Overcoming My Worries and Fear

I took the Foundational Class when I was nineteen and in college in Connecticut. I was in a special education teaching certificate program and needed to take public-speaking classes to learn to be in front of my classroom. I was afraid and very bashful to be in front of people, let alone students in my own classroom. I needed to overcome worry and fear!

It was my turn to speak to the PR class, and I was at the podium, fully prepared and fully nervous. I was shaking so hard my toes were moving in my six-inch platform shoes. The front row could obviously see my nervousness—in my sandals and in my whole being. One girl in the front row began snickering, and I made the mistake of looking at her. The next moment, I was on the floor passed out. I had fainted in front of the entire class. The teacher asked someone to shake me awake. He asked me to get up off the floor and return to my speech. I couldn’t believe that he was not sorry nor had empathy for me at what had just happened. I muddled through the speech and sat down—totally embarrassed and humiliated to be in this class.

Later that week a classmate told me about the Foundational Class and how I could overcome my worries and fear. The principles in the class would aid me in this public-speaking class and with life in general. I took it the following summer, and in my next public-speaking class, I was not only successful in my presentations but I also helped the teacher coordinate and direct a Reader’s Theatre presentation for the entire university. I was able to speak clearly and confidently in whatever was needed and also to help others overcome their specific challenges in this area.

Taking the Foundational Class and other Biblical classes enabled me to become an enthusiastic believer and teacher. I’m able to speak clearly to others about God’s Word and to speak confidently to my classroom students as a result of principles taught by The Way Ministry in the Foundational Class, in the Way Disciple program, and in The Way Corps training program—all of which I can proudly say changed my life and still help me to overcome worry and fear today.

God’s Word Gave Me a Reason to Live!

Since I was a very young child, I remember always wanting to be close to God. I listened to the teachings from the denomination I had been brought up in, but all that did for me was generate more questions and confusion. I asked my teacher questions and was told to read particular scriptures. Later when I looked at the scriptures given to me, I found that there were no answers there at all. When I was older I decided to ask everyone I could what their “philosophy” was on life and almost always was given the same answer: I would not be able to be close to God until I died. People told me that I would have to go to heaven to be close to God and that would only happen when I died.

So I decided that I would do just that! I would die a few years from that time and be with God. I continued living life, and as time went on, my brother came home on leave while in the military in Okinawa, Japan. I remember exactly what he said to me: “I have found what we’ve been looking for.” I said, “What?” He repeated it and said he had found what we had been looking for—answers to life. I asked him, “Where?” He said he had taken a class and was attending fellowships that teach these things and more! I said, “Well, I can’t go to Okinawa!” He said, “There is a fellowship right here in this town!” I replied, “Let’s go! When can we go?” He got a big smile on his face and said he would call them and let me know.

When I attended my first Way Ministry fellowship, I could sense there was something there that I wanted! I didn’t know what it was they had, but I wanted it too! I spent all the time they would allow me to spend with them! After taking the Foundational Class, I finally became close to God. I also learned about the law of believing. God’s Word gave me a reason to live! Joy and peace now filled my heart, and I finally had the answers to life that I had so desperately longed to have!

A New Identity, a New Life!

I was introduced to God’s Word by way of our Foundational Class when I was twenty years old. Session by session, my life transformed as I pondered and believed the accuracy and integrity of God’s Word taught. I noticed that big changes were taking place in my life in a relatively short period of time, and so did others. This marked change stopped my family, friends, and coworkers in their tracks. They had never seen such a positive change take place in a person so quickly. Many of them asked me what happened? Who is this man and what changed him? I was a more confident, more radiant, and more peaceful man. I walked in love towards others and put in an honest day’s work. Gone were the negatives in my life and on my lips. I had a new identity and a new life, and I enjoyed telling others what God could do for them.

Over thirty years have gone by, and I still keep in touch with a few of these acquaintances from “the old days.” I still receive calls from some of them, and very often the first question they ask me is, “Are you still with that ministry that changed your life?”

I answer, “Yes I am!”

A Faithful Man Shall Abound with Blessings

As a young man, getting ready to graduate from college, I needed direction for my life. I was told by some to read the Bible because that’s where I would find answers. So, one day I picked up a Bible and started reading a section of scripture. But I struggled to understand the meaning of the verses. Frustrated, I set the Bible aside and moved on with my life.

Sometime later, two young people started a conversation with me at a retail establishment near the university that I was attending at that time. They told me they were in a Christian outreach program for The Way Ministry and that one of their purposes was to help others learn how to read and understand the Bible. I shared with them my frustration in not being able to do that for myself. Then they showed me a verse in the Bible, Ephesians 3:4, which reads: “Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.”

