Home Fellowships Full of Love

Now I Know I’m Born Again

I was nineteen years old and, like many young people that age, I was searching and asking myself, What am I going to do with my life? Where is God in my picture? So I started my search for the knowledge of God, and for two years went from church to church looking for peace, joy, confidence, and assurance of who I was and if God loved me and chose me for His own. This quest left me in a place of despair and spiritually defeated.

Fear began to grab hold of my heart, especially after accepting an invitation from my neighbor to go with her to her church where they were going to show a movie that was circulating in the Christian churches in the area. After watching the movie, where they made reference to the rapture, as they called it, referring to the gathering together of the Church, I lived in fear of the return of Christ. Because the movie did not show me how to get born again, I was not sure I was going to be included in the gathering. This introduced a deep fear in my heart of the return of Christ. I could not be left behind, and I kept watching for my friend that I knew was a Christian and was sure God had chosen her, to make sure she was still here on earth. For twelve months I lived in this encased state of mind with no peace, no joy, no confidence or assurance of my salvation.

But this changed when my cousin who had made a decision to serve God as a Word Over the World Ambassador was sent by The Way Ministry to the state where I was residing. She told me to visit a home fellowship in the city I lived in and that someone was going to call me to give me the address and help me by teaching me the Word. To my wonderful surprise, the fellowship was on the same block as my house! I went to my first Way Ministry home fellowship, and from the very first day of fellowship with ministry believers, I’ve experienced God’s love. Then the Word I learned in the Foundational Class, especially how I can get born again and know that I am born again by speaking in tongues, set me free. This eliminated all the fear in my heart regarding the return of Christ. Now I know I am born again and will be included with all the saints at the return of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

It Just Kept Getting Sweeter

For years my Bible lay at the head of my bed in a little cubbyhole. Sitting on my bed one day, I took it out, held it, and brushed the dust off. I sat there looking at the Bible and said aloud to God, “I want to know you and I want to know how to read this.”

That same day I had a job interview. I was hired. And during my training period, someone asked me if I would like to come to a Bible fellowship, and after a few invites, I agreed. We went to a little meeting where I was just thrilled to see people actually carry their Bibles with them in public and literally read to me from them.

That was the most tender loving group of people I had ever met, and I could tell they genuinely cared about each other and me. It seemed odd, but I kept going to see when they’d change, and it just kept getting sweeter. They helped me learn the books of the Bible. I took the Foundational Class where I was just amazed at how you could look things up and not guess or speculate. The Bible came alive for me and changed my life forever.

Learning to operate the worship manifestation of speaking in tongues just without a doubt convinced me that God had truly heard my call and wanted me to be able to read His Word with understanding.

If you would like to know more about attending a home fellowship, contact us.

Way Ambassadors Help Others with the Love of God

We Were United

In the residential area where my nine-year-old son and I lived, we met a married couple with a five-year-old girl. The couple had marital problems because of differences in how they guided their daughter, and the girl constantly displayed disobedient behavior.

We invited them to spend time with us so that the children could share a time of play and snacks. They accepted. Every day we would get together for the children to share some time, and I would continue to talk with them about the Word of God and pray with them. They noticed my son’s behavior and manners. I told them about the responsibilities that my son had within our Way Ambassador family, such as maintaining order in the areas where he plays and studies within the house.

The girl’s parents began to visit us at our Way Ambassador home and noticed my son’s good behavior, and they also noticed that as a family of Way Ambassadors, we were united. So they began to practice being united among themselves, and it soon began to be a noticeable difference between them as a family.

This couple invited us to dinner and thanked us and acknowledged the love of God with which we loved them. We kept in daily contact ever since, and they were interested in taking the Foundational Class.

I Listened Carefully and Believed God for Answers

One of the aspects of my life where I grew during this Way Ambassador program was to consciously manifest God’s love in order to hear my brothers and sisters express a need and to believe God for giving answers to their hearts.

On one occasion, a couple from my home community wanted to talk to my husband and me because they had situations that they didn’t know how to handle that were causing them a lot of discomfort to the point of thinking about getting divorced.

I listened carefully and I could see that the situations were based on past experiences and what they saw in other marriages in the world to solve their problems, but they didn’t go to the source, they didn’t go to the Word of God.

