No Foolishness, Just Wonderful, Inspiring Messages

From the earliest time I can remember, I have had a curiosity and hunger for learning that continues even now in my senior years. I would follow my mother around the house and help her with her chores just to listen to her talk and teach me about what she was doing. I would copy her, as well as my older sister, because I was interested in what they were doing. Some of the things I learned from them were cooking, sewing, art, and being detail minded. This love of learning continued through my school years, and I was very academically minded. I would often pursue things on my own that I was curious about, like the constellations in the night sky. I learned to identify most of them in the summer sky, the winter in my area being too cold to spend time outside at night.

I was brought up in a Christian church and considered myself a good Christian, but I didn’t have a good knowledge of the Bible, and although I was curious about it and tried reading it starting from Genesis, I didn’t get very far. So, one day during my college years, I decided to try reading it again. This time I started with Matthew. Up until then, I had only heard bits and pieces of scripture verses. I had never seen anything in context. How eye-opening it was to see the bigger picture of the life of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross and his resurrection! For the first time, I really believed what the Bible says, and I know that was when I got born again.

After that, I knew something was different about me, and I wanted to know more but didn’t know where to turn. Eventually I graduated from college and moved to another city to be out on my own. During that time, I tried several different churches, one of which operated speaking in tongues. That was new to me! It was clearly something supernatural, and with the help of leadership in that church, I tried to speak in tongues. But nothing happened. They assured me that it would come over me, but it didn’t. This was probably because I didn’t want to lose control and look foolish like many of the people in that church looked to me.

Then one day I heard a group of people singing songs outside near the apartment where I was living. I went out to see who they were, and they told me they were from The Way Ministry. They invited me to fellowship, and my first fellowship was so different from any church I had ever attended. They were all young adults like myself, and although the setting was casual and in an apartment near mine, when they taught the Word, it was with authority and certainty like I had never heard before. And when they spoke in tongues and interpreted, it was clear that they were in control. There was no foolishness, just wonderful, inspiring messages.

I continued going to fellowship, and one day I told someone that I wanted to speak in tongues. She loaned me the Receiving the Holy Spirit Today book, and I was so excited that I went home and read it that night and spoke in tongues for the first time! I just needed to know that it was up to me to do the speaking. I didn’t need to wait to be pushed into it. I was so thankful to receive my answer about how to speak in tongues. I then sat through the Foundational Class, and it opened to me the accuracy of the Word of God, enabling me to read the Bible and understand it.

Since that time over forty years ago, my curiosity has never abated. I still love learning and reading, especially when it comes to the Word of God. I love seeing the Word fit together so that there is no guessing about what it means. God’s Word is His will, and He never changes.

Living Fearlessly

A Total Lack of Fear as I Go through My Life

It is difficult to put into words what this ministry has done for me, as I know that everything good in my life is a direct result of my walk with God and the truth I have learned in The Way. Something that I know separates me from my friends is my total lack of fear as I go through my life day-to-day. Being raised in the Word has done that for me. I remember as a young child playing with my parents and how they would teach us the Word in every way they could. They would say, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” And we would joyfully yell back, “No one! No one! No one!” I have carried that kind of enthusiastic joy for the Word throughout my whole life. It was ingrained in me at such a young age to do the Word, and I am endlessly thankful for it. I could go on and on about how the ministry has impacted my life, but it all comes back to the truth of the Word that I know.

Strengthened and No Longer Challenged

In the forty-one years since I took the Power for Abundant Living class, I have learned many things from God’s Word that have helped me overcome fear in many areas of my life. I would say that the number one thing that this ministry has taught me from God’s Word is how to overcome fear.

One incident that comes to mind is when I was twenty-four and living in another country. I was walking from the bus stop to my home. I was alone and it was nighttime and the street was dark. A car zoomed by me, and a young man yelled out the window at me. The first thought that came to my mind was, “I am safe because my God is protecting me and will take care of me.” My heart was at peace, and I knew I could go anywhere that I needed to because I remembered God’s Word in II Timothy 1:7:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

With the knowledge of God’s Word comes the truth, and once I know what the truth is in a specific area of life, I can then experience peace. Not only have I had all my questions answered about those areas that troubled me and received deliverance, but I also feel strengthened and no longer feel challenged by them.

