God Is So Wonderful and Powerful

I am very thankful to our heavenly Father for the wonderful transformation that He has made in my life and how this great ministry of Biblical research has helped me to understand and apply the greatness of the rightly divided Word of God.

Several years ago began a new stage that marked my life. My life at university began. I did not know anyone and had a well-defined personality. I was a very shy, insecure teenager, full of fears, dressed in black, and pretty much serious. (It was my defense mechanism.)

I remember that the first month of classes, I had to do a presentation. It was a catastrophic experience, since I was not able to speak in public. By the way, I was studying to be a teacher. That year was very complicated until I started attending a home fellowship. There, I received all the tenderness and support I needed. Then, two years later, I sat in the foundational class on The Way of Abundance and Power, and one of the things that most impacted my heart was to understand that fear did not come from God, that He loved me so much that I could free myself from all those mental prisons.

Then I was exhorted to prepare teachings and share them to strengthen myself in that area. Every time I had to do public speaking, I said to myself again and again, you can do all things through Christ which strengthens thee…so go and do it!

As I dared to look people in the eyes and smile, my grades improved. I changed my wardrobe. My mother was so shocked with that change, she told me, “Child, you are someone else, and I would like to attend the home fellowship since I have seen how God has changed your life.”

As I grew in my understanding of God’s heart, my desire to serve grew too. On one occasion my home fellowship coordinator asked me if I would like to coordinate a home fellowship, and I felt great joy, but I had a large debt of university credit.

Then I took the Intermediate Class and had the privilege of sharing with believers who helped me to make an action plan to get free from that debt. In addition, I started envisioning myself taking the Advanced Class. Every day I got up, I looked at some pictures I have of The Way International Headquarters, and I thanked God for getting me there. The moment I made up my mind and started to act, God began to open the floodgates of heaven to bless my life. My salary increased and the university debt was completely paid in eight months. Four months later, God called me to serve as a home fellowship coordinator, and after that I went to the Advanced Class.

God is so wonderful and powerful to do all things exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.