Wherever They Go, Way Ambassadors Speak the Word They Know!

Blessed by God

I was sitting on the hearth in front of the fireplace at the mall, just speaking in tongues for everyone I saw. A lady sat down near me on the hearth and we said hello to each other. While I was psyching myself up to start a conversation with her (Do I comment on the awesome brand of her bag? Do I ask her about her snack?), her husband sat down next to her and they began talking. So, I went back to speaking in tongues for everyone in the food court.

A little while later, the lady asked me about the location of a particular store in the mall. I told her where I thought it might be, with the caveat that because I was new to the area, I wasn’t yet familiar with the mall. She asked me what brought me to the area, so I told her about our Christian outreach program and that I was taking some time that afternoon to just pray for everyone I saw. She said, “That’s awesome! Is there anything I can keep in my prayers for you?” I told her about the leadership program I was participating in and all the specific items I needed. She looked at her husband and told me, “Let’s go over to that store and get you your items.” I was thinking, “Wait, what?!” But they were serious! We went over to the store, tried on several pairs of hiking boots, and picked out a headlamp. They ended up spending $300 on me!

We spent about an hour talking specifics from the Word. They told me that they were only in town for a few days and that they were leaders at their church. They have been so blessed by God throughout their lives, that they wanted to bless someone else coming up in Christian leadership.

God Faithfully Opens Doors

The adversary, the Devil, was working hard to discourage us as some of our contacts started to distance themselves from us. Our leadership encouraged us to keep speaking the Word boldly.

I prayed silently on the way to work one day that we really wanted to reach hearts of those who wanted to know God. About a week later there was a customer at our work. I complimented her sweatshirt and an open door presented itself. The young woman had moved to the area the same month we did! After telling her what we were there to do, we chatted about what we had been reading in the Word lately, and then she stated, “We should be friends! Let me get your number!” We also talked about Christian podcasts that we liked and I got to share with her our ministry’s NEW podcast that had come out the day before! God was faithful to make sure that we would continue to have open doors to share the Word.

If you would like to know more about The Way Ambassador outreach program or The Way Ministry, contact us.

God Can Do What Seems Impossible

It was the end of my senior year in high school. My parents and I were believing together to have my tuition, room and board, and books paid for not only for my freshman year, but for my four years in college. I had heard of a believer who had not only received financial aid to pay for her tuition, room and board, and books, but had received so much financial aid throughout her four years in college that the university issued her a refund when she graduated. When I heard what God had done for her, I knew God could do the same for me! After all, God is not a respecter of persons. I decided that I was going to believe for God to provide the same for me. With the help and support of my parents, I applied to any scholarship we found that I was eligible for. I was convinced that I was doing my part so God would certainly do His part.

As the weeks passed, I was faced with the doubts of my classmates, teachers, and even guidance counselor. When they heard my confession that I was going to get my full tuition paid along with room and board and books, they said it was impossible and that I would need to get student loans. However, I refused to yield in my confession. God can do what seems impossible in the five senses, and I knew He could help me go to college debt-free.

The days seemed to fly by, and before we knew it, the deadline to pay my tuition was fast approaching. I had received several scholarships and grants that covered the room and board, books, and part of my tuition, but not the full amount I needed. Even though we were tempted to be concerned, we held fast to claiming that God would meet all of my needs. My parents reminded me that I had abundantly shared throughout my life whether from gifts I received or from working during the summers and school year. I had applied the prosperity principle of giving, and now was my time to prove God at His Word, and expect Him to pour out the blessings!

We expected to receive what we believed for, so it came as no surprise when everything we believed for came to pass. By the end of my senior year of college, God had provided me with an abundance of financial aid. My tuition, room and board, and books were covered during my four years in college, and I graduated with money left over just like I believed for! With the refund I received from the university, I had more than enough funds to participate in our ministry’s outreach program after graduation!

I am so thankful for the Word that I was taught growing up in this ministry. It has equipped me to believe and claim God’s promises in my life. I often recall this example of how applying the principles of God’s Word I have been taught always works. If God could provide the financial aid for college above and beyond anything I could ask, what can’t He do? As I believe His Word, He will continue to supply my every need.

If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry, contact us.

Way Ambassadors Recognize God’s Presence and Power

The Source of True Deliverance

During this ambassador program, we witnessed the transformative power of God’s Word.

A pregnant woman, haunted by the fear of death, found deliverance through the teaching of God’s Word. Her fear was so intense that she could no longer stay at home alone or sleep peacefully. A dream, in which her late father told her that she might not wake up, had aggravated her condition. It got to the point where she begged her husband to wake her up at night to make sure she was still alive.

