The Word of God Gave Me Stability

The Word of God has given me stability. I know that I know what the truth is, and I can stand on it and be proud to stand and speak of it.

Isaiah 33:5,6:
The Lord is exalted; for he dwelleth on high: he hath filled Zion with judgment and righteousness.
And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear [respect] of the Lord is his treasure.

Growing up I asked, Am I going to heaven? Why don’t we sacrifice animals like in the Old Testament? I wondered, What happens after death, and where were the dead if they were alive? I wondered so much that I did my high school senior research paper for English on the topic of life after death, and I concluded there was life after death because of the experiences people had had while they were “dead” and then came back to tell the story. At one time I could predict when the phone was going to ring. That was something fun, but it got old because I didn’t see the practical application for that (thank God). Life became for me about sacrificing my life for others, but at twenty-seven I had had it. All that stuff was just getting me depressed. I left my hometown and was witnessed to in less than two weeks. In eight months I took the Foundational Class! WOW, not only was it there in black and white that I was born again in the uncomplicated formula of Romans 10:9 and 10, but I learned I do not have to sacrifice anything for God, but had a perfect sacrifice for me, and I’m not a servant, but a son!—of God! The class showed me where spiritualism came from and that the dead in Christ will be made alive at the return. Oh my, well, I’m so blessed for what the Word has done for me; it saved me. I still am thrilled to find that the Bible makes sense and that there are people like me that love this Word for its soundness and that it is the stability of our times.

I Can Help Those in Need

Four of us headed to the college campus to witness God’s Word. Parking being scarce, we grabbed a space and did not closely look at the parking rules for the street. After a few hours of witnessing, we came back and our car was gone. A few puzzled looks later, someone nearby said, “Your car was towed.” We believed for a ride to the police station to find out about our car.

“Yes, the car has been taken to an impound lot,” the clerk said. The moment we asked, “How will we get there?” two policemen walked toward us from down the hall. We asked if they could take us to where our car was, and they both agreed since they were going in that direction. As we piled in the back of the police car, all of us immediately told them we were ambassadors for Christ. One of them was intrigued by our boldness, and we proceeded to tell him all about our ministry.

When they dropped us off, we exchanged numbers with the officer that seemed most interested, and we agreed that we would follow up with him during the weekend. We did, and the four of us went to his home. After a few minutes of conversation, the man asked, “Why can’t I speak in tongues? Why don’t I have the gift of tongues? Why can my wife speak in tongues and I can’t?” Tears of disappointment showed on the man’s face.

Having just studied chapter five in Receiving the Holy Spirt Today on how to receive, I immediately told him, “Sir, speaking in tongues is not a gift but a manifestation.” Then I shared with him God’s Word—the same verses that Dr. Wierwille used to lead people into speaking in tongues. Within twenty minutes of sharing God’s Word with him, he was speaking in tongues the wonderful works of God. Tears of joy ran down his face.

How simply and how beautifully God met this man’s need. The four of us left his home rejoicing for what God had wrought through our lives.

I am so grateful to The Way Ministry for the Word that it has taught me so that I can stand on it and so that I can help those in need as they cross my path.

Acts 2:11:
…we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.

It Is Our Job to Trust in Him

Isaiah 40:31 [The Amplified Bible]:
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

What an honor it is to be a part of a ministry that teaches the greatness of God and His Word ever so clearly, showing you the keys to walking the aligned path that God has graciously supplied us, with blessings on top of blessings day after day. Where does one begin to show gratitude for what He has done for us? In one year alone, I have watched as God has fulfilled my life beyond belief.

Ecclesiastes 3:11:
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

God has a plan for us all. Since the beginning of time, He has known everything that has happened and is to come for the rest of eternity! It is our job to trust in Him and thank Him for helping to keep us on that straight and narrow path that He has provided for us.

Being in the military, I’ve seen that a career is made through advancement by working diligently and standing out among your fellow service members. As a part of the household of God, we learn that we are all members in particular as we each play our own essential part in the Body of Christ. The same applies to any job, team, or ensemble. In the navy, advancement is done through job-specific testing exams and annual evaluations issued by your superiors, who rank you based on your work ethic and leadership skills, determining if you have what it takes to hold the responsibilities of the next rank.

