From a Junior Way Ambassador: I Realized People Need the Love of God

Please enjoy this personal account from a teenager who served as a Junior Way Ambassador with her parents in the Ambassadors of the Way Outreach Program.

As a Junior Way Ambassador, I learned to show and give more of the love of God to people and not be so fast to jump to conclusions. Acting with the love of God is important.

When I moved to our Way Ambassador state for the first time and started going to school, it was a shock for me. I moved from a small rural school to a big urban school. In this new setting, I did not expect to see the kind of need in people’s lives that I witnessed. It was a little scary and overwhelming. Honestly, at first, I was thinking, “I need to get away from these people! They are crazy!” Thankfully, I didn’t do that. Instead, I remembered what my parents taught me about loving and helping people. I knew that God was with me, and I started to get to know people even though their situations were things that I had never seen or dealt with.

As I learned and got used to more people, I made one friend who then led me to meet with her other friends. As we were walking to gym class, they started sharing real needs with me, going into more depth about some issues they were facing, such as drugs, trauma, and issues within their families. At first, it startled me to hear the things they had suffered through and were currently dealing with. In that moment, I had to learn and grow in my thoughts and not run away in fear because these people needed some of God’s Word in their lives, and I was there to give it to them!

One of my favorite verses that stuck with me during this hard time was I Corinthians 10:13.

I Corinthians 10:13:
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer [allow] you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

This is a verse I got to share with a couple of my new friends and even remind myself of. I know this verse, and God’s Word in general, helped so many people to stay peaceful when challenging things came up in their lives.

Not only was I able to share the Word with my friends and pray with them regularly, but they also came to fellowship and even brought their siblings to learn about God’s love and grace. One even took our ministry’s Foundational and Intermediate Classes. It is exciting to hear her speak in tongues, knowing that she is born again.

Now that I have realized people need the love of God, I am thankful to God that I have had opportunities to teach people about how big their God is and how much He loves them. I am so grateful that my parents took me with them to go Way Ambassador because, honestly, I loved getting to see the joy in people’s lives when they heard about God and His AMAZING Word!

If you would like to know more about the Way Ambassador program or The Way Ministry, contact us.