A Family Determined to See the Victory!

One of the first verses I learned when I first came to a Way Ministry fellowship was Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

A couple of years ago, my daughter moved to California to accept her first job. We had begun looking for housing before her move, but were told over and over again that you had to be there because they got rented so quickly. We had one week to find an apartment and get her settled. This was not an ideal way. This was an opportunity to believe God.

With the “I Can Do” attitude, we headed west. It was amazing to see how God supplied the need. As a family we were of one mind, determined to see the victory, and continued thanking God. We found the perfect apartment after four days.

Our next believing adventure was to furnish it. We found quality items at excellent prices. One thrift store was having an extra 40 percent off sale the day we purchased a Crate & Barrel table. We went to another store and found chairs that matched it perfectly. As we were driving down the street, a business had a sign taped on a bookshelf on their sidewalk—FREE. A marble lamp we purchased was the exact color of the marble top of her roommate’s table. One of her coworkers gave her a shelving unit that was a perfect match to the dining room table and chairs. Everything she needed to have in order to be settled into her new home was supplied. We got to see how God supplied her need. She could be reminded of how our heavenly Father takes care of us every time she looked around her apartment.

I’m so thankful we were able to have this verse, Philippians 4:19, cemented in our minds. It was truly a time of bonding as a family. We took a stand together on God’s Word and saw the victory. It is through this ministry that we have learned to trust God and believe that He will supply our need.

Set Free and Fulfilled at the Same Time

I am alive today because of the truth I was taught in the Foundational Class in The Way Ministry. Perhaps many families are like this: certain expectations are passed down from generation to generation. In my family, what I had seen in my parent’s generation and in my generation was that someone dies prematurely. The family I was brought up in had a deep love for God, and they were faithful to worship God. However, some thought it might be good to suffer for God. Their beliefs were based on tradition and wrong teaching rather than truth.

In my first Foundational Class I heard the truth taught.

Psalm 116:15:
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

A light went off in my head. I grabbed on to this promise which was explained to me. The word “precious” means “costly.”

My aunt had died at an early age with three small children to raise. I had known her and loved her. Everyone said I looked just like her. We even had the same name. All my life, it bothered me that maybe the same thing would happen to me. When I heard the truth about this verse in my early twenties, my thinking and believing began to change as I studied the truth.

I Peter 2:24:
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

I learned that the Word of God had integrity and that I could claim and elevate it above what I had seen growing up. I began to understand all that Jesus Christ had accomplished for me. I began to trust my sonship rights. I learned that I had been redeemed and sanctified and justified. I learned that I was righteous. With these truths so lovingly supplied, I was no longer in bondage; I now had something to do! I had the ministry of reconciliation. So, while being set free, I found one of the sweetest jobs of my life—my lifetime “something to do” for God.

II Corinthians 5:20:
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

I am set free and fulfilled at the same time. My service career is lived for God and in the ministry that taught me these life-changing truths. I am forever thankful.

I Told Her That I Was a Minister of the Lord Jesus Christ

Sitting in my seat toward the back of the airplane, I could see several flight attendants looking after the needs of one of the passengers near the front of the plane. Everyone in my view was focusing on the situation at hand. After the flight attendants left, I could hear the sound of a muffled cry from the passenger who had needed help. Immediately I got up from my seat, leaving all my personal belongings behind, walked to the front of the plane, and sat down next to the young lady who had been crying. I told her that I was a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and asked if I could pray for her. She said yes as she looked at me with such surprise. After praying, I continued to sit with her until we were all instructed to prepare for landing. As I walked back to my seat, I noticed the stares of other passengers. Once I sat down and prepared for landing, the young girl who had been sitting across the aisle from me said, “Boy, I wish I could be bold like that.” I looked at her and said, “You can” and then proceeded to tell her about the power we receive when we get born again of God’s spirit. We talked all the way until we reached the baggage claim area. As we approached the area, who do you think we saw picking up her luggage?—the girl whom I had prayed for earlier. She was talking and laughing with another person as she gathered her luggage. My heart nearly exploded with joy and thankfulness—the girl was healed! Seeing this amazing change was quite a witness to the girl I had been talking to. We continued to keep in touch with each other for quite some time after this event.

