Now I Understand—God Wants Us to Speak in Tongues!

My father was a minister of a well-known denomination, and he faithfully taught our family what he knew. The summer that I turned ten years old, I attended a summer camp offered by our denomination. It was for a week and my father had been the organizer and the director of this camp for several years before I was old enough to participate. I remember one of the days, our group of ten girls and the woman who was the leader were in a small shelter with two picnic tables. She asked us to go to Romans 10:9. I’m pretty sure I had read that verse and the following verses before, but this was finally the day I understood and took it to heart. She asked all of us to read verse 9 out loud together. I was born again that day.

The next week I was sitting on the grass in our yard. My friends had gone home and I was putting the croquet items back in the holder. I suddenly realized I was quietly speaking a different language. I stopped and asked myself, what am I doing? I don’t know how to speak another language. I decided that I shouldn’t tell anyone about this.

Fast forward decades when I was first introduced to some of the Biblical truths that were shared by Word Over the World Ambassadors. I was willing to listen because much of what was shared was new to me. I had never heard of speaking in tongues, but there I was seated at a home where I was going to hear it! At my first home fellowship, I sat as close to the door of the home as I could, knowing that I could slip out and be gone quickly if the situation got weird!

My first time hearing speaking in tongues with interpretation at that fellowship was exhilarating, comforting, and it melted my heart to my heavenly Father. I didn’t recognize the languages that were spoken by the people who manifested, but I knew that the languages were legitimate. This couldn’t have been a theatrical staging. It was real edification, exhortation, and comfort from our heavenly Father for each of us in the room! WOW! What have I found! Thank you, heavenly Father!

I can speak in tongues and I understand that God wants us to speak in tongues much to ourselves and in a believers meeting, when we are called upon, to speak in tongues and interpret.

I’m thankful The Way International is in place so faithful believers can teach others who desire to know God and His Son Jesus Christ. I am very thankful to the folks who spoke to me about God’s spiritual truth.

If you would like to know more about speaking in tongues or home Bible fellowships, contact us.