Learning God’s Word Provides Victory

God Came Through Ephesians 3:20-Style!

I was definitely lost and without hope in this world when a loving Way Corps believer shared some fantastic Biblical truths with me. God saved my life through the Word I heard and readily believed from The Way Ministry classes and teachings. To learn that Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly thrilled my soul! Knowing that God loves me unconditionally and that in Him is NO darkness at all were only a few of the truths that set me free.

Throughout the thirty plus years I’ve stood with the ministry and continued to grow with God, He has done many amazing feats in my life. One such incident occurred when my young daughter was diagnosed with a condition that would require a serious surgery. I forced my mind over and over to remember and believe the truths I had been taught. Because of my relationship with my heavenly Father, I knew He would carry us through and that we would be victorious. A coworker had shared that her mother had this same procedure and ended up blind as a result! Fear tried to take over, but I knew that my God was not going to let that or anything else happen to my little girl. I believed for the best possible outcome, drove my mind to the Word I’d been taught, and engaged my fellowship coordinator to pray and believe with me.

God came through Ephesians 3:20-style! During a presurgery visit, the doctor was astonished to find no evidence, of any sort, that she ever had an issue. The x-rays were 100 percent clear. I was believing that the surgery would be a success, but God went WAY above and beyond that. What a loving and powerful God we serve.

It is such a blessing to experientially know God as my heavenly Father. I am forever thankful to Him for rescuing me and am excited to see His power manifested more and more in the days and years to come.

Inspired to Pursue a Nursing Career

Ever since high school, I wanted to become a nurse. Right after high school, I entered a trade school and became a surgical technician and then began working. That same year, I took our ministry’s Foundational Class, learning about the Bible for the first time in my life. Right after finishing the class, I received my first Way Magazine in the mail. That particular issue contained in-depth accounts of believers participating in the ministry’s yearlong outreach program. I devoured that issue.

Although I had been accepted into the pre-nursing program at a New England college, I decided to change my route and participate in an outreach program that focused on serving God’s Word to those who were hungering and thirsting for God. Thanks to our ministry’s many resources, I was able to study and understand God’s Word. Inspired through growth in God’s Word, I became a household fellowship coordinator, got married, and had two children.

After a few years, I was again inspired to pursue a nursing career. My husband and I discussed the cost of my schooling. We were uncertain that we could afford it, but I was determined I could accomplish it debt-free. With continued prayer and believing and the promises of God’s Word in mind like Psalms 37:4 and 5: “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass,” I did the diligent work of discovering all the private and public scholarships that were available, including federal and state grants. I worked part-time at the hospital and received tuition reimbursement. I filled out many applications, I wrote many letters, and I made many follow-up phone calls to my school’s financial-aid office as well as many other offices willing to provide funds. As a result, I was able to pay for tuition, books, and supplies and had enough left over for child-care costs for our preschooler. God abundantly supplies our need. God’s Word works!!

You Do Your Best, and God Will Do the Rest

It was a beautiful spring morning. My wife and I were newlyweds and serving in our ministry’s yearlong outreach program. As I set out for work that day, I was excited to complete a remodeling job that I had been working on for a local policeman.

I had a helper that day—a Marine Corps veteran who had served as a medic in the service and was working with me to earn his money for registration for the Foundational Class. When I arrived on the job site, I saw that the owner had left me a note, asking me to make one last adjustment to his outside decking. I picked up the skill saw, eager to work, without noticing that the safety guard had slipped. As I worked, the powerful saw jumped in my hand and injured my left forearm.

My Marine Corps vet friend quickly put a tourniquet around my arm. At just that moment, the police officer who owned this home decided to stop in and check on his project. Seeing my dire condition, he threw me in his squad car, turned on the lights, and raced to the nearby hospital.

On this particular day, a surgeon who was highly skilled at reattaching limbs was at this hospital and agreed to consult on my damaged arm. After examining my arm, he said, “I’m sorry, son, but I think it’s too damaged. We will have to fit you for a prosthetic.” I responded, “Doctor, I believe that if you will try to reattach my arm, we can do this. You do your best, and God will do the rest.” The surgeon agreed to stay and attempt to reattach my arm.

