Starting Married Life Debt-Free

When we were preparing for our wedding, we made up our minds that we would begin our marriage debt-free and also have a beautiful event that was within our budget. We were convinced from the Word we had been taught in The Way Ministry that it is God’s will for us to live within our means and that there is true freedom in living without financial encumbrances. Although neither of us foresaw any upcoming changes to our income levels, we decided to prove God by continuing to tithe and abundantly share, set a workable wedding budget, and pay off our debts little by little.

Over the course of the next year, we were amazed to see our debts shrinking and finally disappearing. We were blessed by individuals who gifted us some money here or there; but beyond that, we still to this day do not know how we were able to make our incomes stretch as far as they did. In fact, after our wedding was over and paid for, we were debt-free and still had an unexpected abundance of finances remaining. We started our new life together with a crystal clear example of what God truly means by “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”