Way Ambassadors Believe for Open Doors

It was a night of family outreach for our Way Ambassador team at our local city recreation center. The recreation center, or rec center, has many amenities including a full gym, activity room, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, rock wall, basketball court, running track, and more. We didn’t have anything specific planned that night other than to get in a decent workout and believe for open doors to chat with people.

I really wanted to do deadlifts for my weight lifting, but all the bars and machines were taken, so I settled for dumbbells (which I wouldn’t normally do). I got about six sets in and felt like that was enough, so I rejoined my team for some boxing practice. I took my wristband and watch off because I didn’t want to wear them while punching. After we were done boxing, it was time to wrap up and head out.

As we finished up, a gentleman walked into the room we were in and started stretching. I grabbed my wristband to put it back on, but I dropped it, and it started rolling toward him. He joked, “Watch out, it’s trying to get away from you!” I laughed and remarked, “Yep, it just keeps on going, like I do with this,” pointing to the words on the wristband that said “Pray without Ceasing.” He asked what that was from, and I told him it was one of my favorite verses from the Bible, I Thessalonians 5:17. We got to talking about the Word, and he later told me that he had prayed to find a man of God that could teach him how to have a better relationship with God. We chatted for a while about a variety of things, but the conversation always ended up coming back to the Word.

I was able to share sections of scripture that had blessed me to learn about recently, and tell him that we have a class that teaches how to study and understand the Word for yourself. I showed him the Foundational Class trailer on YouTube, and he said, “When can I start?”

I also asked him if he was familiar with speaking in tongues because that’s how someone can prove outwardly that they are born again. He said he’d heard of it but wasn’t sure it was something he could do. I explained more about speaking in tongues, in that it is a language of men or of angels, unknown to the speaker, and that it actually sounds like a language. It’s not just a bunch of noises, but a fluid language. He was amazed.

We ended up sharing the Word with each other for about two hours, right up until the rec center’s paging system dinged and said they were closing for the night! Both he and his girlfriend started coming to fellowship ever since, and he took the Power for Abundant Living Today Class.

If you would like to know more about speaking in tongues or Way Ambassadors, contact us.