In the hours that I had to wait for an operating room to open, I continued to repeat III John 2 over and over to myself. With my wife at my side, we spoke nothing but the positives of God’s Word regarding the prognosis for my situation. Finally, an operating room opened, and the surgeon skillfully labored for hours to reattach my arm. The operation was a success. He was able to save my arm.

As I visited this doctor for many follow-up checkups and surgeries, he marveled at how quickly I was healing. Each time he would unwrap my bandages, he would shout, “Nurse, get the camera. We have to document this.” After six short months, I was back at work. My doctor fully agreed that he did his best, and God did the rest.

I am truly thankful for the Word of God that I have learned in The Way Ministry. Because of that Word, I know that I am more than a conqueror in any situation and that no problem is greater than my God.

I Wanted a New Relationship

Psalms 4:1:
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.

God promises to hear our prayers and care for us unconditionally. He made us righteous through Christ and without penalty for our failings; He answers our prayers with exactly what each believer needs. I was introduced to the truth of God’s Word at a Way Ministry fellowship and began to understand this promise after completing the Foundational Class at age eighteen. Many years with The Way and many classes later, I was confronted with a very challenging situation. I remembered this verse and God’s promise to deliver me.

My marriage had ended, and I was the single mother of two beautiful boys, ages eight and eleven. My confidence in myself was shaky, and I felt insecure and lonely. My responsibilities were many, and I was painfully aware that my children were missing a dad. There was a large gap between what I desired for my family life to be and what my daily experiences were. This verse was my encouragement to take action before fear could set in. I cried out to God, and He heard me!

Remembering the four Ds of deliverance (decision, desire, details, and deliverance), I prayed to my heavenly Father to help me find the courage and wisdom to move forward. Knowing that God hears our prayers and sees us as we are—spiritually righteous—was comforting. The decision was made. I wanted a new relationship. Next, there came a desire to move forward. In thinking through the many specific details regarding the attributes I was looking for in a believing husband, I made a thoughtful, prayerful list. Seventeen qualities from spiritual to physical, even including personality and cultural traits I desired, were written down. I worked the Word, prayed, claimed God’s promises, and acted on the Word I knew.

After a short time, an opportunity became available. An Advanced Class Special was announced, and I registered to attend. It later occurred to me that the right man could be at this great spiritual event, and I thanked God again for answering my prayer and fulfilling my heart’s desire. It was months away; I had not yet found the courage to go on a date, but there was still time. I believed that my heavenly Father would work out the details, and I began thanking Him for finding the best husband for me and for getting him to that meeting. After a couple of months, I was so confident that my new guy would be there that I began praying daily that he was blessed, healthy, and happy. I believe God revealed many pieces of information to help me prepare my heart and life before the event. My confidence in His ability and willingness to care for me was so strong that I was completely convinced that my prayers were answered already.

That November I excitedly arrived at the Special. After registering, I went to the ministry Bookstore where I met my future husband. We were married two years later and have enjoyed sixteen years of fun, adventure, and service together. About a year after our marriage, I found that prayer list and rejoiced as I checked off each and every attribute I had prayed for in the husband God found for me. God is very good! He hears our prayers and gives us a personal and perfect answer of deliverance. He is always able and willing when we believe!

“All these things shall be added unto you.”

God’s Way Is Not the World’s Way

Matthew 6:33:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I have always maintained a diligent and deliberate work ethic. Throughout my adult life (married life), I felt that working hard and putting in extra effort and time would allow me to provide for my family more fully. This thought process did provide financially for my family, but also added an extreme amount of stress to my physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

With guidance from leadership, I was able to see more clearly in God’s Word how I could believe for all my needs to be met no matter how the world thought I was supposed to approach those needs. God’s way is not the world’s way. I was able to change my thought process by doctrinally and practically learning to put Him first in as many ways as I could think of. I was able to secure a career that met all my needs, not just financial needs—and my relationship with God continues to get better!