The reason I have stayed with this ministry for this long is because I get answers from God’s Word via the ministry’s thorough teachings, Sunday Teaching Service CDs and DVDs, and The Way Magazine. The Word of God is the priority, and the integrity of the Word is of utmost importance for The Way Ministry. As I get older, I notice that because of the Word that I have been taught, I don’t have the emotional baggage nor the scars that other people carry with them because they do not know the truth of the Word.

I am very thankful for this ministry because it taught me the Word of God in a way that made sense and showed me how to practically apply it in my life. Because of this, I have lived a fulfilling and peaceful life. Life still has its challenges, of course, but when the challenges do come, I know from God’s Word that I do have the victory and have the ability to overcome.

Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat

I am very thankful for The Way International and the Word that it has taught. I took my first Foundational Class forty years ago, and I am currently celebrating my fortieth year standing with this ministry. God has worked in my life many times in that period, and He performed several miracles before that to get me to the place where I was witnessed to.

Thirty years ago I graduated into The Way Corps. Even to this day, I draw upon what I have learned in The Way Corps to benefit my life and the lives of others. What I learned in The Way Corps literally saved my life in a big way fifteen years ago.

I was working at a newspaper, first writing obituaries, then real estate ads. It was getting harder and harder to type. My pinky finger on my left hand kept hitting the Caps Lock key. I also noticed a tremor in my hand. I was laid off of that job and started living with my mother. She was eighty years old and needed the extra help. As my manner was, I would study the Word, recite retemory verses, and listen to the Sunday service teachings faithfully, as well as read The Way Magazine.

During this time, it was noticeable that my whole personality and demeanor was slowing down. I went to a Limb meeting at a state park. As I walked around taking pictures, the believers were asking each other if I had experienced a stroke. I was walking differently. I found it unusual that I couldn’t button up my jacket. One of the believers helped me with it. In the days following, this believer called my mother and exhorted her to take me to the doctor.

I would wake up every morning with tremors in both hands. I was starting to have trouble walking around. My mother would have to walk with me and hold on to me so I wouldn’t fall down. She eventually would have to dress me and put me to bed. I had many doctor visits. I kept three-by-five-inch cards in my purse to study while in the waiting room. I wanted to fill my mind with the Word because I was taught in The Way Corps that the brain was designed to hold the Word of God. It was also a way of keeping fear out of my life. I put my thoughts on the Word so that I wouldn’t dwell on my situation. I was scheduled for an MRI. I wanted them to see a brain the way God designed it, full of the Word, when they looked at the MRI results.

The MRI machine was intimidating, with the loud noise it made and with the feeling of being in a tube that it gave me. To keep my mind from reverting to fear, I would recite retemories and speak in tongues. I would not let my mind give in to fear. This was highly effective. When they took me out, the woman asked me, “How do you stay so calm?” There was no fear exhibited on the scan, and they wondered at that. The Word of God works!

After the MRI, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This is a brain tumor that sits on top of the brain. They told me it had been there for many years.

I wondered, “How could this be?” I had been in the Word for decades, and I was as faithful as I knew how to be. I had gone out as a Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador, completed The Way Corps training, and was faithfully running a fellowship for what totaled seven years. Isn’t God good always? I talked to someone whose opinion I trusted. He had previously been my fellowship coordinator and was a Way Corps Alumnus. He said, “Satan strikes with a continual stroke.” This statement helped me and reassured me that Satan may have brought it, but God was going to deliver me out of this. God’s solution was what I sought for this problem.

I endeavored to put the Word on in my thinking more and more. The Sunday Night Services that summer featured a series on Job: From Victim to Victor. It was about snatching victory from the jaws of defeat! I made that my theme. I was going to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Satan thought he would defeat me, but God would deliver me.

The four steps to renewing the mind were what I worked and lived:

  1. Study the Word of God.
  2. Recognize our position in Christ as sons of God.
  3. Practice the presence of God.
  4. Live with the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation.

Once I was diagnosed, I was scheduled for brain surgery to remove the tumor. When surgery time came, there was a massive blackout that affected many states in my part of the country and part of Canada. This lasted for one to two days, and surgery was postponed a week.