That’s when we introduced her to the truths of God’s Word. By meditating on these truths and claiming God’s promises in His Word, she was able to overcome her fear and regain inner peace.

Today, she is able to sleep without fear and live her life with serenity. This extraordinary experience reminds us once again that believing in God and His Word is the source of true deliverance.

The Best Way to Live and Love God

Living like the believers of the first-century Church, with ardent believing and total commitment, has always been my aspiration. The Way Ambassador program enabled me to realize this dream.

By remaining faithful to reading and studying the Word, praying, fellowshipping, and loving God every day with other ambassadors, we witnessed signs, miracles, and wonders. Our respect for God and His Word grew, and we saw the number of disciples increase every day.

This program allowed me to see and manifest God’s love for all His children, including the love I have for Him and for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I learned to recognize and rely on God’s unique and individual way of working with me.

Recognizing God’s presence and power in me every day became a reality. It banished fear, dread, doubts, and feelings of inferiority; and built in me assurance, confidence, courage, love, peace, and vitality.

This program literally changed my life. Today, I understand that living the ministry of reconciliation is the best way to live and love God.

If you would like to know more about the Way Ambassador program, contact us.

With God There Are No Degrees of Difficulty

Being involved with the ministry since 1974, I have had numerous opportunities to apply God’s Word to my life with very wonderful tangible benefits. A very significant victorious incident occurred when my wife was facing a very serious health challenge. Upon visiting a cardiologist’s office to check out a heart murmur, we were told that she had a life-threatening condition that required “immediate attention.” Since it was a holiday weekend, the most qualified surgeon to perform this very delicate procedure wasn’t available until a number of days later.

As we had experienced for so many years, God’s Word was our source of encouragement and comfort while we waited over a week for her to be admitted to the ICU at the local hospital. We had recently received the wonderful document from the leadership of the ministry entitled Our Father’s Healing. My wife and I utilized this work to help us focus our believing on the promises from God for His healing wholeness to be evident in her challenging time. Also a Sunday Teaching Service video helped us to be anxious for nothing and claim the peace of God to keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We also solicited prayerful support from our wonderful Way Ministry household. We were very clear on the will of God for our situation to be resolved victoriously.

On the eve of the surgery, the surgeon told us that her operation was a challenge that he only rarely encountered, and that the survival rate was slim (about 20 percent). With confidence we encouraged him that God was involved and we were believing for the best possible outcome. During the surgery I was able to control my mind to visualize and claim the victory according to God’s Word I had learned to trust through the years.

When the surgeon met with me after the operation, he informed me that his planned procedure would not work once he saw the details of her condition. Instead, along with the collaboration of his seasoned nurse, they developed an alternative course of action with promising results. He later explained to us that the passage of time from the actual heart-damaging incident until he was able to operate actually contributed to the successful outcome!

Now years later, my wife and I rejoice how God has enabled us to share with many people, our renewed confidence that the Word of God is the will of God. I am so thankful for the details of God’s Word that I have seen through this Biblical research and teaching ministry which has enabled me to believe and apply the promises in all situations, small and large. With God there are no degrees of difficulty. All things are possible to those who believe!

Find out what God’s Word says about healing. If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry, contact us.

Way Ambassadors Believe for Open Doors

It was a night of family outreach for our Way Ambassador team at our local city recreation center. The recreation center, or rec center, has many amenities including a full gym, activity room, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, rock wall, basketball court, running track, and more. We didn’t have anything specific planned that night other than to get in a decent workout and believe for open doors to chat with people.

I really wanted to do deadlifts for my weight lifting, but all the bars and machines were taken, so I settled for dumbbells (which I wouldn’t normally do). I got about six sets in and felt like that was enough, so I rejoined my team for some boxing practice. I took my wristband and watch off because I didn’t want to wear them while punching. After we were done boxing, it was time to wrap up and head out.

As we finished up, a gentleman walked into the room we were in and started stretching. I grabbed my wristband to put it back on, but I dropped it, and it started rolling toward him. He joked, “Watch out, it’s trying to get away from you!” I laughed and remarked, “Yep, it just keeps on going, like I do with this,” pointing to the words on the wristband that said “Pray without Ceasing.” He asked what that was from, and I told him it was one of my favorite verses from the Bible, I Thessalonians 5:17. We got to talking about the Word, and he later told me that he had prayed to find a man of God that could teach him how to have a better relationship with God. We chatted for a while about a variety of things, but the conversation always ended up coming back to the Word.