Thank You, God!

My blessings from God—there are so many. The ones who introduced me to The Way Ministry are my biggest blessing.

These are also some of my blessings from God:

  • Family—Dad and Mom, brothers (five in all) and sisters (six in all)
  • Marriage—my spouse
  • My family—my children

When I was young, the doctors gave my Dad a fifty-fifty chance for successful back surgery. Thanks to God, he lived through it—thanks to our heavenly Father and His grace.

A couple of years later, my mom was diagnosed with meningitis. The doctor said she wouldn’t make it. Again our heavenly Father prevailed. We all prayed to God to send our mother back home from the hospital to us. God did that. We thank God.

I was diagnosed with polyps in my throat and colon. Also, there was a lump in my breast. All were benign! I had no cancer, thanks to my believing in our heavenly Father.

After my oldest daughter was delivered, the doctor told me that she would have brain damage. There was no damage at all by the power of prayer. I believed. Thank you, God!

In 1993 I gave birth to my youngest daughter. She was a premature baby and weighed about two pounds at birth. Her doctor said to my face, “The baby will never make it.” God had another plan. She’s now twenty-five years old. The Lord told me that the doctor didn’t know me like He did.

God is healing, love, righteous, trustworthy, makes no mistakes, and is never late. There is no second-guessing that His Word is His will. These are just some of the blessings God has given me. Everything I have is because of God. God gave us His only begotten Son. I hear wonderful teachings and love to attend fellowship. I don’t have the words to explain it. It’s God first and no distractions. These are some of my blessings from God.

Set Free by the Truth

Learning the Truth Regarding What Happens When We Die

Learning the truth regarding what happens when we die was one of the most liberating moments in my life. Growing up I had been taught the “truths” of the world about death. These teachings were confusing and brought much fear to my life, to the point that I would go into a state of distress with the thought of dying. When losing a loved one, it was hard to love a God that “could cause that much pain.”

When I was shown directly from God’s written Word what our heavenly Father had written for us to understand on this subject, a great peace filled my entire being! God does not want us to be ignorant about this subject, and knowing the truth directly from God’s written Word truly set me free (Hebrews 2:14; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:26; Psalms 6:5; Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10; Psalms 146:4).

Saved from Confusion

Having been raised Southern Baptist in a rural part of the United States, I felt condemned to fire and brimstone based on actions beyond my control. When given the opportunity, I elected to not attend any religious or secular organizations, as I found them confusing and unfruitful. I knew that other family members found a sense of peace in religion, and I felt that there was a God, but He was still unattainable for me.

In 1993 my mother died, and I was left even more confused and angry. Why would a loving God allow my mom to die at the age of fifty-seven?

In the meantime, my wife had been witnessed to by a coworker and had begun to attend fellowship. She had started taking a series of classes and had asked me to go. I told her to go ahead, that I was tired of religion. As the anger and confusion built in me, I finally asked her, “Why did God let my mother die at such a young age?” She said, “Come take the class.” The class was Dr. Wierwille’s Power for Abundant Living. In this class I was taught not only the idiom of permission but also that the dead in Christ are only asleep and awaiting the return, when we will meet again. As Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 4:13: “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.” I now have that hope.

I have since watched as my first and second wives have also fallen asleep. They are now awaiting the return of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

However, I now have the peace that was written about in Philippians 4:7: “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

When I was hurting and confused, God placed The Way Ministry and an understanding of His Word and will, through the class series, in my path and heart. I now know that I will see my loved ones again at the return. Until then, I look forward to being able to share the peace that I have come to know.

I thank God for Dr. Wierwille’s hunger for the truth and for The Way International’s diligence for the accuracy of God’s Word for over seventy-five years.

The Power to Change Lives

To consider all that God has done for me because of the Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry is nearly overwhelming. To recall and number each blessing would be impossible, but I certainly remember many of them. As my past victories with God replay in my mind, I find that the sweetest and most impactful moments of my life have been when I was able to help someone else with the Word I know because The Way Ministry taught it to me.