I finally had the surgery. I was really scared going in there. I fought my fear by reciting I John 4:18 and II Timothy 1:7 nonstop, one after another, over and over again. I wanted power, love, and a sound mind. When they were prepping me for surgery, I was reciting the retemories out loud. The nurse looked at me quizzically, and I said, “It’s OK. This is how I meditate.”

The surgery took several hours, but it was effective. The tumor was on top of the brain, and it was plucked out like a piece of fruit. The actual size, I heard, was anywhere from the size of a plum to an orange. Pathology showed no cancer present.

Recovery time in the hospital helped me build my relationship with God. I knew God had me in the palm of His hand, and I practiced the presence of God. I spoke in tongues much because God knew what was going on behind the scenes and I didn’t. I wanted to recover fully. I got the Bible from the room and looked at it. I said, “Great, I can still read.” I strove to read the Word every day, and when I couldn’t read it, I recited my retemories. Mostly I talked to God. Job received his deliverance when he prayed for his friends. I prayed for every single person in our whole Branch. Job received double when his ordeal was all over. I told God, “I want double.” Little did I know that there was a man who would write a letter to me that would arrive two weeks after my hospital stay who would later become my husband! We have been faithful fellowship coordinators for the past ten years.

God completely delivered me from that brain tumor. I found out later that if I had waited much longer to have the surgery than I did, I would not have lived too much longer. I came through the surgery and was faithful to my physical therapy. I am stronger than I ever was physically, and my eyesight even got better! Looking at me today, people don’t believe it ever happened. I am a walking example of God’s grace and deliverance.

I continue to put God’s Word in my mind and teach people that the renewed mind is the key to power, that God is good always, and the value of putting God’s Word in their minds and hearts. I tell them that by doing and recognizing these things, they also can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!

Excited About Doing God’s Will

I Was Ready to Learn What God Says I Can Do

I didn’t have much experience or background going to church when I was growing up. When my dad came back into my life after we spent several years apart, he taught me the Word of God. He showed me from the Scriptures a lot of exciting things, things I never remembered hearing at church. The years my dad and I were apart, he started going to a Way Ministry fellowship. All the things he taught me when I first started learning the Word were from ministry books or classes. I learned Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

I can do what the Word of God says I can do! How exciting! What a turning point in my life. At that moment, when I was taught Philippians 4:13, I was ready to learn what God says I can do. That was thirty years ago, and I have learned so many things I can do. One of my favorite things I learned I can do is manifest the gift of holy spirit. Learning about all nine manifestations was amazing! I can operate all nine manifestations. I can pray perfectly!

I’m excited to say I am still learning more of the great things God says I can do.

She Was Brought Back to Life

After taking the Advanced Class in 1979, I was excited to go about doing God’s will, especially at my work. I am a registered nurse. At that time, I worked on a medical-surgical patient-care floor.

One day, a licensed practical nurse (LPN) and I were passing out lunch trays to all of our patients. We walked into a room and the little old lady in it appeared to be asleep. The LPN called her name. Then she touched her and took her pulse. None. No breathing. No sign of life.

I couldn’t recall if this lady was to be resuscitated if she coded. To verify that information, I would have to go quickly to the nurse’s station and look at the current doctor’s orders on this lady. This information was at the other end of the hallway.

But rather than doing that, while the LPN was watching, I turned and looked out the window. In that quick second, I was inspired to do this: I turned back to the patient, and without even touching her, I said, “Wake up,” in a firm tone.

She did. She was brought back to life. It was so natural, as if we all expected it. I had. We gave her the lunch ordered for her and went about our day’s work.

God is so good.

I Needed to Learn the Word of God Taught in That Class

I started attending Way Ministry household fellowships during my last year of college. I was going to school full-time, and I was working part-time: nights and weekends. I wanted to take the Foundational Class, but between school, work, and studying, I could not see how I could do it. I didn’t have the money nor the time.

When a Foundational Class presentation came up, I went to it in spite of thinking there was no way I could be in the next class. The Word of God taught during that presentation set my heart on fire. I learned that Jesus Christ came so that we could have a more abundant life and that God answers prayer when we pray according to His Word and believe. I decided that I needed to learn the Word of God taught in that class in order to live with power and abundance. After the power-packed teaching, I learned that a class was starting in a few days. I would need to have my fee paid and make a commitment to be at each session (evenings and weekends) by the next day.