Every day I go into work with an “I can do/Christ in me” mind-set, giving diligently and selflessly in each task that is assigned to me. As you walk with your love of God shining brightly, people can undoubtedly see that light as you immediately make any environment you’re in thrive. Through my living to give and driving to excel, my superiors recognized that and fought to ensure I earned the evaluation that I deserved to set me up for success as I prepared for my next exam, believing to score high enough to advance to the next rank.

After calculating each individual’s yearly progress, work ethic, and qualifications, I was blessed to receive the number one evaluation for my rank in my squadron! What an achievement to be recognized in such a manner, to be considered the top all-around professional at what I do. Now I could confidently prepare for my exam, knowing that I was ready to hold the responsibilities of the next rank.

II Peter 3:8 [The Amplified Bible]:
Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

God’s timing is impeccable. As I got ready to transfer to my next command, it was also time for me to decide whether or not I wanted to reenlist for another term of service. I love serving my country, and God sure has helped make my experience greater than any other. I know without a doubt that this is the path He needs me on, so I agreed to sign for another contract. Well with no surprise, God supplied again, and for the first time in eight years, my superiors offered my job a reenlistment bonus—right in time for me to reap the benefits!

Two days before my reenlistment date, my chief called me back into work, stating that it was very urgent and to come in wearing a clean uniform. Typically, this is not something I’d want to hear, but knowing that there was nothing I had to be worried about, I went back in, speaking in tongues for whatever God had in store for me. As I got into work, my commanding officer was there to congratulate and meritoriously promote me to the next rank. What an honor this was! For my command of 1,200 people, I was 1 of 12 people to get advanced to the next rank and 1 of 4 for my specific rank. A meritorious promotion is simply just that. My hard work and will to give and serve stood out among the rest, and my chain of command believed that I earned a new rank without having to take and see how well I did on an exam.

Timing could not have been better. By getting promoted, this also increased my bonus when I reenlisted two days later, and God continued to let the blessings pour in! If I hadn’t gotten promoted until after I reenlisted, my bonus would have stayed the same as before, but God was able to provide exceeding abundantly above (Ephesians 3:20) for me. As we live with “Ephesians 3:20/20 vision,” we will see everything that God is able to do for us each day.

In just a few short weeks, all of these things came to pass. This isn’t even a dent in my list of victories, and I am so grateful to be a part of a ministry that shows how to live an abundant life as we walk in love day by day. Without being raised in The Way Ministry, I most certainly would not be where I am today, nor have the relationship with God that I do. I look forward to someday raising a family in the Word the same way I was, and to continue to watch just how great God works.

I John 4:4:
…because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Basking in Fullness of Joy

We sat gathered around tables in the basement living room where the Word Over the World Ambassadors lived, listening to audiotapes of Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille teaching the foundational class on Power for Abundant Living. Chapter and verse, what does the Word say?—of the many, many golden nuggets in the class, this one really stood out. The teacher encouraged us to not take his word for it, but to go to Scripture, utilizing the research tools we had been taught, and discover the truths for ourselves. This was new and revolutionary to me. For the first time, I had a “firm rock in the sea of speculation, a safe anchorage in the ocean of doubt.” I could read and understand the Word for myself, and I could see current events, trends, opinions, traditions, fads, and ideas through the lens of God’s Word. This has been invaluable to me in my continued stand on God’s Word.

If I were to state a theme verse for my life, the following is a likely candidate:

Psalms 16:11:
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Being able to discern truth from error—to determine what the Word says—has given me great peace of mind. We live in a complicated and distracting world, and knowing how to filter all the impressions and demands for our attention is vital for a balanced life. This has given me the encouragement I have needed to stand. It has helped me mature and grow into the best version of myself. What has God done for me because of the Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry? He has provided me with a life that is beyond what I could ask for or think of. He has given me access to the household of God, where I can enjoy fellowship with like-minded believers and a meaningful, personal relationship with my heavenly Father. I can practice the presence of God, basking in fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.

We Enjoyed the Word Very Much

I began to attend a ministry household fellowship in 1983. Before the first Power for Abundant Living class was run in my country, there was only one household fellowship, held once a week on Sundays on a rotating basis, in the homes of believers who manifested their desire to receive that household fellowship. Believers traveled many miles by foot because transportation was difficult, yet they were willing to attend a household fellowship meeting.