I recall a young woman that came to a household fellowship one night. It was after fellowship as my friends and I drove her back home that she began asking questions about speaking in tongues. Collectively, we taught her what God’s Word says. As she listened to us, it became clear that she had a great desire to speak in tongues herself. So, we led her into speaking in tongues, and as she manifested, tears of joy began streaming down her face. After a while, she finished speaking in tongues and told us that it was a great moment in her life and that she didn’t want to stop. She deepened her personal relationship with God and manifested holy spirit power because we were able to teach her what we had learned in the foundational class on The Way of Abundance and Power and from other ministry resources.

I also remember a woman I met while door-to-door witnessing. She opened her heart and shared with me that a beloved family member that she was responsible for had recently suffered a terrible accident and had broken her neck. The physicians told her that her loved one needed to have surgery to prevent the medical situation from progressing to paralysis or death, but that she was too risky of a candidate to perform surgery on. This woman was overcome with grief and guilt. But I took this opportunity to teach her that God’s desire for us is to be in good health and that nothing is too hard for God. She told me that she believed God was able to perform miracles and that He could heal her loved one. I taught her what I had learned from The Bible Tells Me So about believing, and we prayed together for her loved one to be completely healed. One week later, this woman came to fellowship and told me that when the physicians x-rayed her loved one’s neck to see the progression of the fracture, no sign of a fracture could be found. Her loved one was completely healed.

Lastly, I remember a young man that regularly attended my Way Disciple household fellowship. He shared that he was struggling financially despite all of his efforts to live within his means. So, a fellow disciple and I asked him if he knew about the benefits of tithing. We taught him many of the truths covered in Christians Should Be Prosperous. Although hesitant at first, he decided to prove God and His Word. Within one month, he received so many blessings of physical prosperity, including a significant promotion at work, that he proudly exclaimed that it was all because God honored His promise to be his sufficiency and that he was going to immediately start giving more.

I am so thankful to The Way Ministry for teaching me God’s Word because it is that Word of God that I have then been able to teach to others to bring powerful deliverance to their lives. This has brought indescribable joy and rejoicing to my soul. I have the power to change lives as I choose to speak the truth in love.

I Wanted to Take the Advanced Class

I had wanted to take the Advanced Class for many years, but my financial responsibilities disqualified me from doing so—until 2018. God worked in my life to make it possible to clear my financial indebtedness so that I could take the Advanced Class in June 2018! He guided me on the path to victory, beginning approximately eighteen months before the class.

Early in 2017 I made the decision to retire from my government job by the end of the year. I worked with my financial resources to assess and prepare for a life where I would no longer be getting a hefty monthly income. I put it all up to God and confessed that He is my sufficiency and has always taken care of me. Why should He change when I retired? After all, I’d had God’s abundance in my life every step of the way up to that point, and He always met my needs. So I took the believing step and retired on December 31, 2017.

The huge financial hurdle to taking the Advanced Class was to pay off my mortgage. Although I considered several options, when I put it up to God, He told me that I had enough to pay it off right then in full. Truly trusting God, I paid off my mortgage and remaining credit card debt. What a tremendous feeling of release and freedom from bondage this believing action gave me. I was then able to meet the class requirement of being debt-free.

God also worked on clearing the path for me to take refresher Foundational and Intermediate Classes, arrange for care of my dog for the two weeks of being at The Way International Headquarters, and arrange for travel and lodging needs for the class. Every detail was perfectly executed, and everyone involved was blessed.

Taking the class was a huge blessing, and my desire was abundantly fulfilled. This believing journey started eighteen months in advance when I first made my desires known to God with great trust and thanksgiving. God truly hears our prayers and works with us to bring to pass the desires of our hearts if we faint not. This experience has energized and deepened my trust in our loving Father. I am fully persuaded that He cares for me.