Before my involvement with The Way Ministry, I would not have had the boldness, heart, believing, or the ability to help anyone like this. Because of the Word of God I have learned, heard, and seen lived over the years in this ministry, I know and believe that I am a son of God filled with power and that I can do the greater works of Jesus Christ in this day and time.

We’ve Learned How to Live Within Our Means

Malachi 3:6,10,11:
For I am the Lord, I change not….
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts.

These verses, along with Ephesians 3:20 and Philippians 4:6 and 7, helped my husband and me get out of debt and stay out. We first took the Power for Abundant Living (PFAL) class in 1975. We had been married for two years when we found ourselves in deep debt. We were witnessed to and started going to fellowship. From that time until this day, we have tithed to The Way Ministry, and for over forty-three years we’ve learned how to live within our means by budgeting, praying, and knowing that God is good ALWAYS.

Recently we retired and moved to a new state. Our son had wanted us to move closer to him. We were not sure we could afford it, but during the two years we’ve been here, God has blessed us abundantly. So, we thought, OK. We looked at the apartments within five blocks of him and his family and decided what we wanted—a specific apartment, which is on the ground floor, and we wanted to move on a specific date. We kept checking the Internet, waiting for the apartment to be available. Then we went to fellowship later that week and prayed for the apartment and the time we wanted it. The next Sunday, we checked the Internet, and there was our apartment. Needless to say, God took care of our need and want, and we moved in by that specific date.

We are so very thankful for everyone that serves at The Way International Headquarters and for the Word of God we have learned in the classes we have taken. God has met all our needs.

With God I Can Have Victory

I moved to a new area from out of state to take a new job. This job was an advancement in my career, which I had been working toward. Not long after I started my new job, two coworkers invited me to their household fellowship. I began to attend fellowship faithfully and not long after was able to take the Foundational Class two times in an eight-week period. I was so thrilled with this knowledge from God’s Word that I signed up for the Word Over the World Ambassador program. After learning how good God is, my only logical conclusion was to tell as many people as I could. Now, within six months of taking this job, I found myself leaving it for the advancement of God’s Word.

I was packing my car, preparing for our fellowship’s trip together to the Rock of Ages. On one of my trips carrying stuff to the car, a bee flew down from the rafters of the garage and stung me on the side of the face. I had not been stung since I was about eight years old. That time I was taken to the hospital because of swelling and because I passed out. This time, I went into the house, ran cold water on my face, and prayed. Then I kept packing my car, occasionally checking myself to find no swelling and no ill effect, except the tiny red hole where I had been stung.

As I was working, I realized it was getting very close to noon. I had to get to the bank to close my bank account. On my way to the bank, the clutch went out on my car. I recognized it immediately, jumped out, and hitchhiked the rest of the way to the bank and made it there before it closed. When I got back to my car, I headed south of town, limping my car to a local repair shop. It was a junkyard that did full restorations and repairs on the type of car I had. When I arrived, I rolled right into their service building.

I knew the two men that worked there. I had been there a couple of times before, looking for parts for my car. I told the owner I needed a clutch put in. He said, “We’re closed.” (His coworker was shuffling around the building, closing doors and turning off lights.) This car’s engine was located in the back of the car. We were each kneeling on one knee behind the car with the engine door up as I was explaining my situation to him. I explained to him that I was moving out of town at the end of the day, I had emptied my bank account, and all of my necessary worldly possessions were inside of my car. He said, “We’re closed.”

I then said, “Okay, this is what’s really happening….” I explained to him that I was leaving to go to Ohio to be trained and sent out to speak God’s Word. I do not recall all of the things I said to him about the goodness of God and my commissioning to stand and speak for Him, but I remember distinctly concluding my explanation saying, “And my adversary, the Devil, is trying to stop me.” He kept looking at me as he yelled to his coworker, “Hey, George, we’re putting a clutch in over here.”

I was on the road less than an hour later.

Throughout my life, I had always known that God loved me and cared about me, even though I recognized I didn’t always live a godly lifestyle. The Foundational Class showed me from God’s Word how much God loved me and how He is good always. For years I had heard people say that God did evil things to people to teach them lessons. This never seemed right to me. Now the ministry showed me from God’s own Word how good He is. So the attacks on my life that day were not “God testing me” to see if I would do His will or “signs from heaven” to stop me from making a commitment to the ministry. Instead, this experience confirmed what I had learned from God’s Word in the last few weeks—that with God I can have victory no matter the circumstances, and speaking the Word brings results!