I am also among the faithful who attended that first Foundational Class, and I am still standing in the ministry in my country. We were young people around the age of twenty to twenty-five, but we enjoyed the Word very much. We felt that we had learned much more of the Word and were practicing it accordingly, and we had positive results. The law of believing worked a lot in us. There was no stability in the country because of the war, many raids were carried out, etc., but God responded to our prayers because of the unity of the spirit that we manifested with great impact.

A few years later, I went to live in another city in the province. I started a household fellowship. There were many challenges, but it was a great time for increasing believing, faithfulness, perseverance, and service.

A faithful man will abound with blessings, as stated in Proverbs 28:20. Thanks to God, I found a good wife, already mature in the Word, who came to reinforce or increase my belief in the Word of God, especially in the law of giving and receiving. Together we worked on the rise and expansion of the Word in our city with the assistance of other believers in the household fellowship.

Currently we coordinate an area in the province. We continue lovingly to teach the Word of God to God’s people from generation to generation. Always keeping God and His Word first, we are humble and obedient, and we put others before ourselves with much love, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord, as stated in I Corinthians 15:58.

More Blessed Than I Could Have Imagined

The very idea that the Bible could be understood was a concept that I personally thought to be impossible. Like many of my friends, I had tried to read it, and to me it was a dull book with sections that were just too hard to comprehend. I could make no sense of it, let alone actually live it. Yet I wanted to know God and tried different religions. I talked “at” God without results I could see. Eventually I just gave up thinking that understanding and finding God would ever happen for me.

After joining the navy, I walked in on a fellowship being held in my barracks room. For the first time ever, I heard someone teach the Bible so that it made sense. I understood it clearly and simply.

I was excited and talked to the teacher right after that fellowship, wanting to know where he learned that. He showed me some of Dr. Wierwille’s books and told me about a class and The Way Ministry. A few months later, I sat through the class and saw that the Bible not only made sense and that I could understand it, but I also learned how to work it to answer any question I had while reading it. Not only that, I learned keys to glean truth from its pages with a certainty and absolute trustworthiness that left all doubts behind.

I was a person that thought God hated me, and I hated myself, thinking I was unlovable. I had come to see God as this vengeful character just waiting to punish me because I was no good. I’d often consider myself as better off if I just died.

I was born again at a young age but had no perception of that occurrence until I started to see the truth from God’s Word unlocked. I learned that I had been saved years before—something I got from churches I visited while seeking God. I grew up speaking in tongues but did not know what it was or what it meant. The truths that this ministry unlocked for me gave me a life that I had no idea existed.

Every day since then has been a growing adventure of finding treasures about my real future, my heavenly Father, and His real love for me. The life I live now is rich and fuller than I could have known or believed back then. The Way International has shown me a family, over the last forty-plus years, that is more wonderful than any I have ever known.

That family continues today with people who are rich in love, thankfulness, and caring that is so real, it must be experienced to appreciate it. What over seventy-five years of The Way International, with Dr. Wierwille’s teaching and research by way of the books and classes, have given me is a real life where my future is certain and more blessed than I could have imagined.

Experiencing God’s Abundance and Power

My Love for Reading God’s Word Grew

Reading was never high on my list because of the complexity of words used. I needed a dictionary for every paragraph I read. It was so time-consuming that it took all the joy out of reading for me.

However, after sitting through a series of classes offered by this ministry, my love for reading grew enormously. I could not believe how much I loved reading and learning about God’s Word. It truly made life more meaningful; I finally had answers.

Being taught how to read and understand the Bible gave me a better comprehension of why things happen the way they do. Things became much clearer to me. Every topic in the Word is well written and well explained, and I could unveil it as I read. There is not one question that I can’t find an answer to as I read God’s Word.

The Way Ministry has made the true, living God known in my life. It has given me a deeper appreciation for God and His love for the Body of believers, and it all began with teaching me how to love to read God’s Word.

God’s Abundant Supply

God has certainly blessed us over our years of standing with The Way International. One incident that comes to mind happened when we had attended a ministry event where we received an abundance of God’s Word. Way Productions did a skit on Hannah at this event also (I Samuel 1—2).

Prior to attending this event, as a couple we had gone through over three years of infertility work. The result of the work was not a pregnancy. We decided to step back from that goal for a couple of years and then revisit it.

As usual we were very blessed at the event, and the Word hit the sweet spot. It had been a couple of years since we had been in a doctor’s office. Within months of this event, we had a family started—without any infertility work. The doctor that we had witnessed to and worked with a few years prior actually delivered the baby.

