I went to college—not because I had a great desire to, but because my parents exhorted me to. I felt that I was not ready to leave the protection and guidance of my parents’ home, but I did. While at college I realized I needed something stable to rely on while I was away from home. My parents had raised me in this ministry, so I figured I might as well see if this Bible and God thing really worked.
At some point I found myself reading through Jesus Christ Our Passover. I don’t remember why now. Reading this book gave me an enlightening and joyous understanding of God and His Word. I remember it well enough that I am now writing to share about it.
As I said, I was raised in this ministry. But there were a lot of things I missed learning along the way that I “discovered” in this ministry publication. Perhaps the greatest truth I understood from reading this book was what Jesus Christ accomplished for me and how he did it.
I learned how he had perfect blood. I learned how he was the Passover lamb for all mankind, and how he became the final sacrifice for all of mankind. I also learned of the great love he manifested in giving his life for us, his patience with Peter who would soon deny him, his healing Malchus’s ear in the Garden of Gethsemane, and his silence and patience in the face of unprovoked verbal and physical abuse.
If this is what he did for me so that I could be saved and have a relationship with God, then I owed him the world. I owed him my life. Yet, all God does is lovingly implore me to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).
Since reading this book, I have become a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have run to serve and have never looked back. As a result of the research that this ministry has done through this publication, I have a foundation to stand on and an avenue in which to serve.