Wherever They Go, Way Ambassadors Speak the Word They Know!

Blessed by God

I was sitting on the hearth in front of the fireplace at the mall, just speaking in tongues for everyone I saw. A lady sat down near me on the hearth and we said hello to each other. While I was psyching myself up to start a conversation with her (Do I comment on the awesome brand of her bag? Do I ask her about her snack?), her husband sat down next to her and they began talking. So, I went back to speaking in tongues for everyone in the food court.

A little while later, the lady asked me about the location of a particular store in the mall. I told her where I thought it might be, with the caveat that because I was new to the area, I wasn’t yet familiar with the mall. She asked me what brought me to the area, so I told her about our Christian outreach program and that I was taking some time that afternoon to just pray for everyone I saw. She said, “That’s awesome! Is there anything I can keep in my prayers for you?” I told her about the leadership program I was participating in and all the specific items I needed. She looked at her husband and told me, “Let’s go over to that store and get you your items.” I was thinking, “Wait, what?!” But they were serious! We went over to the store, tried on several pairs of hiking boots, and picked out a headlamp. They ended up spending $300 on me!

We spent about an hour talking specifics from the Word. They told me that they were only in town for a few days and that they were leaders at their church. They have been so blessed by God throughout their lives, that they wanted to bless someone else coming up in Christian leadership.

God Faithfully Opens Doors

The adversary, the Devil, was working hard to discourage us as some of our contacts started to distance themselves from us. Our leadership encouraged us to keep speaking the Word boldly.

I prayed silently on the way to work one day that we really wanted to reach hearts of those who wanted to know God. About a week later there was a customer at our work. I complimented her sweatshirt and an open door presented itself. The young woman had moved to the area the same month we did! After telling her what we were there to do, we chatted about what we had been reading in the Word lately, and then she stated, “We should be friends! Let me get your number!” We also talked about Christian podcasts that we liked and I got to share with her our ministry’s NEW podcast that had come out the day before! God was faithful to make sure that we would continue to have open doors to share the Word.

If you would like to know more about The Way Ambassador outreach program or The Way Ministry, contact us.