I was able to share sections of scripture that had blessed me to learn about recently, and tell him that we have a class that teaches how to study and understand the Word for yourself. I showed him the Foundational Class trailer on YouTube, and he said, “When can I start?”

I also asked him if he was familiar with speaking in tongues because that’s how someone can prove outwardly that they are born again. He said he’d heard of it but wasn’t sure it was something he could do. I explained more about speaking in tongues, in that it is a language of men or of angels, unknown to the speaker, and that it actually sounds like a language. It’s not just a bunch of noises, but a fluid language. He was amazed.

We ended up sharing the Word with each other for about two hours, right up until the rec center’s paging system dinged and said they were closing for the night! Both he and his girlfriend started coming to fellowship ever since, and he took the Power for Abundant Living Today Class.

If you would like to know more about speaking in tongues or Way Ambassadors, contact us.

God Meets Our Needs and the Desires of Our Hearts!

One of the First Big Answers to Prayer

Over thirty-two years ago I attended my first Rock of Ages, which was one year after graduating from the Foundational Class. While at the festival, God impressed upon my heart to enter The Way Corps training. I wanted to finish college first, and did so prior to my apprentice year. At that time, not knowing God’s heart for His people to live free of debt, I had incurred debt by way of a student loan and a car loan. I desired to enter the in-residence training without these financial obligations, so I set to work to believe God for help. As a result of all the teaching I received in the class as well as at our home fellowship, I took action on any idea in the senses realm to overcome this situation. I also prayed, solicited the mutual believing of my leadership, and every time I thought about these needs, I thanked God for taking care of them.

A few months before starting my training, one couple in a local home fellowship called to inquire about my financial needs. I shared about the student loan, which I had begun paying on, about the desire to sell my car, and my need for spiritual partners. They replied, “Great, we will take care of your student loan, send us your payment book.” Astounded, but thrilled God was so generously taking care of me, I sent them the payment book. A few weeks later, they returned the payment book with each month’s payment sheet stamped with a big, red “PAID.” This couple covered the $7,500 balance, and then committed to sponsor me during my training, which they did faithfully for three years. This was one of the first big answers to prayer in the financial realm where I saw God do exceeding, abundantly, above all I could ask or think. And the car—it sold as well, so I was debt-free before my training began.

The Doors for God’s Blessings Are Wide Open

Within four years of being married, my husband and I were living the American dream, complete with a car payment and a mortgage. We began to reconsider the situation that we had put ourselves in and decided to make changes. By the time we’d been married six years, we were living debt-free on one blue-collar income. We have lived debt-free for well over twenty years. God has met our every need. We have driven nice vehicles, raised our children in nice homes, and are in the process of buying a house without going into debt. When you make God’s will your will, the doors for His blessings are wide open. God meets our needs and the desires of our hearts! We just cannot out give Him.

If you would like to know more about God’s will regarding prosperity for His people, order a copy of the booklet Giving: The Prosperity Principle at our online bookstore.

Way Ambassadors Build Confidence in Reaching Others with God’s Word

More Ease and Confidence to Start a Conversation

During the program, I noticed a great spiritual evolution. Thanks to the help of my ambassador buddy, I was able to grow tremendously. The principle of walking in pairs, or witnessing two by two, allowed me to grow spiritually. Every day, I learned to speak abundantly in tongues and pray perfectly not only for myself, but also for others. Those moments were great in sharing the Word together. Understanding the Word and clarifying some of the verses I misunderstood was a real victory.

During my time as a Way Ambassador, my ability to witness the Word matured. I used to find it difficult to start a conversation with someone I didn’t know, but now I can do it with more ease and confidence. I thank God for this wonderful transformation.

No Longer Afraid to Witness

At the beginning of the Way Ambassador program, it was difficult for me to share God’s Word. I faced big blocks in my confidence and underestimated myself. I felt unable to fulfill my mission, wondered if I could do it, if I could share the Word, and if I could speak much more in tongues. In fact, I doubted myself. With the efforts and guidance of the coordinators, today everything is different. Every day that passes, God works wonders in me. At school and everywhere I go, I am no longer ashamed or afraid to witness the Word of God to others. I really thank God for that.

Now I Am Able to Witness Wherever I Go

I wasn’t in the habit of approaching people I didn’t know well to share God’s Word with them. Today, through The Way’s ambassador program, I am able to do this and perceive God’s grace in my personal life. Now I am able to witness the Word to people in my workplace, in my family, and wherever the opportunity is favorable for me to do so. I am becoming more and more mature in my walk with God as I keep Him first.

