Incomparable Satisfaction in Serving God

I came to this ministry at a very difficult time in my life; I was very worried about the present and the future. I was a public-sector employee, recently divorced at that time, with two children living in a relative’s house. My youngest son was with me, while my eldest daughter was living with my mother because my salary did not cover the expenses of my broken family. I questioned what little I knew of the Word of God. I repeated in my mind that if God with His power created man in His image, why did I not have that power, and why was I living such a limited life?

One morning a fellow believer came to me carrying an orange book and told me about this ministry. The title of that book was Power for Abundant Living. I heard about “power,” “life,” and “abundance,” and I wondered how I could obtain that power to manifest it in my life. I needed abundance.

I participated in ministry meetings and decided to take my first Foundational Class in 1992 and to continue to attend the home fellowship. Then I learned principles of health and prosperity, just what I wanted for myself and my family.

I learned that in order to receive anything from God we should believe, and that believing comes from hearing the Word. I learned that the Word is true. I learned countless ways of service, from organizing an event, making cards and banners, even coordinating and teaching in a home fellowship.

Making myself available in service has given me an incomparable satisfaction in serving God. Now I have been faithful for twenty-six years in this ministry, and I have been a household fellowship coordinator for over twenty years; and I can tell you, without challenge, there is no taste of victory. We are more than winners.