In Their Own Words: Victorious Way Ambassadors

Following a successful tenure, here’s what these Way Ambassadors had to say:

“Since going Way Ambassador, I noticed personal growth in my goal to manifest patience and peace with myself and others. This allowed me to manifest God’s love to a greater extent.”

“Speaking the truth in love with great boldness was one of my spiritual goals for many years. The Way Ambassador outreach program provided all the necessary elements to accomplish that goal. Now with great joy, I can say I am bold and courageous to speak God’s matchless Word.”

“As a fellow worker with God, He showed me how to more effectively operate my ministry of reconciliation. It is always a joy to bring others back to the Father. I am thankful to be an ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“I grew the most as a Way Ambassador in my ability to trust in and rely on God each day. It was a challenge at times because we are in the spiritual competition, but I saw God come through each day.”

“At the beginning of the program, my fears were to open my mouth to speak God’s Word and I wasn’t sure if my daily needs would be met. By faithfully applying the lifestyle of Way Ambassador, I was strengthened in my inner man and I boldly spoke the Word of God everywhere in my area. Also, all my needs were met, and I lacked nothing during those months.”

“In this program, we learned to meet needs in people’s hearts.”

“The Way Ambassador program helped me be free!”

“The Way Ambassador program showed me greater avenues of life in outreach, study time, and all that it takes to go two by two. I was blessed tremendously in a short amount of time. This program was designed for God and the individual. I saw great things by God working mightily within not only me, but also my family and my team. I’m thankful for the Way Ambassador program because we held forth the light of God’s love to those that were in darkness. If you want to grow, you gotta go!”

Proverbs 13:19: The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul….