No Longer “Servant to the Lender”

God works in us and abounds toward us as we believe Him and take appropriate action in the specific area that we have a need in. The key is making up our mind to do the Word that we know in any specified area and to be unmovable all the way through to the end of deliverance.

A victory experience that comes to mind for me is in the financial category. I had been taught from God’s Word about debt. (Proverbs 22:7: “…the borrower is servant to the lender”; Romans 13:8: “Owe no man any thing….”) But even after being taught this, I can’t say that I had my mind made up with an urgency to get out of debt. I had a couple loans and a little credit card debt, but I always paid my bills, and I didn’t feel it was going to affect me as long as I kept current on my payments. I didn’t feel that I was that much of a servant to the lender, so I really wasn’t that committed to getting out of debt.

Then one day I received a letter in the mail from the lender on my truck. It stated that they didn’t have a record of me having insurance on that vehicle and that they were going to insure my truck with their insurance company and add an extra $170.00 to my monthly payment. I called them and told them that I already had insurance, but they said that they had no record of it and required me to go to their main office and show them proof. So I took my insurance policy over to their office and showed them my current policy, and then they were satisfied.

It was approximately a week later when I received another letter in the mail from the same lender, but this was on my house. It stated that they didn’t have a record of me having insurance on my house and that they were going to apply another insurance premium to my monthly house payment. Again I called them and told them that I already had insurance on my house. Again they required that I come in to show them proof. All I could think was, “The borrower is servant to the lender.” That is when I decided to get serious and committed to getting out of debt.

This all happened in the latter part of March. In April I made up my mind, I was going to get out of debt! I committed myself to put every dollar of extra money that I had left after I tithed (I definitely wanted God backing me) and paid my bills and bought the bare necessities toward getting out of debt. I figured if things went well, I would be out of debt in a little over three years. I gave it to God, I prayed, and I took all the believing action that I could.

A thought came to mind that I had been driving my truck for work and they hadn’t been paying me a vehicle allowance. I had been driving my vehicle for work for about eighteen months and figured I should be compensated. So I approached the boss with an amount of four thousand dollars. She didn’t even blink and said she would pay it in monthly increments of one thousand dollars. That very same week I had a client that called and made a huge order that paid three thousand dollars. This continued; it seemed that there was one big deal after another. I was tithing faithfully, and I was paying off my loans with the highest interest.

I remember one teller telling me to put my money in a savings account and earn some interest. I told her, “No, I am going to be debt-free!” She looked at me like I was “different.” I have to admit that as I was paying the loans off the thought went through my mind, “Maybe I could go and buy some new clothes.” But I didn’t. I knew that God was working mightily in me and delivering me from this debt. I stayed committed completely, not wavering, and I was out of debt in November of that same year. God came through with flying colors!

That’s when I learned the truth in my opening statement: God works in us and abounds toward us as we believe Him and take appropriate believing action in any specific area that we have need in. The key is making up our mind to do the Word that we know in that area and be unmovable all the way through to seeing deliverance.