It has been exciting over the years to receive the Word in so many ways in this ministry. The classes, Sunday Teaching Services, The Way Magazine, and the website all constantly hit the sweet spot and keep us functioning in the Body of Christ.

The God Who Gave Me Back My Life

I am thankful for what God has done for me via the Word of God that I have learned in this life-giving ministry of The Way International. Let me start by saying that I most likely would not be alive today had it not been for the working of God’s mighty power that was ministered to me thirty-nine years ago. I became very ill and was in a coma at the time—with little hope of survival—until a Way believer ministered God’s healing to me. Within twenty-four hours I was out of my coma, delivered from the grip of the adversary, and on the road to recovery.

It was because of this deliverance that I wanted to know more about this God that loved me so much that He gave me my life back. I started to attend household fellowships and eventually took our ministry’s class series on The Way of Abundance and Power. It has been a blessed journey as I’ve continued to learn and manifest God’s power in my life and have helped to bring others to God’s family. My life today is centered around God’s will and service to His people. I am reminded daily of His power and love as I go to Him in prayer and thankfulness for who I am in Christ and for the power of His spirit that I have to live with and reach out to His people with.

I am thankful for this ministry—for men and women who answered God’s call and made His Word available to me and helped me to build a lasting relationship with the God Who gave me back my life.

Accurate Teaching Relieved Years of Discouragement

God is faithful to provide what His believing sons and daughters need. More than eight years before I was introduced to the ministry of The Way International, I asked God for help in my personal life, and He sparked a desire within me to hear and understand the Bible. This desire led me from my family’s traditional church to a variety of churches whose major focus in their church services was teaching the Bible. Early in my pursuit of Biblical understanding, I received the new, spiritual birth by believing God’s Word that He had raised Jesus Christ from the dead and by confessing Jesus Christ as my lord.

My hunger for truth intensified, and I attended several church services each week and listened to many hundreds upon hundreds of hours of Christian teaching programs on the radio during those first eight years. The churches I attended were described as Pentecostal, charismatic, or Full Gospel, and each inaccurately taught the “baptism of the Holy Spirit,” meaning a receiving of the third person of the trinity. Spiritual manifestations sometimes occurred in the church services, and I had a genuine desire to receive what they called the “gift of speaking in tongues.” Pastors and church members taught me, prayed with me, and coached me to receive this “gift,” but it never happened for me over those first eight years of my Christian life. It seemed that everyone had their own explanation of this baptism—what it was and how to ask God with prayers and tarrying for this additional gift. As the years went by, I only became more discouraged and confused as to why God did not give me what they called a “prayer language.”

Then one day at work in another city, I met a young woman who confidently told me she knew without any doubt that the instruction she had received on many Christian doctrinal topics was true to God’s Word. She quoted John 10:10, a verse I had been specifically focused on for quite some time, and told me The Way Ministry could teach me how to pray and how to receive God’s blessings to live the more abundant life that Jesus Christ came to make available. This young woman put me in touch with the Branch leaders in my city, and I began attending fellowship meetings.

Within two months, I learned more clear and accurate Biblical truths on foundational Christian doctrines than I had learned in the previous eight years. I learned there is only one true God, Who is Holy Spirit and the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also learned that speaking in tongues is one manifestation of the new birth I had received many years earlier. Toward the end of those first two months of fellowshipping with The Way Ministry, I took the book Receiving the Holy Spirit Today with me on a business trip to another state. As I read it, I understood I had the spiritual ability to speak in tongues and I should stop waiting for something extra from God. I simply began speaking in tongues alone in my hotel room. I knew I was born again of God’s gift of holy spirit, and I could manifest the evidence of my spiritual birth at any time simply by believing to do so. I could pray with my understanding, and I could pray with my spirit.

It was The Way Ministry’s accurate teaching of God’s Word that relieved my years of discouragement regarding the manifestations of holy spirit. God has faithfully provided me true answers on many points of doctrine by the teachings of The Way Ministry for twenty-three years now, and for that I will always be grateful.

Finding Confidence and Fearlessness through God’s Word

From Full of Fear to Full of Believing!

The Word of God that I have learned in The Way Ministry has changed my life. Through the many classes, my Word Over the World Ambassador experiences, and the many opportunities to serve, I have built an “I can do” attitude! I have seen great deliverance over the years because of my faithfulness to control my thinking by believing the Word one day at a time. I have learned to not let the circumstances control my life, and I have learned that God will supply all of my need. I have seen God deliver me from being full of fear to being confident in my daily walk with Him. I have seen that with God all things are possible. The Word of God works when we believe!