Living with Peace

This Was My Answer to Prayer!

The Way Ministry was an answer to prayer for me. As a nineteen-year-old in 1975, I had a lot of unanswered questions about God. I was searching for those answers in my church and even traveled to Europe with a group to learn more about God, but came home disappointed. After that trip, I was staying at my parents’ farm for the summer between college years. One day, in frustration, I got on my bicycle and rode out on the country roads, pouring my heart out to God.

“There has got to be some way to get to know You and understand the Bible. There are so many churches with so many ideas, but only one You with one way of thinking. How do I find out what that is?” Then I was quiet, and I heard, “I will teach you My Word like you’ve never heard before.” A few days later, a believer with The Way Ministry came into my summer workplace with his Bible, and we got into a conversation about God.

Less than a month later, I was sitting through the Foundational Class, hearing the Word taught like I’d never heard before. I was thrilled—this was my answer to prayer. God and His Word were finally making sense to me—the law of believing, who Jesus Christ really is, what happens when people die, keys to the Word’s interpretation, and so much more!

And even after all these years, my heart still thrills when the accuracy of the Word is taught. What a joy to live life having answers and the peace that those answers bring. And what a privilege to bring those same answers to others, so they, too, can live this awesome, abundant life.

God Is with Me

I have learned that I can walk in this world with total peace of mind and a secure confidence that God is with me in any and every situation. God and I make a majority, and with His wisdom and guidance there is nothing I may encounter where I will not be victorious in my efforts.

God Was Answering My Cry for Help

One day in late September, I was in my pickup truck in the parking lot of my employment. I was so hopeless and desperate. I was crying out to God to please help me! I needed Him to show me where to go and what to do next in my life. At that moment, my phone rang. On the other end was a woman I had only met a few times in my life. She asked if I wanted to attend a home fellowship. My crying stopped. I felt better somehow. God was opening up a door for me. God was answering my cry for help. I said, “Yes! Yes! I would love to attend a home fellowship.”

I attended my first home fellowship and then my next one. By October/November I attended my first Foundational Class. God was talking to me and helping me along the way. By January, I was taking the Intermediate Class. By this time, I had learned that all Scripture is God-breathed, which means to be moved by the Holy Spirit, which is revelation. I also learned to pray with the spirit by speaking in tongues. I grew up tithing in my church, but in class I learned that you can NEVER outgive God.

By June, I was in my first Defeating the Adversary class. My knowledge of the adversary and how he operates was growing. We are in a spiritual competition every day: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). At that moment I was healed from forty years of pain and resentment that I carried with me. I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. I had a true sense of peace within me. The anger that I kept inside of me against the people that hurt me was gone. The adversary wasn’t going to take or steal from me anymore.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue….” That scripture changed the way I choose to talk to people. I can open my mouth to hurt someone and make them feel like nothing, or I can choose to open my mouth to edify someone. I can witness to them about how The Way has shown me how to understand God’s Word by rightly dividing the Word, how to know that Christ is in me, and how to know that the Word of God is the will of God.

Reaping the Benefits of Knowing God and His Word

Psalms 34:8 reads, “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” This verse aptly describes what the Word taught in The Way International has meant to me. I attended my first fellowship in high school, and from the moment I tasted God’s goodness, I just couldn’t imagine not standing and serving Him.

In high school I was a decent guy. I had pretty good grades, was fairly nice to people, and played sports. My family life was OK at best. We did the best we knew to do, but we knew something was missing. I remember I used to ask my parents questions such as Why are we here? Where did God come from? How do we know He’s real? They did their best to answer my questions, but we were all searching for understanding and searching to know God.

About the time it looked like our family was going to be broken up, I was witnessed to and attended my first fellowship. The Word taught in this ministry changed everything for me. I found purpose and meaning to life. I took this newfound understanding back to my family, and it gave them purpose and meaning as well. To this day, over twenty years later, we continue to reap the benefits of knowing God as His Word is taught accurately in this ministry. And we continue to reach out to our family and others, sharing His goodness. God’s goodness to me has resulted in

  • being physically healed on several occasions, including God saving my life;
  • my parents’ marriage being saved and restored;
  • my siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles taking the classes and getting to know God;
  • having a beautiful wife and two wonderful children;
  • having real best friends that love me;
  • having a place to serve Him and to live my dream job.