Recognizing Revelation

More than a Feeling

Proverbs 3:5,6:
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Before I had a knowledge of God’s Word, when I leaned towards my own understanding, there was an incident in my life that never made sense. One evening driving home around midnight, I was approaching an intersection, and the light was green. I had what I described at that time as a “funny feeling” to stop. Well, who stops at a green light? It didn’t make any sense to me, but the funny feeling wouldn’t go away, and against my better judgment, I placed my foot on the brake to begin to stop. As I slowed down, almost to a complete stop, a tractor trailer ran the red light and missed hitting my car by just a few feet. I never could explain why I stopped, but I knew that if I had not stopped, I would have been hit by the truck.

Four years later and after taking the foundational class on The Way of Abundance and Power, one afternoon I was on my way home from work. Traffic was light and traveling at sixty miles per hour. In front of me in the lane to my right was a tractor trailer. As I was approaching this truck, getting ready to pass it, I didn’t have a funny feeling. No, this time I recognized what it was and understood it—God told me to stop. Well there I was again, knowing to stop on a highway with no traffic, driving at a safe speed. You just don’t do that. This time I had the understanding of God’s Word in my heart. God let me know that I had to stop. I was now able to trust God, not my understanding of the situation. Well, on a four-lane highway, I put my foot on the brake and stopped. As I stopped this time, the truck that was in the lane to my right all of a sudden veered to the right and then to the left, and before I knew it, the truck had all of the lanes blocked and came to a sudden stop. Once again I had come to a complete stop in a safe place.

This second incident showed me the truth about the first incident—God has been watching over me for a long time. When we trust God with all of our hearts, we have the ability to listen to Him and act accordingly. When we do, we enjoy the safety that our loving heavenly Father provides us every moment of every day of our lives.

What Is True versus What Is False

Because of the Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry, I have been able to tell when I am really receiving revelation from God and when I am not, meaning that the accuracy of God’s Word in my life that I have learned in The Way Ministry has enabled me to differentiate between what is true and genuinely from God versus what is false and falls short of what God wants me to know and do.

Nothing Is Lost to God

I went to my first Way Ministry fellowship around December of 1985, took my first Foundational Class in the summer of 1986, and took the Advanced Class in the summer of 1988. My life has been abundantly packed with God’s grace and blessings throughout all these years as a result of the how-to teachings of God’s Word by The Way Ministry. Yet, through all these many amazing blessings, there has been one theme that shines through when I consider my personal relationship with God. And that is in the category of finding something important that has been lost.

I believe the precedent for this aspect of my relationship with God was set in 1988 when I went out as a Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador. I worked for a car dealership, detailing cars. I was twenty years old. Perhaps my most prized possession at this time in my life was a gold and sapphire high school class ring my mother had bought for me when I was in tenth grade. She knew I’d loved the class ring design since I was a small boy, and it was a big financial challenge at that time for her to buy this for me. When she gave it to me, she asked me to promise that I would wear it and that I would not give it to “some girl” to wear or put on a necklace. I promised this to her and kept that promise. I wore that ring every day for years until it didn’t fit anymore.

So, one morning I went to work. As usual, I changed into my work clothes on arriving. I had been advised not to wear the ring at work because some of the chemicals could damage the gold. I removed the ring and put it in the left front pocket of my street pants and hung them on a hook where we changed clothes, and I went to work. When the work day ended, I headed home, excited to see what the rest of the day would hold.

I arrived to find my fellow WOW Ambassadors not at home, and shortly after I came in, I realized I wasn’t wearing my ring. My mind often works with pictures. I immediately pictured putting the ring in my pocket. I’d not changed out of my work clothes before leaving work that day, so I went to my bedroom and got the other pants. But when I reached into the pocket, the ring was gone. I felt a familiar lump in my throat. I can’t recall if I prayed the first time then or after I went to my car, but I went out and searched my car for the ring. I crawled down on the floorboards, looked under the seats, searched front and back and in the cracks of the seats. No ring.