If you would like to increase your confidence and ability to speak God’s Word as a Way Ambassador, contact us.

God Protected Us and Provided the Path to Take

I Corinthians 10:13:
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer [allow] you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

A fellow believer and I were planning an outing for our Branch fellowship, which was primarily comprised of young, very fit, active military. Our plan was to hike into the Olympic National Park for a day, camp for an upcoming long weekend, and hike out for a day. We selected a ridge above the Dosewallips River well into the park as our destination.

In our preparations, we determined to scout the hike in advance, as well as the target campsite, to make sure our upcoming Branch trip would be adequately provisioned and that each participant would be properly equipped. Since both of us were active military, we requested time from our respective commands and were granted a few days to hike in, camp for a night at our target site, and then hike back out.

We prepared our backpacks with food, clothing, tents, bedrolls, tools, climbing gear, safety equipment, and our Bibles. Very early in the morning, we drove to the ranger station nearest to our step-off point, parked, and started up the trail. The hike was rigorous, and we stopped a few times to rest, eat, and enjoy the view. The higher we hiked, the grander the view became. We were sure that this upcoming Branch trip would be great.

We arrived at our camp site a couple of hours before darkness set in, plenty of time to set camp. In the Pacific Northwest in the summer, each day can provide a little more than seventeen hours of light, with full sunrise at about 5:00 a.m. and darkness setting in around 10:30 p.m. Before we sat to relax and enjoy the last few hours of light, we marked the opening to the trail so we could find it in the morning’s dim light.

We walked through the vegetation to the edge of the ridge and we enjoyed the views from atop the high ridge. We noticed some clouds developing in the valley below. We watched as they swayed from one side of the valley to the other, growing in size with each movement. We turned in, each to our own tent, and slept soundly.

When we awoke in the morning and came out of our tents, we saw the campsite covered in a very dense fog. We could no longer see the valley below. Our visibility was cut to just a few feet. We couldn’t see the markers we set the evening before to show us the way to our trail for our exit out of the park.

As we got out our maps and compass, we saw where we were on the maps, what direction we should go, and even saw where we were in relation to the Dosewallips River. We decided we could use the sound from the river as part of our guide until we had hiked below the ridge of fog and visibility would improve. We knew to hike in an easterly direction and that the river would be just to our north all day.

We made our way to where we determined the trailhead to be. But as we walked, the vegetation we walked on the evening before ended and we found ourselves walking on the edge of a ridge, high in the Olympic National Park on loose rock and small boulders. That was very different ground and we had only walked for a couple of minutes. We did not remember seeing this the evening before.

We stopped and consulted the map and our compass. We could hear the river below us, so we knew we were probably going in the right direction. But when we checked the compass, it said we were traveling west and that the river, which we knew to be to the north, was to our south. It did not make sense. We tried different directions and came back with the same conclusion. In just a few minutes, less than ten, we became lost in the 1,442 square miles of mountains. If we followed our map, we would either make our way to the ranger station or hike into the center of the park, which was uninhabited. The same was true for the compass. The information from the compass and the maps did not agree.

We decided our best course of action was to stop, spend time in prayer, and ask God what we should do. We did. After a few minutes, we both knew that we were to follow the compass. We also knew our journey would not be on trails, and that it would be arduous. But we also knew that when we finally got to the area around the ranger station, we would have an opportunity to share God’s Word with the first person we saw. That became our destination. That was our guidance.

Over the next three days, we hiked off-trail, descended slippery waterfalls, waded across pools, slept in the rain on rocks, and ate portions of the provisions we brought. We reminded each other of the promises of God we knew by reciting retemories (scriptures we’ve retained in our memory) to and with each other. We also reminded each other of the guidance we received at the top of the ridge.

At one point, as we were descending the edge of a waterfall, we lost one of the packs as it fell into the pool far below us. When we got to the pool, we could not see the pack, and moved on without it. That night, as we set camp under some fallen trees to escape the rain, we discovered it was my pack that was lost. In it was my Bible, the one I had been using for years, with all my notes in it, and a few papers and letters that blessed me.

On the morning of the third day of hiking, we came over a small ridge and stepped onto a paved road. We were so thankful to have made it back but did not know which direction the ranger station would be. As we talked, a car came around the bend and we waved to stop it. We had to fulfill our guidance and share God’s Word with whoever was in the car. The car stopped and out stepped three of my fellow service members. They were surprised to see us and told us how we had been reported as missing. We told them about our adventure and how God protected us as we journeyed out of the park.

