With God There Are No Degrees of Difficulty

Being involved with the ministry since 1974, I have had numerous opportunities to apply God’s Word to my life with very wonderful tangible benefits. A very significant victorious incident occurred when my wife was facing a very serious health challenge. Upon visiting a cardiologist’s office to check out a heart murmur, we were told that she had a life-threatening condition that required “immediate attention.” Since it was a holiday weekend, the most qualified surgeon to perform this very delicate procedure wasn’t available until a number of days later.

As we had experienced for so many years, God’s Word was our source of encouragement and comfort while we waited over a week for her to be admitted to the ICU at the local hospital. We had recently received the wonderful document from the leadership of the ministry entitled Our Father’s Healing. My wife and I utilized this work to help us focus our believing on the promises from God for His healing wholeness to be evident in her challenging time. Also a Sunday Teaching Service video helped us to be anxious for nothing and claim the peace of God to keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We also solicited prayerful support from our wonderful Way Ministry household. We were very clear on the will of God for our situation to be resolved victoriously.

On the eve of the surgery, the surgeon told us that her operation was a challenge that he only rarely encountered, and that the survival rate was slim (about 20 percent). With confidence we encouraged him that God was involved and we were believing for the best possible outcome. During the surgery I was able to control my mind to visualize and claim the victory according to God’s Word I had learned to trust through the years.

When the surgeon met with me after the operation, he informed me that his planned procedure would not work once he saw the details of her condition. Instead, along with the collaboration of his seasoned nurse, they developed an alternative course of action with promising results. He later explained to us that the passage of time from the actual heart-damaging incident until he was able to operate actually contributed to the successful outcome!

Now years later, my wife and I rejoice how God has enabled us to share with many people, our renewed confidence that the Word of God is the will of God. I am so thankful for the details of God’s Word that I have seen through this Biblical research and teaching ministry which has enabled me to believe and apply the promises in all situations, small and large. With God there are no degrees of difficulty. All things are possible to those who believe!

Find out what God’s Word says about healing. If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry, contact us.