On the drive home, all I could think about was, who can I borrow money from? And how could I get the time off from my new job? Then I remembered the powerful Word I had just heard.

Ephesians 3:20:
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Philippians 4:19:
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

During that drive home, I said to the friend who was undershepherding me, “I know God is going to get me the money I need tonight.” When we got to my apartment, I checked my mailbox, and there was a letter. In the letter was a check for the exact amount I needed to register for the class! And when I went to work the next evening, I told my supervisor about the wonderful class I needed to be in and the evenings and weekend days I needed off. After previously warning all of us part-time employees not to even ask for any time off during the busy holiday season, she said, “OK, I can make it work”!

When we believe God’s Word, claim His promises, and walk out with boldness, our loving heavenly Father meets our every need every time.

The True Way, Jesus Christ

The ministry of The Way helped me not only to get born again, but also to know the true God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In fact, since I have been young, I have heard about John 14:12: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” But I did not notice anything special in knowing this verse. So I began to seek God to find the truth about this statement among different churches, denominational and nondenominational groups, but nothing was satisfying.

The trick of the adversary was to make me think, through a group with devilish practices that I joined, that Jesus Christ was a kind of mystic who did not teach his secrets in the Bible. His secrets were esoteric. I followed that way and I seemed to be very successful in various aspects of my life. Nevertheless, deep in my heart, I felt that the truth was not there.

I did several things. I prayed to men, nature, and many other things until my wife got involved with the ministry of The Way and witnessed to me. However, I could not commit to take the foundational class on Power for Abundant Living because I was held back in that group with people telling me that if I left the devilish practices, snakes, toads, and all kinds of misfortunes would come my way, and my condition would become worse!

A faithful believer, who is today a Way Corps minister, accurately expounded to me the Word of God. It was not easy to receive, because I was in chains. I finally took the Foundational Class. Not only did I not see snakes and toads in my life, but I was able to experience the new birth. Three teachings are the reason why I am still standing in The Way Ministry today:

  1. The Word of God is the will of God
  2. True worship (speaking in tongues and its benefits)
  3. Discerning of spirits (from the Advanced Class)

Today, despite the attacks of the adversary, I will not give up. I will always be thankful to God for His deliverance and His direction that led me to this ministry of The Way to enjoy His promises.

The ministry of The Way truly delivers and brings men and women to the true way, Jesus Christ.

This Is the Job!

Before I came to The Way Ministry, I spent time helping those around me in need. Throughout my teen years, I worked with physically handicapped and mentally handicapped adults and children through several different community organizations. But at the end of the day, when I went home, those people were still in need. I had not really helped them, for I did not really have what they needed. My heart was overwhelmed to think of the number of people in need. I was only one person without the resources to change their lives. By my early twenties, I gave up even trying to help them.

I spent the next decade helping myself. I landed a good job with a good career path, enjoyed an exciting hobby, and made many friends. But there was still a void in my heart and life. I believed in God, even prayed to Him, and something inside me still stirred to serve Him. One day when I felt especially like my life was worthless, I prayed to Him for a job to do for Him, something that would mean something to Him. I could please myself and I could please others, but it was all short-lived, and life seemed pointless. (By then I was just thirty-two years old.) God heard my prayer and He answered by way of a coworker. I saw a change in her life and asked her what happened. By her answer, it was obvious she had been born again; she read it in the Bible (Romans 10:9 and 10); and she learned to understand the Scriptures in a class. “Hallelujah!” My heart leaped for joy! I knew God was in the pages of the Bible—I just needed to understand what I was reading! I told her, “I want to take that class.” Two weeks later, I was sitting in Session I.

When we got to the session about “Christ in you, the hope of glory” and “ambassadors for Christ,” my heart thrilled! “This is the job! I am an ambassador for Christ!” The truth of the Word of God taught in that Foundational Class brought meaning to my life: “I am here to help others in need. And now I know I have the tools to help—the Scriptures.”

