I love God and our wonderful ministry of The Way. What a joy it has been for me to be involved for forty-five years now. I had the privilege of being raised in the Word. There are countless victories, too many to share. Which one will I choose? I ask myself. For me, it boils down to the Scriptures and speaking the Word. This ministry has taught me what I needed the most—the Word of God and knowing His will for my life. I understand and utilize the power of God. I understand and utilize that powerful name of Jesus Christ when I pray. The Scriptures talk about serving one another in love. I have done this a lot, even when I didn’t feel like it. Why? The Scriptures tell me to do so.
One way I have utilized the Scriptures is by believing God to reach hungry hearts. Here’s an example. I had gone door-to-door with a believer and we had lots of “no’s” that particular day. Well, I knew we were not done, and I said, “Let’s go to one more house.” We did and the person who opened the door didn’t look happy with us two ladies. He made it clear to us that he was an atheist and didn’t want anything to do with what we had to share. I brought up how God doesn’t want us to have any fear in life and that got his attention. We exchanged information, and it wasn’t long after that he began coming to fellowship. Then after months of attending, he decided to sign up for the Foundational Class. When he sat through the class, he was pretty distant until he learned that it was “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” This hard-core “atheist” began to have tears rolling down his cheeks, and of course I did too because I knew he got born again and the Word was healing his heart. This man went on to become a fellowship coordinator, and he has helped many people since then. I was thankful to have the Scriptures deep in my heart to push through the circumstances to be able to win him to the Word.
What a victory to know the Scriptures and be able to help someone turn their life around and live for God.