Since I came to this wonderful ministry and I experienced the great things God has done for our lives, my life has never been the same. I have Christ in me.
My shy self, proud and full of fears and uncertainties, was gradually disappearing; and today I am working on the same project as many of you: building my best version of myself.
It seems obvious now, but choosing that and changing the direction of my life wasn’t easy at all. I remember how Proverbs 3:5 and 6—“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”— clicked in the innermost part of my mind—my heart. I wanted to put God first. I wanted to be a better disciple.
I needed another environment to grow and develop in the Word. That’s how the idea of moving to another city (where the ministry office is located) with my daughter began to crystallize. Move out from where I was to a new city. We are talking about two thousand five hundred kilometers (or approximately one thousand five hundred miles)!
I wanted to do things right, and Proverbs 20:18 says that every purpose is established by counsel. I remember that the first thing I did was to go to my household fellowship coordinators in Africa who helped me clarify the situation and know if it was the right choice for me or not. With their love and dedication, both of them led me to make the best decision in order for God to work in my life; to ponder the paths and then follow them; to understand the purpose of my decisions, building up my mind to be bold in believing.
Operating these principles helped me to achieve success and to see the hand of God working in my favor. Today I realize that it was the right decision to make.
With God we can expect great things to happen: He always goes far beyond our expectations. A few days after I arrived, I found a school for my daughter; a week later I found a cozy house to live in; and the following week I found a job that blesses me a lot.
I regularly attend a household fellowship with our Country coordinators, and despite not having blood family here, the spiritual family abounds in love toward me. The household of God is a great support and a blessing for me.