For nearly thirty years now, I have been enjoying a life filled with abundance and power. Many doors of service have opened to me via The Way Ministry for which I am most thankful. My life is filled with peace and joy because I know I am doing the will of my heavenly Father as I reach out in service to others. I have received instruction and practical experience from The Way Ministry in studying the Word, living the Word, preaching the Word, and teaching the Word. The Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry showed me the way to the Father. I learned of my savior and lord, Jesus Christ, through this ministry. I truly have a spiritual relationship with God, my heavenly Father. Now I live a life filled with abundance and power, earning rewards for a job well done. I have eternal life and I know it.

God Caused Me to Prosper and Be in Health

In 2008, I moved to a different province in my country because I was looking for a better job. When I arrived in my new city, I was fifty thousand dollars in debt and without a friend in the city. I had driven almost two thousand kilometers to get there, and my first night I spent sleeping in my car. The next day, I bought a newspaper and diligently searched for a place to live and for a job. I made many phone calls, submitted many applications, and finally after six weeks, I got a job working as a shuttle driver for a hotel close to the airport. When I got my first check, I decided that I was going to prove God by tithing.

For the next three months, it seemed that nothing had changed, but in reality it had. I noticed that I always had money in my pocket—money for gas, for groceries, for a cup of coffee, and even money left over. This had never happened before. While I was working my shuttle job, I got another part-time job, which enabled me to start paying off my debt and to be able to give more. Eventually, I was offered a job as a maintenance worker at a work camp in the northern part of the province. It required that I be away from home more often, but it had a much higher salary. I was reminded of Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” This verse does not say “some of your need” but “all your need.” I thank God that His supply met my need. My need was to get out of debt so that I could take the Advanced Class and have more opportunities of service available to me.

When we put God first, it will always work for us. I believed Philippians 4:19, and because I was tithing and abundantly sharing, I not only had my physical need met but my spiritual and mental needs as well, because I had great peace in my heart. Within three years of coming to my new city, I paid off my fifty thousand dollar debt and began to work on paying off my mortgage, which was accomplished in January of 2017. Throughout all this, the faithfulness of God caused me to prosper and be in health.

In February of 2017, I took a trip to my home country with a goal to sell some properties. This had been a constant source of conflict for my sister, who was taking care of one property for me. I completely signed over this property to her and did the same with another one in a nearby country. These types of transactions can be very complicated in that part of the world, but things went very smoothly, and I no longer need to deal with the complications of owning them.

When I returned from this trip, I became quite ill. I had no idea what was wrong, and neither did my doctors. After many tests and medications, I was still sick. But because God is faithful to His Word, He supplied my need as I was doing my best to do His Word. God’s timing was perfect. About two months after I became ill, I received a copy of “Our Father’s Healing.” This was exactly what I needed to help me endure through this challenge, as I was reminded of many places in God’s Word that document God’s willingness to heal. I read this document over and over again, looked up the scriptures listed, and God supplied my need and I was healed.

In all these challenges, I was thankful for the Word I have learned in The Way Ministry. As we are faithful to do the Word, God will abundantly manifest His faithfulness to fulfil His promises.

Out of the Darkness and into God’s Light

God Knew I Would Believe and Receive

It was 1974 and there I was—divorced and living with a health problem. I needed help to find the right answers. At this time in my life, I was sad and looking for answers and thinking that the world might have those answers I needed in my life. How wrong could I be? And how little did I know that something greater was missing. God was knocking at my door for a long time, but I wasn’t hearing the call. I tried to find those solutions in worldly ways but always ended up empty and not peaceful.

As I was making a new life, my brother in Ohio asked me to come and live with his family there and start over. I did this, which turned out to be the best decision I made for my young life. I didn’t know the Word of God yet, but each step I took was drawing me nearer to God. In my brother’s home was the first fellowship I attended. He was so excited about the answers he was finding. He started sharing this with all of us, and his wife took the class next. He was such a great example and helped me through my growing pains spiritually. After that, the more I attended those fellowships, the more I wanted to serve and make it my own to learn all God had for me.

