continue to do all that I can, as much as I can, for God and His people, the same way it was done for me so many years ago. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 11:25:

The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.