I led them to see that the love of God that Jesus Christ manifested is the solution to everything in life. I showed them the importance of taking time to talk openly with each other in the framework of love.

This couple thanked us for that time of sharing that was very liberating for them.

The next day they came very happy sharing what they had started to do. Some actions they took were praying together to God very early in the day, studying the Word, giving to each other, and being aware of each other. They were very happy to put their marital relationship in order. I was able to recognize what I had to give and help my brothers and sisters to walk free and return to the truth of God’s Word.

If you would like to know more about the Way Ambassador program or The Way Ministry, contact us.

The Greatest Thing You Will Ever Do for Your Life!

Since I can remember, school was very challenging for me in every aspect. I was told by my fellow classmates I would never amount to much. In reality, I suffered from a speech impediment or stuttering. I also had a tough time understanding what I read, so learning wasn’t my forte. My organizational skills lacked order due to my inability to stay focused. However, in all this, God blessed me with being athletic, so that is what made my life worth living for many years. At least that is what I told myself to make me feel better.

I was raised in a well-known Christian denomination and attended school there from prekindergarten through high school. I had a deep love for God but never understood Who He was. I can remember having thoughts of wanting to become like the Apostle Paul or perhaps the Prophet Moses. These great men had to understand God to a boundless degree. So, if I wanted to become like one of them, I knew I needed to understand God a whole lot more.

These men spoke to God and God spoke to them, and I remember wanting God to speak to me too. I had so many questions in my pursuit to know my heavenly Father better, but the more questions I had, the more confused I became. The church told me I would get my questions answered when I got to heaven where I could ask God Himself. That made me feel completely helpless, alone, and lost.

I chose to see if the world had any answers. I also searched through multiple denominations. After twelve years, I became so tired of guessing about God and trying to live a decent life. I began praying and crying out to God. The very next day I met a man who changed the course of my life forever. He started answering all the questions I had by quoting Bible verses from memory with the chapter and verse!

Two of the verses he quoted were II Peter 1:3 which is “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” And the other one was II Peter 1:20: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” He told me the Word of God is the will of God. If you know God’s Word, you know His will. God set forth His Word perfectly and it interprets itself! God’s Word is His heart and so much more. I began to see that the only way to have the relationship I wanted with God was to know His Word.

This man was fellowshipping with The Way Ministry and he knew so much Bible. He was an inspiration to me. I just sat and listened to him for hours. My thirst was finally being quenched.

From the Foundational Class offered by the ministry, I was taught Biblical principles of research so I could understand God’s Word when I read it. I know for a surety that I am heaven bound and all hell cannot stop me from going, according to I Peter 1:23. It reads, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” That’s not all! I found out the Devil was stealing the more abundant life God had for me due to my ignorance and from wrong teaching. John 10:10 opened my eyes too.

John 10:10:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

I went from being confused and tired of life to my new mission which became to prove that God’s Word works. I developed a desire to be completely sold out to God. I wanted to experience the Word working in my life, just as it did with Paul and Moses. God did say He magnified His Word above all His name according to Psalm 138:2. That’s when I began to see that I needed to think and become obedient to His Word. I started practically applying II Corinthians 10:5:

Casting down imaginations [demolish your human logic], and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Through commitment, persistence, and perseverance, I can truly say that my dreams are becoming a reality. I have seen God’s deliverance firsthand by signs, miracles, and wonders. The Word of God does work when believed. But don’t take my word for it; try it yourself! It will be the greatest thing you will ever do for your life!

I no longer stutter and am a top sales representative in door-to-door cold calls for the organization I work for. I am organized and understand what I read. The best part is that I have a close-knit relationship with God, and we fellowship daily. My desire is to be the best “me” I can be for God. The key is seeking God first. That’s done by learning and obeying His Word.

John 8:31,32:
…If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall [absolutely] make you free.

I have been set free from every mental, spiritual, and physical prison. You can be too!

If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry or the Foundational Class, contact us.

From a Junior Way Ambassador: I Realized People Need the Love of God

Please enjoy this personal account from a teenager who served as a Junior Way Ambassador with her parents in the Ambassadors of the Way Outreach Program.

As a Junior Way Ambassador, I learned to show and give more of the love of God to people and not be so fast to jump to conclusions. Acting with the love of God is important.