Soon I started attending their college fellowship on a regular basis. Later they told me about an upcoming Foundational Class where I could learn keys to how the Word of God interprets itself so that I could read and understand the Bible. It wasn’t long before I signed up to take the class, and I quickly began to enjoy reading and understanding the Bible for myself. Once I had an accurate knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, I no longer needed to take another man’s word for it, or have someone else interpret it for me. I was empowered to live and enjoy the more abundant life that Jesus Christ came to give, while walking in the fullness of God’s glorious power and might.

My understanding of the Bible opened up new possibilities for the direction my life would take. I was so excited about the knowledge from God’s Word that I had learned in the Foundational Class that I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. I realized that as an “ambassador for Christ” I was called by God to be His representative and to share the knowledge of His Word with others. I signed up for the same ministry outreach program that the two young people that had initially told me about Way Ministry fellowships and the Foundational Class were participating in. Participating in this service opportunity that focused on reaching out to others to speak God’s Word served as the springboard for my personal lifelong quest for continued spiritual growth while endeavoring to reach out to others so as to help them read and understand God’s Word.

Ultimately I entered The Way Corps training program that laid the foundation for my lifetime of Christian service. The training resulted in my becoming more deeply rooted in God’s Word and even more dedicated to serving others. With a “God first, others second, and I am willing to be third” attitude my spiritual, physical, and financial needs have been met abundantly for over three decades. God’s Word promises that “a faithful man shall abound with blessings…” (Proverbs 28:20), and my life is an attestation to this powerful and dynamic promise because of what God has done for me as a result of what I have learned in The Way Ministry.

The Power of Praying in the Name of Jesus Christ

My brother, another believer, and I were in a car together on an overpass sitting at a stoplight. The rain was pouring down so hard, we could not see anything. We even sat through a light because we could not see. I looked at my brother and said, “This rain is not of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command this rain to stop!” The very instant I said stop, the rain ceased completely. The look in my brother’s eyes was unmistakable amazement, and he said, “HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” I began witnessing about the name of Jesus Christ and the power we have when we pray.

The believer, in the backseat of the car, had come over earlier that evening before my brother met us. She had a broken pinkie finger that she accidently slammed in the car door. That finger was definitely not straight. I prayed for her in the name of Jesus Christ. She showed my brother that her pinkie finger was totally straight and healed because we prayed for healing in the name of Jesus Christ. This open door of deliverance led to our helping my brother get born again and leading him into speaking in tongues later that evening.

“God Can Heal It!”

I had been waiting six weeks to get the cast off. My two oldest sons were a few steps up on the stairs looking at me earnestly.

“Can we play with you now, Dad?”

“OK, I guess, but we need to take it easy.”

When the cast was cut off, the doctor had said it wasn’t quite healed and that I should not be horsing around. But my kids loved to play bull riding. I had bucked my oldest off my back six weeks earlier and he had landed heavily on my hand, making a break on my left thumb above the upper knuckle. I even got a cool glow-in-the-dark cast so I could thrill my kids after the lights went out at bedtime. Now it was off and my oldest perched gleefully on my back, ready to get bucked off as usual. A few bucks and a turn move, and yep, he came right off…onto my same thumb! I felt it crack; I had broken the bone once again.

I was on all fours on the floor with my head tucked down, holding my left hand underneath me, when my children chirped in.

“Dad! God can heal it!”

They looked at me with those beautiful faces full of believing.

“Well, why not?” I thought. I had ministered healing to many folks over the years and seen a few miraculous, instantaneous healings. But for myself? Not yet.

“OK, I’ll pray,” I said.

They closed their eyes, whispering in tongues with their lips moving like kids do at that age. Wow, pure-hearted believing. Still bundled up on all fours on the floor, I tucked my head back down and began to pray out loud.

“Father, thank you in the name of Jesus Christ….”

The bones went back together before I finished the first sentence; I was instantly healed.

In this ministry of The Way, I learned the foundation of my power of attorney using the name of Jesus Christ. And, I have been able to experience the pure-hearted believing of children.

God Shall Supply

I’ve had countless victories thanks to the truth of God’s Word I have learned in The Way Ministry. One such victory occurred on the Way Disciple field. We were working locally during our tenure, and due to various circumstances, we were going to have a deficit in our budget for the upcoming month. We were practicing the principles from the Word that we were taught. For example, we were working heartily at our jobs, faithfully abundantly sharing, and staying on the give.

One night, the members of my household and I sat down to look at our budget in order to get clear and concerned on how much exactly we would need the upcoming month. We ran the numbers and figured out that we needed an additional four hundred dollars in our bank account to cover our needs for the next month. We then prayed together as a household for this need to be met, and we claimed Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” We didn’t know how God would supply our need, but prayed claiming the promise that He would.

That same night we got a knock on our door. It was someone we witnessed to who had attended a few fellowships. Usually we would have had fellowship that night, but we needed to cancel due to a snowstorm in the area. This certain believer didn’t get the message since his phone died earlier that day. We welcomed him in and had a prayer and believers’ meeting.

