God’s Deliverance in the Face of Medical and Financial Challenges

Several years ago in August, I was experiencing pain in my side, so I went to a major clinic in my city to have some tests done. Later that month, they referred me to an oncology center for more tests and eventual surgery. The bills for those appointments and tests were mounting higher and higher. I had no insurance and only a part-time job. Then the doctor found cancer cells, so I started chemo at the end of September. More bills were coming in.

I knew from the Word that I didn’t want my healing to be slowed down by worry and fear of not being able to pay the bills. My family and I tried outside sources for help, but found none. Some of our bills were not being paid fast enough, and the medical center was going to send our bills to collections. I immediately communicated with all our bill collectors about our situation and all that we were doing to remedy it, and then asked What can we do? Using a principle I have learned—communication—we got each agency to group their bills together; for example, instead of the medical center sending five separate bills, we received one bill. Because we communicated with them, we were able to work out a solution and not get sent to collections. Yay! We faithfully stuck to our agreement which is yet another principle taught by our ministry.

Another big principle we continued to practice was living within our means. We had been living debt-free for five years, so we did not have a lot of other bills too. In March (just seven months later) I was done with chemo, but the doctor still wanted to see me every three months. One by one the payments were made; one by one collectors called us, and even though we had a long way to go, we were told that we did not owe any more money.

What did God do for us? God took care of over $100,000 of our debt!

Two years later, we were again debt-free, and have remained so. And four years after that, I was given a clean bill of health. My doctor visits were over. Yay!

We are so thankful, first to God for all He has done for us—big things like this incident and the everyday small things. Also, we are thankful to The Way Ministry that has taught us His Word so we know victory is always ours.