God Has Done Great Things in My Life

I would like to share my testimony and experience on how God has called me and how He is with me and protects me every day.

I was raised in a Roman Catholic family, and I always attended the Catholic Church up until certain events happened in my life. After the separation from my husband, condemnation began setting in, and because of wrong teaching I began feeling that I was not “good enough” and neither just nor acceptable before God.

I had the wonderful opportunity to know about The Way Ministry through a friend at work who at times I confided in and opened my heart to. While we were speaking about a friend of mine with a health issue, the believer invited me to a home fellowship. This was not the first time that this person invited me, but I always made up excuses, saying, “I already go to a church.” This time I accepted. I needed to help myself and my friend, and I knew that I didn’t have the answers or the knowledge I needed to win in this competition.

At the fellowship I met the Branch and household fellowship coordinator; I remember this first fellowship with great emotion. It was an unforgettable experience. The believers greeted me with a simple “God bless you,” through which I had the feeling that God was speaking directly to me and greeting me into His family. Tears of joy flowed. With their greetings and warm embraces, I felt the love of God towards me, as if He were saying, “It has been awhile. I have been waiting for you.”

From that Sunday on, I haven’t missed a fellowship or the special events throughout the year that are organized in my country. Today I also coordinate a fellowship in my home.

Yes, God has done great things in my life. And regardless of my separation from my husband and some financial difficulties, I have been able to put my two daughters through college. One daughter already has her degree and has recently married. My other daughter is still studying. I thank God for His help and assistance in these important matters.

The friend who had a “health issue,” due also to her enslavement to alcohol, is being cared for by our believing with her and by her response to come with her husband to our fellowships, thereby gaining an accurate knowledge of God’s liberating Word. My sister, with whom in the past my relationship was “weakened,” has now been reinforced by my stand and by her willingness to also come to fellowship. By the way, today she is also my assistant fellowship coordinator. My mom, who is eighty-four years of age, has brilliantly overcome a health issue and actively participates in our home fellowships as we strengthen ourselves in God’s Word, praying with believing.

In being thankful for God’s immense love, I have been able to abolish in my mind any sense of inferiority, fear, or insecurity which has in the past obstructed me from receiving the many blessings that God had in store for me. God doesn’t want us to accept any less than what He has promised to give us. Today I am righteous before Him, ready to claim His promises and the liberation available from whatever mental, physical, or spiritual bondage I may face.