Before he left, he told us that God was working in his heart all day to bring us something. He doubted it at first because he didn’t think we had any lack, but by the end of the day he was convinced of what God was showing him. He was thankful for the work we were doing as Way Disciples in his town. He handed us four hundred dollars in cash. We thanked him and praised God that night!

I have seen over the years that as we faithfully believe, God always comes through on His Word. I trust and believe, then rest assured that my heavenly Father will come through as He always has before.

This ministry has taught me how to know God’s will for my life. I have learned how to pray according to the promises of God and believe to live a life of abundance and power.

God Supplies ALL Our Needs

After almost two decades of running my own construction business, I decided I wanted to do something different for a living. For over a year, my wife and I prayed for this while still successfully running our company. A heart’s desire was to teach and train others using my experience and education in this field.

One day, I had the thought to call a local trade school near us and see if they had any positions available. I left a message with one of the school’s executives expressing my desire to teach and asking if they could use my help. Before the day ended, the president of the organization called to inform me that they just had a position open up and to invite me in for an interview the next day.

Not only did he say I was a perfect fit for the job, he offered me the position on the spot. I checked with my wife and we decided I would take the job, but we needed a higher salary than what was offered. When I informed him what I needed, he replied, “Yes. I can make that happen.” I would be teaching students from different high schools an introduction to the construction trades. Not only am I now on the same schedule as my wife, but I also have summers off. No one can deny that God worked mightily to get the perfect job for me. He supplies all our need, always!

Take Believing Action

It had become quite clear that I would no longer be able to pay for the upkeep on my vehicle. So, I prayed and lifted my concern for quite some time to our heavenly Father. I was fully persuaded that my prayers would be answered above and beyond the list I had compiled for my replacement vehicle, but as much as I prayed and lifted my situation, I wasn’t getting anywhere. That was until I went to fellowship and listened to a teaching on taking believing action.

At fellowship I was reminded of this aspect of the Word: believing equals receiving. I went home and got into action. I told myself, just start looking. With the Internet at my fingertips, I began to look at what was available on the market. I came across a vehicle that was at the local wrecking yard for sale. It said, “Runs and drives, $999.” After I gave much attention to the details of said vehicle, it was looking like it fit my requirements. I was pleased with the findings and turned in for the night.

The very next morning my dad was headed over to the same wrecking yard that had the vehicle for sale. Since he was going and I highly trust his opinion, I asked him kindly to look into the vehicle for me. Once he had gone, I went about my day. Later while I was outside doing some yard work, I heard a very loud, obnoxious noise coming down the dead-end road. I stopped what I was doing to take a look; what I saw was overwhelming and brought great relief and joy to me.

The vehicle that I had inquired about was headed my direction. The van only needed a weld on the exhaust to quiet it down. Everything that came original with the van was still in it, along with maintenance records. Not only did I receive above and beyond what I had wanted, but my dad negotiated $300 off the asking price. Therefore I spent a fraction of what I had saved up for a replacement vehicle.

To my relief, I didn’t have to keep up my search for a vehicle that would meet the needs of my family. Once I put my believing into action, I got results within eighteen hours; God is mighty and willing, and we just need to do our part. I am so thankful for the many truths that we as believers can stand upon, knowing the love that our heavenly Father has for us.

The Word Healed Me

I grew up in a small denominational church and learned about many records in the Bible. I was always at a loss because I could not see how I could possibly be like some of the Bible men and women. I had so much fear. I feared that God did not love me, and I was afraid of making mistakes and of being a failure. I had a strong desire to know and understand God. I wanted to be able to pray and know that God was listening to me. I had no idea how to pray and get results.

I walked into high school one day and very suddenly was in pain in my joints and could barely walk. I called my mom. She came to get me immediately and by the time we got to the doctor’s office I could not walk. My brothers had to carry me in. I was diagnosed with an incurable disease and a deficiency that could not be healed medically. The doctors did not have much hope for me getting cured and gave me a couple of years to live.

In time and with medication, I was able to walk and move about easily. I prayed to God as best I knew how for Him to deliver me. I told God that I would live for Him if He would show me a better way to do so.

Shortly after that prayer, my neighbor came over and told me about a class she had taken that changed her life. She was more bold and confident than I had ever seen her. I took her up on the offer to go to fellowship and registered for the class that night.

As I sat through the class, I was thrilled by learning how much God cared for me. I had lived in so much condemnation and all I had pictured was God being upset with me. As I started to see that God loves me and I have power available to me, I felt healing in my body. When I spoke in tongues for the first time, I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that God loved me and I was going to heaven!

I went for my weekly visit to the doctor and told him that I was healed. He, of course, did not believe me! But the test results proved me right and the doctors were amazed!

Learning how important I am to God and about His great love for me healed me and changed my life forever. I continue to grow stronger and have the thrill of being able to help others know God.

The Word that I heard in my first Foundational Class healed me and the Word that has faithfully been taught over the years continues to cause growth and deliverance in my life.