A few months after, I received a package in the mail that contained my old Bible. It had been found in the remnants of my backpack. The hiker determined an animal had discovered my lost backpack, ripped it open to get my food, and left the Bible.

God protected us by providing for us the path we should go. We knew how to go to Him for our need because of what The Way International had taught us.

If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry, contact us.

Way Ambassadors Saw the Power of God!

The Ambassadors of the Way Outreach Program brought many personal benefits to me from the point of view of individual growth. I was disciplined in many aspects, such as daily reading in the Word, applying love in practice in service for the benefit of others, and keeping my fellowship with my heavenly Father.

During one phase of my life I had challenges in my marital life to the point of almost getting divorced, but I saw God work greatly when my wife and I decided to give ourselves wholly in this program. Our marital and family life improved in an extraordinary way, and we were able to live God’s love at home more than ever before.

We also saw the magnificent power of God in the lives of others through healings and miracles. During our commitment, we worked with a man who lost the mobility of his body due to an illness of five years. However, we gave the Word and applied some principles of believing, and this man was healed. We established a home fellowship with that family. We also saw deliverance in a young woman who had fatigue in her body so much so that she could not even stand up. Another time we made a four-hour trip away to lovingly serve all the newly won believers by my wife who worked there, and many of them were able to speak in tongues.

When we walk in the Word and in the renewed mind, we can experience the power of God in our lives and benefit others as the first-century Church did, for God is faithful and He does not change. He is the same as yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Malachi 3:6:
For I am the Lord, I change not….

I Corinthians 1:9:
God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry or the Way Ambassador program, contact us.

Home Fellowships Full of Love

Now I Know I’m Born Again

I was nineteen years old and, like many young people that age, I was searching and asking myself, What am I going to do with my life? Where is God in my picture? So I started my search for the knowledge of God, and for two years went from church to church looking for peace, joy, confidence, and assurance of who I was and if God loved me and chose me for His own. This quest left me in a place of despair and spiritually defeated.

Fear began to grab hold of my heart, especially after accepting an invitation from my neighbor to go with her to her church where they were going to show a movie that was circulating in the Christian churches in the area. After watching the movie, where they made reference to the rapture, as they called it, referring to the gathering together of the Church, I lived in fear of the return of Christ. Because the movie did not show me how to get born again, I was not sure I was going to be included in the gathering. This introduced a deep fear in my heart of the return of Christ. I could not be left behind, and I kept watching for my friend that I knew was a Christian and was sure God had chosen her, to make sure she was still here on earth. For twelve months I lived in this encased state of mind with no peace, no joy, no confidence or assurance of my salvation.

But this changed when my cousin who had made a decision to serve God as a Word Over the World Ambassador was sent by The Way Ministry to the state where I was residing. She told me to visit a home fellowship in the city I lived in and that someone was going to call me to give me the address and help me by teaching me the Word. To my wonderful surprise, the fellowship was on the same block as my house! I went to my first Way Ministry home fellowship, and from the very first day of fellowship with ministry believers, I’ve experienced God’s love. Then the Word I learned in the Foundational Class, especially how I can get born again and know that I am born again by speaking in tongues, set me free. This eliminated all the fear in my heart regarding the return of Christ. Now I know I am born again and will be included with all the saints at the return of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

It Just Kept Getting Sweeter

For years my Bible lay at the head of my bed in a little cubbyhole. Sitting on my bed one day, I took it out, held it, and brushed the dust off. I sat there looking at the Bible and said aloud to God, “I want to know you and I want to know how to read this.”

That same day I had a job interview. I was hired. And during my training period, someone asked me if I would like to come to a Bible fellowship, and after a few invites, I agreed. We went to a little meeting where I was just thrilled to see people actually carry their Bibles with them in public and literally read to me from them.

That was the most tender loving group of people I had ever met, and I could tell they genuinely cared about each other and me. It seemed odd, but I kept going to see when they’d change, and it just kept getting sweeter. They helped me learn the books of the Bible. I took the Foundational Class where I was just amazed at how you could look things up and not guess or speculate. The Bible came alive for me and changed my life forever.

Learning to operate the worship manifestation of speaking in tongues just without a doubt convinced me that God had truly heard my call and wanted me to be able to read His Word with understanding.

If you would like to know more about attending a home fellowship, contact us.