I am thankful to stand with this wonderful ministry that has taught me the greatness of God’s Word and has given me a place to serve the Word of Life to others.

We Knew God Would Have the Answer!

Where do I begin to share how thankful I am after fifty-eight years since I graduated from Power for Abundant Living (PFAL)? For years I wanted to have a greater understanding of how to know, Am I a Christian? How could Jesus Christ be God? How could I be good enough to be sanctified? The Word of God I learned has answered these questions completely.

Two months before we were married, my future husband and I took PFAL. One year later we took the Advanced Class, receiving more answers to add to our greater understanding of the more abundant life. All our children are now Advanced Class graduates and three of our grandchildren have gone out on The Way International’s outreach program. What can be a greater blessing from God than to know our grandchildren have knowledge of the greatness of God’s Word?

Now we are up in years, and I strongly believed we needed to trust God to give us direction in making decisions regarding our future living location. When the need arrives, do we stay in our home and have someone move in to help us? Do we move closer to family? What preparations do we need to be making to make future transitions easier for ourselves and our family?

So often when we have had major decisions to make, the answers were suddenly there as we continued to move ahead. We knew God cared for us and would have the answer for us. When we were checking out some of the possibilities in this situation, we visited a possible living location, and God’s answer was crystal clear to us. This was the place to move to! It is closer to family, and we rejoice daily in our decision to move there. The preparations for the transition came together beautifully. Two months later we had moved. God has supplied our need as only He can, and we are so abundantly thankful. II Corinthians states the results most clearly:

II Corinthians 9:8-11:
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
(As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.
Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)
Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.

The results have been sufficiency in all things for us and others, multiplying seed sown, increasing fruits of righteousness, being enriched in everything, which causes daily thanksgiving to God. This was all made available because of the Word of God I learned in The Way Ministry!

Thankful to Know the Rightly Divided Word of God!

What God has done for me because of the Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry is a lot! Speaking in tongues is one of the foundational truths that I learned in the ministry that brought deliverance and continues to.

I was raised in a loving Christian family with a great dad and mom, older brother, older sister, and younger brother. We all faithfully attended a wonderful Christian church, which I am thankful for. I don’t know exactly when I got born again, but it was probably pretty early in life. Going to church was good—it was a positive group of people to be surrounded by—but it seemed like there should be more.

After high school, I remember talking with my brother and his sharing about speaking in tongues. I remember also saying to him, “That is for you; that is for you.” I had heard speaking in tongues somewhere before, but it seemed confusing and out of order. My brother and his wife shared with me about a Bible class, which sounded interesting, so I signed up for the foundational class on Power for Abundant Living. I loved how Dr. Wierwille taught with concreteness from the Bible regarding the goodness of God, salvation, believing, speaking in tongues, and many other life subjects, answering questions I had. I loved when he taught about Jesus Christ and what he accomplished for us, all the way through to Pentecost and the receiving of the holy spirit and speaking in tongues. I wasn’t just supposed to take it by faith like I had heard from others. I really enjoyed the class and how it built on God’s Word, dispelling darkness with the light.

Then, Dr. Wierwille got to those final sessions when speaking in tongues was coming up. The way he taught God’s Word on this subject like he had with others, once again very systematically with “what is available,” “how to receive,” and “what to do with it after we have received,” brought clarity and desire. I spoke in tongues for the first time in that eleventh session of the class, and how exhilarating it was, and still is, knowing that speaking in tongues is concrete proof in the natural realm that I am born again! I don’t have to go by feelings anymore, like, “Am I good enough to be born again?” which can sure come and go.

To be able to speak in tongues in my private prayer life and in a believers’ meeting with interpretation, and to know the benefits of it is awesome! I am very thankful to know the rightly divided Word of God regarding speaking in tongues and many other areas of life. Thank you to The Way Ministry for all the Word of God that has been taught and lived for over seventy-five years and onward!