The greatest VICTORY over the years has been to go from being full of fear to being full of believing! I am forever grateful for the many vehicles that The Way Ministry makes available so that the rightly divided Word can be learned and applied; all of our classes are designed to provide the maximum amount of learning in a minimum amount of time. I was spiritually thirsty, but I have been filled to overflowing with the Word of God taught by The Way Ministry. I have been able to receive God’s Word, retain God’s Word, and release God’s Word with others, which has contributed to my wholeness. God is able and willing, and with the spirit of God dwelling within me, “I can do”!

I Could Choose What I Would Think About

When I was about ten years old, I started having a hard time going to sleep at night. I would lie awake going over the day and worrying about things….Would I do well on my test tomorrow? Why did my friend say that unkind thing to me? Am I good enough to go to heaven? What is hell like? Will the monster in the closet finally get me tonight? For an hour or two after going to bed, I would ponder questions like these and agonize over what-ifs. I didn’t feel like I had anyone I could go to with my troubles, so I mostly kept them to myself.

Fast-forward ten years to my first encounter with The Way Ministry. The green sign-up card for the Foundational Class had a number of claims that students had reported the class had done for them. One was “overcomes worry and fear.” My fears had intensified and become more complex during those ten years. (What will I do with my life? What if no one ever wants to marry me? What if I get cancer? What if we have a nuclear war?) So overcoming worry and fear was just what I wanted and needed, although it seemed too good to be true.

As I sat in that Foundational Class and heard the Word, I believed maybe, just maybe, it was true. I learned that God didn’t want me to be fearful, but He gave me power, love, and a sound mind. I learned that I could take my troubles to my heavenly Father and He would take care of everything. And I learned that I didn’t have to follow my emotions and feelings, but instead I could choose what I would think about. That last one especially was a completely new concept to me. I found a confidence and fearlessness that I had never experienced before, and it was exhilarating!

Years later I went through a difficult transition in my life. Again I was experiencing sleepless nights and troublesome thoughts revolving in my mind. I knew the thoughts were contrary to the Word, but how to turn them off? My solution was to choose a verse and keep repeating it until I went to sleep. If I woke in the middle of the night and my mind started down a negative path, I would start reciting Isaiah 26:3: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” I would say it over and over until God’s Word derailed the negative thoughts, because I can only hold one thought at a time. I did that for many months, and it worked every night I needed to use it.

The Way Ministry has taught me so many things these forty-plus years, and everything I’ve applied with faithfulness and believing has worked. The Word just works. I thank God that He called me to this ministry so I could learn His Word.

I Have Really Gotten to Bless My Boss’s Life

This past year I have had the pleasure of working at a very prosperous family-owned company. I started out there as a receptionist; then as I continued to ask for more work, my boss kept moving me up within the company until I got the position of an assistant project manager. What a blessing that was, as I got a lot of experience within a short amount of time. I enjoyed believing God to really meet the company’s needs, and doors just kept flying open to do more business.

For a few months during the year, my boss had gotten burdened down with pressures that carried over in how she treated me. She started to expect a lot from me and would often lash out at me. During this time, I had to really bolster my believing to continue to work there because I felt that God put me there for a reason. Every time I thought about finding a new job, I was just not peaceful about it.

So, I kept sharing my heart with God, and other believers kept encouraging me and helped me keep my thoughts on God rather than my circumstances. I inched toward changing my thoughts about the situation by starting to pray for my boss more. Then, finally, when I decided to really go to God and His Word to find verses that addressed the fears that I had about the situation, the pressure my boss kept putting on me started to slow down.

I kept going to God whenever I was afraid of the situation, knowing that His Word is TRUTH. When I did this, the Devil most certainly had to flee from me (James 4:7).

Toward the end of my time working for this company, I have really gotten to bless my boss’s life by the unconditional love of God that I manifest toward her. I live the Word toward her and think the Word of her, just like God does of me.

I have forgotten the past and have kept moving forward, continuing to believe to meet the needs in the company. I want to bless all the people I can while I am still here. God always makes a way for us to have the victory when we trust Him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.

The lifestyle of a believer from God’s point of view is what I want to manifest. Being a part of The Way Ministry and living God’s Word together is a priceless treasure.