When I moved to our Way Ambassador state for the first time and started going to school, it was a shock for me. I moved from a small rural school to a big urban school. In this new setting, I did not expect to see the kind of need in people’s lives that I witnessed. It was a little scary and overwhelming. Honestly, at first, I was thinking, “I need to get away from these people! They are crazy!” Thankfully, I didn’t do that. Instead, I remembered what my parents taught me about loving and helping people. I knew that God was with me, and I started to get to know people even though their situations were things that I had never seen or dealt with.

As I learned and got used to more people, I made one friend who then led me to meet with her other friends. As we were walking to gym class, they started sharing real needs with me, going into more depth about some issues they were facing, such as drugs, trauma, and issues within their families. At first, it startled me to hear the things they had suffered through and were currently dealing with. In that moment, I had to learn and grow in my thoughts and not run away in fear because these people needed some of God’s Word in their lives, and I was there to give it to them!

One of my favorite verses that stuck with me during this hard time was I Corinthians 10:13.

I Corinthians 10:13:
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer [allow] you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

This is a verse I got to share with a couple of my new friends and even remind myself of. I know this verse, and God’s Word in general, helped so many people to stay peaceful when challenging things came up in their lives.

Not only was I able to share the Word with my friends and pray with them regularly, but they also came to fellowship and even brought their siblings to learn about God’s love and grace. One even took our ministry’s Foundational and Intermediate Classes. It is exciting to hear her speak in tongues, knowing that she is born again.

Now that I have realized people need the love of God, I am thankful to God that I have had opportunities to teach people about how big their God is and how much He loves them. I am so grateful that my parents took me with them to go Way Ambassador because, honestly, I loved getting to see the joy in people’s lives when they heard about God and His AMAZING Word!

If you would like to know more about the Way Ambassador program or The Way Ministry, contact us.

Thankful God Has Blessed Me

I am thankful to believe and confess Jesus Christ as lord in my life (Romans 10:9,10), and that he is seated at the right hand of God (Ephesians 1:20), and that it is God in Christ in me (Colossians 1:27).

I am thankful for receiving into manifestation holy spirit, and for learning the difference between the gift of holy spirit (pneuma hagion) and the Giver, Holy Spirit, and the nine manifestations of the gift: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith (believing), gifts of healings, workings of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues (I Corinthians 12:8-11).

I am thankful for my sonship rights: redemption, righteousness, justification, sanctification (I Corinthians 1:30), and the ministry of reconciliation (II Corinthians 5:18).

I am thankful that by Jesus Christ’s stripes, I was healed (I Peter 2:24), and that I am an ambassador for Christ (II Corinthians 5:20).

I am thankful for being in The Way Ministry.

I am so very thankful for the Foundational Class (John 10:10; John 14:6).

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to fellowship with like-minded people all over the world and in all aspects of my life. I have such a wonderful family in God in Christ Jesus (Acts 2:42).

I am so very thankful for the spiritual growth, abilities, and blessings there are to share the wonderful Word of God with others, my loved ones, family, and friends.

I am thankful.

If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry, contact us.

Way Ambassadors Bring Godly Solutions to Others

The Power of Prayer Works

As ambassadors for Christ we have many opportunities to bring godly solutions to people’s lives. James 5:16 in part says, “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

We met a young man while shopping, and he decided to start attending our fellowships. After some time, we met him outside of our fellowship time for coffee. He shared with us some challenges in his life, one of which was a concussion he was dealing with. We shared with him III John 2, and that it was God’s will for him to prosper and be in health. We then prayed for him, and after some more edifying time spent together, we went our separate ways. A couple of hours later he texted me that much of the discomfort associated with his injury had subsided. God is so good and is always willing and able to bring deliverance as we get Him involved in situations and claim the promises in His Word through prayer. 

God’s Blessings Come as We Remain Faithful

Proverbs 28:20 reads, “A faithful man shall abound with blessings….” As a Way Ambassador, I have seen this truth bigger. One of the main requirements of our program is to be faithful—faithful to read the Word, pray, speak the truth, and, of course, walk in love—and as we do this, God brings the results.

