Way Ambassadors Bring Godly Solutions to Others

The Power of Prayer Works

As ambassadors for Christ we have many opportunities to bring godly solutions to people’s lives. James 5:16 in part says, “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

We met a young man while shopping, and he decided to start attending our fellowships. After some time, we met him outside of our fellowship time for coffee. He shared with us some challenges in his life, one of which was a concussion he was dealing with. We shared with him III John 2, and that it was God’s will for him to prosper and be in health. We then prayed for him, and after some more edifying time spent together, we went our separate ways. A couple of hours later he texted me that much of the discomfort associated with his injury had subsided. God is so good and is always willing and able to bring deliverance as we get Him involved in situations and claim the promises in His Word through prayer. 

God’s Blessings Come as We Remain Faithful

Proverbs 28:20 reads, “A faithful man shall abound with blessings….” As a Way Ambassador, I have seen this truth bigger. One of the main requirements of our program is to be faithful—faithful to read the Word, pray, speak the truth, and, of course, walk in love—and as we do this, God brings the results.

One night early in the program, we were witnessing downtown and looking to bless people. We went into the local ice rink and we went up to the man at the front desk. We told him about what we do and asked if he would be interested. He looked at us and smiled and said, “No.” This was a temptation to be discouraged, but instead we decided to shake the dust off and keep pressing on! We went into the hockey shop where the store owner was playing his guitar. We started a conversation and when we mentioned our ministry, he set down his guitar and said, “Biblical research and fellowship ministry. Tell me more about that boys!” It turned out, we were just the people this man needed to talk to that night. He shared how our being there confirmed many things for him, and he was very much blessed by our time with him. This was a huge example of what will happen as we continue to trust God and be faithful to hold forth the truth in love. 

If you would like to know more about Way Ambassador or The Way Ministry, contact us.