Way Ambassadors Help Others with the Love of God

We Were United

In the residential area where my nine-year-old son and I lived, we met a married couple with a five-year-old girl. The couple had marital problems because of differences in how they guided their daughter, and the girl constantly displayed disobedient behavior.

We invited them to spend time with us so that the children could share a time of play and snacks. They accepted. Every day we would get together for the children to share some time, and I would continue to talk with them about the Word of God and pray with them. They noticed my son’s behavior and manners. I told them about the responsibilities that my son had within our Way Ambassador family, such as maintaining order in the areas where he plays and studies within the house.

The girl’s parents began to visit us at our Way Ambassador home and noticed my son’s good behavior, and they also noticed that as a family of Way Ambassadors, we were united. So they began to practice being united among themselves, and it soon began to be a noticeable difference between them as a family.

This couple invited us to dinner and thanked us and acknowledged the love of God with which we loved them. We kept in daily contact ever since, and they were interested in taking the Foundational Class.

I Listened Carefully and Believed God for Answers

One of the aspects of my life where I grew during this Way Ambassador program was to consciously manifest God’s love in order to hear my brothers and sisters express a need and to believe God for giving answers to their hearts.

On one occasion, a couple from my home community wanted to talk to my husband and me because they had situations that they didn’t know how to handle that were causing them a lot of discomfort to the point of thinking about getting divorced.

I listened carefully and I could see that the situations were based on past experiences and what they saw in other marriages in the world to solve their problems, but they didn’t go to the source, they didn’t go to the Word of God.

I led them to see that the love of God that Jesus Christ manifested is the solution to everything in life. I showed them the importance of taking time to talk openly with each other in the framework of love.

This couple thanked us for that time of sharing that was very liberating for them.

The next day they came very happy sharing what they had started to do. Some actions they took were praying together to God very early in the day, studying the Word, giving to each other, and being aware of each other. They were very happy to put their marital relationship in order. I was able to recognize what I had to give and help my brothers and sisters to walk free and return to the truth of God’s Word.

If you would like to know more about the Way Ambassador program or The Way Ministry, contact us.