One night early in the program, we were witnessing downtown and looking to bless people. We went into the local ice rink and we went up to the man at the front desk. We told him about what we do and asked if he would be interested. He looked at us and smiled and said, “No.” This was a temptation to be discouraged, but instead we decided to shake the dust off and keep pressing on! We went into the hockey shop where the store owner was playing his guitar. We started a conversation and when we mentioned our ministry, he set down his guitar and said, “Biblical research and fellowship ministry. Tell me more about that boys!” It turned out, we were just the people this man needed to talk to that night. He shared how our being there confirmed many things for him, and he was very much blessed by our time with him. This was a huge example of what will happen as we continue to trust God and be faithful to hold forth the truth in love. 

If you would like to know more about Way Ambassador or The Way Ministry, contact us.

Now I Understand—God Wants Us to Speak in Tongues!

My father was a minister of a well-known denomination, and he faithfully taught our family what he knew. The summer that I turned ten years old, I attended a summer camp offered by our denomination. It was for a week and my father had been the organizer and the director of this camp for several years before I was old enough to participate. I remember one of the days, our group of ten girls and the woman who was the leader were in a small shelter with two picnic tables. She asked us to go to Romans 10:9. I’m pretty sure I had read that verse and the following verses before, but this was finally the day I understood and took it to heart. She asked all of us to read verse 9 out loud together. I was born again that day.

The next week I was sitting on the grass in our yard. My friends had gone home and I was putting the croquet items back in the holder. I suddenly realized I was quietly speaking a different language. I stopped and asked myself, what am I doing? I don’t know how to speak another language. I decided that I shouldn’t tell anyone about this.

Fast forward decades when I was first introduced to some of the Biblical truths that were shared by Word Over the World Ambassadors. I was willing to listen because much of what was shared was new to me. I had never heard of speaking in tongues, but there I was seated at a home where I was going to hear it! At my first home fellowship, I sat as close to the door of the home as I could, knowing that I could slip out and be gone quickly if the situation got weird!

My first time hearing speaking in tongues with interpretation at that fellowship was exhilarating, comforting, and it melted my heart to my heavenly Father. I didn’t recognize the languages that were spoken by the people who manifested, but I knew that the languages were legitimate. This couldn’t have been a theatrical staging. It was real edification, exhortation, and comfort from our heavenly Father for each of us in the room! WOW! What have I found! Thank you, heavenly Father!

I can speak in tongues and I understand that God wants us to speak in tongues much to ourselves and in a believers meeting, when we are called upon, to speak in tongues and interpret.

I’m thankful The Way International is in place so faithful believers can teach others who desire to know God and His Son Jesus Christ. I am very thankful to the folks who spoke to me about God’s spiritual truth.

If you would like to know more about speaking in tongues or home Bible fellowships, contact us.

In Their Own Words: Victorious Way Ambassadors

Following a successful tenure, here’s what these Way Ambassadors had to say:

“Since going Way Ambassador, I noticed personal growth in my goal to manifest patience and peace with myself and others. This allowed me to manifest God’s love to a greater extent.”

“Speaking the truth in love with great boldness was one of my spiritual goals for many years. The Way Ambassador outreach program provided all the necessary elements to accomplish that goal. Now with great joy, I can say I am bold and courageous to speak God’s matchless Word.”

“As a fellow worker with God, He showed me how to more effectively operate my ministry of reconciliation. It is always a joy to bring others back to the Father. I am thankful to be an ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“I grew the most as a Way Ambassador in my ability to trust in and rely on God each day. It was a challenge at times because we are in the spiritual competition, but I saw God come through each day.”

“At the beginning of the program, my fears were to open my mouth to speak God’s Word and I wasn’t sure if my daily needs would be met. By faithfully applying the lifestyle of Way Ambassador, I was strengthened in my inner man and I boldly spoke the Word of God everywhere in my area. Also, all my needs were met, and I lacked nothing during those months.”

“In this program, we learned to meet needs in people’s hearts.”

“The Way Ambassador program helped me be free!”

“The Way Ambassador program showed me greater avenues of life in outreach, study time, and all that it takes to go two by two. I was blessed tremendously in a short amount of time. This program was designed for God and the individual. I saw great things by God working mightily within not only me, but also my family and my team. I’m thankful for the Way Ambassador program because we held forth the light of God’s love to those that were in darkness. If you want to grow, you gotta go!”

