Turning a Weakness into a Strength

I am very thankful for the truths and principles that I have learned from The Way Ministry over the years that have given me boldness and brought strength to my life.

In my early years I was very shy. Many times people commented on how quiet I was, which made me even more self-conscious. In college I dropped a public speaking class after the first night because I was so nervous and shaken. Later, after attending a few fellowships and classes in our ministry, I was invited to teach God’s Word. I was relaxed and enjoyed the experience because I was confident in what I was speaking about. I was taught not to focus on myself but on giving to the people present. The more I taught and joined in fellowship witnessing, the more I grew in making this weak area a strength. To this day, teaching and speaking God’s Word are among my favorite things in life, and I rarely pass up an opportunity to do both. I have successfully applied these principles as a Way Disciple, employee, performer, and in helping to run fellowships and classes. This victory has extended into many areas of my life and has freed me up to serve God even greater!