I grew up with a Lutheran background and never really knew how to read the Bible, but I knew Jesus Christ and who he was. For a while, I was asked to take the Power for Abundant Living class (in those days the Foundational Class was known as this) many times, but I always believed I could fix things my own way. Well, one day my heart became meek while I attended those fellowships, and I said yes and signed on the line. God knew I would believe and receive what He had for me. It was amazing to me at a “big” twenty-two years old to be taught and to understand what I was reading, to apply it, and to have the desires of my heart. One of the most exciting things I was taught was how to pray and get results. I started practicing that with great zeal. Boy, that foundational principle has not stopped for over forty years because of my faithfulness and steadfastness to apply it. God hears us and is faithful to us to supply our needs.

The Word Taught Me How

By the age of thirty, my life was in darkness and ruin. I was utterly bankrupt physically, mentally, and spiritually. I was at the end of my rope and more than ready to end it all. When I failed at that, I cried out to God and asked Him to send someone to help me stop being a sorrow to my mother and live a life that was worth living. I wanted something real—something I could depend on and that would not fall apart just when I needed it like every other religious or philosophical trap I had placed all my confidence in.

Within two weeks, a young lady spoke to me words of truth and light, words of freedom and God’s absolute love for me.

Then I took a class—The Way Ministry’s class called Power for Abundant Living. In it I was introduced to God’s Word and His forgiveness. The Word taught me how to walk out of the darkness and ruin my life was engulfed in. It gave me the direction out of the bankruptcy of my life and gave me a set of guidelines I was able to follow into the realization that I am worth God’s love, grace, peace, mercy, and hope, because to God, I am worthwhile.

I learned that the Word of God is the will of God and that He sent His wonderful Son to make it available for me to have all the promises and privileges written therein.

I have been healed in every category of my life because God’s Word is faithful to show me how or because I can ask a fellow brother or sister in The Way Ministry to show me where in the Word to find the needed scripture and insight to overcome every obstacle.

I am free and have eternal life, and I’m waiting for the return of my lord and savior, Christ Jesus.

Staying Our Minds on the Word Taught by Choosing to Pray

God So Lovingly Led Me to the Solution

I am a blessed daughter of God and remain thankful to Him for the accuracy and integrity of His Word that I have learned, utilizing our ministry’s resources for forty plus years. I have seen and continue to see the Scriptures come alive as I apply them in my daily routine. One of my favorite verses, which encourages me to be still and rely upon my heavenly Father, is Isaiah 26:3: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

I will share a powerful incident that occurred as I applied this verse in my home. I was by myself, washing dishes in the kitchen, and I placed my diamond wedding ring on the windowsill then stepped away. After a few chores, I returned and my ring was gone! I then realized that the only possibility was that our pet cat must have seen the glistening stone and batted it somewhere near the sink. I prayed that God would protect my ring and that I would find it in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. My husband and I checked all over the kitchen and other rooms to no avail. I admit I allowed frustration and discouragement to tempt me over several weeks; and I had turned over furniture and looked everywhere EXCEPT the one place God wanted me to check. One morning I was praying perfectly—which is speaking in tongues—in my home, then had a thought to read the chapter called “How to Avoid Being a Failure” from our Volume I collateral, The Bible Tells Me So, where it depicts the woman in Luke 15 who had lost one piece of precious silver that was a gift from her husband and “doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?” So I was reading aloud and got my broom and began to sweep, as God directed me, to the dining room area, where I stopped sweeping right near an air vent. I gently pulled off the top of this vent, and my diamond wedding ring was right there on the inside edge. Praise and glory be to God that He had reserved it there for me! Once I decided to pray perfectly and stay my mind on Him without distraction, God so lovingly led me to the solution. How wonderful it is to trust and obey our heavenly Father, taking one day at a time!

God’s Deliverance in Action

I was helping a Way Ministry class graduate who needed to move her furniture across town. We had the moving trailer out in front of the house, but big black clouds were on the horizon, and it looked like a big rainstorm would be coming our way very soon.

It was shortly after I had taken the Advanced Class, so I was inspired to act on what had been taught. I got our group together, who were helping with the move, and prayed to God for the clouds to part so the Way believer’s furniture would not be ruined by rain.

The clouds parted and went by the area where we were, so there was no rain during the move and we were all blessed! It was a huge blessing to her and us to see God’s deliverance in action.