Proverbs 13:19: The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul….

I DO Have Control in Life!

I had the privilege of growing up in a loving family. I was taught to love God and to live according to Biblical principles. Because I was faithful to apply the Biblical principles I was taught, I enjoyed success in school, in sports, and in pursuing a college education toward my career goals. On the outside, I appeared to have everything well in order. On the inside, however, it was a different story.

On the inside, I had a deep fear that seemed to be almost paralyzing at times. My fear was that after doing my best to follow all of the rules—working hard, living a wholesome life, being kind to others, all of the things I had learned from my parents and the church I attended growing up—that even still, everything I had worked to attain could be suddenly taken from me by a catastrophic event. What drove this fear in my thinking was the realization that I had no control in avoiding such a negative event. It seemed to be lurking somewhere in my future with no way for me to escape it. At times these fearful thoughts made life seem futile, causing me to feel discouraged and helpless.

I never told anyone about this fear; how much it bothered me and weighed me down; but God knew. He knew that I longed to have that weight lifted from my mind so I could move forward with a confident and enthusiastic outlook on life. And by God’s wonderful grace, that is just what happened after I began learning the Word of God taught in The Way Ministry.

I learned about the law of believing; that when I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart what God’s Word says, God will absolutely bring it to pass. What deliverance it brought to my heart to know that I DO have control in life! I can claim God’s promises of protection, guidance, prosperity, and health in my life. Just knowing that it is God’s desire above all things for me to prosper and be in health (III John 2) brought peace of mind that I had never experienced before.

God looked on my heart and saw a need in my life. Through the Word that I learned and believed, God brought me deliverance from my deepest fear enabling me to live with confidence and peace in my heart. Today, I look forward to the future because I know that whatever life brings my way, God will be with me and together we will prevail!

God Had Us in the Right Place at the Right Time

My Way Ambassador teammate and I decided to go to a store in an area that we hadn’t been to before. Before we went in, we prayed that we would find someone that day who truly wanted the Word. We walked around the store for a while and spoke to a few people, but nothing really panned out, so we got ready to leave. As we were leaving, we decided to go through the self-checkout lane which we don’t normally do. We both were wearing our Triumph in Christ hoodies from the Bookstore and the attendant working the self-checkout noticed them. He asked us what church we were a part of, and I started to explain the Way Ambassador program to him. He then proceeded to say, “That’s how I got into the Word in the 1980s! There was this group of people who moved to my city for a year to run home Bible fellowships, and they witnessed to me.” I asked him the name of the ministry and he said, “The Way International!” We were all shocked! He had been witnessed to by WOW Ambassadors and had been a part of the ministry for many years.

My teammate and I were able to have a great conversation with this man and tell him all about the movement in our ministry today. He was excited to hear about all we’re doing, and he especially loved hearing about the Young Adult Rock, because he had attended the Rock of Ages! He was so blessed to have found people who knew the accuracy of the Word again, and we shared with him that there are no coincidences with God! It was amazing that God had us in the right place at the right time to bless this man. We were so excited! That incident built our believing high and we went on to have even more successful outreach that day. Every time we visited him, he was happy to see us and to be able to speak the rightly divided Word with believers.

To me, this incident encapsulated the second pillar of the program, reaching out to others. My teammate and I were like-minded on what we wanted to accomplish that day, and with our united believing, God was able to go to work! This interaction helped set the tone for outreach for our team because everyone was excited by it. It also helped me to see the importance of not limiting my believing. I never imagined I’d run into someone who used to be in the ministry during my time as a Way Ambassador, but again, God had us in the right place at the right time.

One of the points under reaching out to others is “Way Ambassadors lovingly express God’s goodness and love.” I learned that outreach isn’t just getting people to attend fellowship or through the class, but also leaving people better than we found them. A seemingly small act of kindness on our part makes a big spiritual impact. Someone shared with me that we are reclaiming spiritual ground that the adversary thought he had won, and that really resonated with me. In our time spent as Way Ambassadors, I saw the culture of our city change little by little as we continued to pour on the love with everyone we met. We had the amazing opportunity to meet the needs of so many different people and I’m thankful for the guidance God gave us as we boldly spoke His Word!