I went back inside, trying to calm myself, speaking in tongues, and focusing on believing to find that ring. As I considered this, the experience of another believer came to my mind. My brother had recently gotten married. He and his wife married on the East Coast and promptly moved to California. His wife had a set of china. She really loved it, but it was missing one of its eight bowls. She planned to try to find a replacement. As they prepared to move, she packed up the china and mailed it to her mother in the Midwest, who would then mail it on to California when the time was right. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law began to look for a replacement bowl. She checked stores, suppliers, and even the manufacturer. She learned that the pattern was no longer being sold. Deciding she’d done all she knew to do, she prayed to God and told Him she’d done all she knew and gave it to Him, confident He would provide her a solution.

When the china arrived at her mother’s house, her mother decided to unpack it and make sure nothing was broken. When she did, do you know how many bowls were in that box? Eight! That’s right, eight.

This memory of her experience came to my mind. I’d been very amazed by it at first. But the more I’d thought about it, the more it didn’t strike me as unexpected. After all, our God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He made our bodies from dust. He loves us and wants to care for us. How hard is it for God to make a bowl? Did God know where my ring was? Of course He did. He knew exactly where it was. Was God capable of taking my ring from wherever it was and putting it in a new place? Easily.

So, I prayed. I said, “God, thank You for bringing my ring back to me. I want You to take that ring from wherever it is and put it on the hump on the floor in my car.” I drove a 1981 AMC Eagle station wagon. Like other rear-wheel drive cars back then, there was a big hump on the floor between the floorboards of the two front seats. This is where I told God I’d like Him to put my ring. I picked that location for two reasons: first, because it was a very prominent and easy-to-see place, and second, because I knew it was impossible that I could have overlooked the ring if it had been there before, and that if I found the ring there, no one and nothing would ever talk me out of knowing that God had answered my prayer and that a miracle had occurred.

After praying, I went out to my car again—the car I’d searched with a fine-tooth comb just a few minutes before. When I opened the door, my eyes went right to the hump near the front seats, and there was my gold and sapphire class ring, just sitting there on the carpet! I was electrified!

I often think about Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” That day I had proved to myself what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God, and nothing could ever talk me out of what happened that day. I was not only convinced that God knows where every single thing in the world is, but I was also fully persuaded that if one of those things was important to me and I lost it, God would make sure I got it back. This experience set a theme that repeated many times in my life.

A number of years later, my wife and I were expecting our fourth daughter. While my wife was on an errand, I started to put the crib together. My helper was our youngest daughter, who was five at the time, though today she is an Advanced Class graduate. The crib had two steel rods that ran up and down, holding the side on. Without these two rods, it was impossible to put the crib together at all. As I worked, I realized I couldn’t find either of those rods. I called my wife and asked if she knew where they were. She did not.

So, I was praying and searching, with my five-year-old following me as I did. At one point she said, “Think about where you saw it last.” I chuckled to myself at that. It’s what I taught her, what I said to her any time she lost something. It was the first thing I always did when searching for something. I’d actually already done that but had discounted it because it provided no help. So I continued to search, circling back to places I’d already looked at least once before. Now my daughter said, “If you believe, you will find it. If you don’t, you won’t.”

That made me stop. She was exactly right. Believing is action. What action could I take that I’d not already done? I thought of her first admonition. I could clearly picture where these rods were the last time I remembered seeing them. But the reason I’d discounted this information originally is that we’d moved about a year earlier, and the place I could picture them was in the basement of our old house, just through the door to the unfinished portion of the basement, sitting on a two-by-four that formed part of the wall, and leaning against a wall stud.

But this was the last place I remembered seeing it. Some might have thought it far-fetched, but I took my daughter and buckled her in her car seat, and we went for a drive over to our old house. I knocked on the door and proceeded to explain the strange reason for us being there and asked the young man if he minded if I checked the basement for the lost item. He invited us in. We went down the stairs, and as he was searching in the dark for the light switch, I could see the door to the unfinished portion of the basement. I just opened the door and reached into the dark beyond and wrapped my fingers around those two metal rods sitting exactly where I remembered them sitting. My daughter and I drove home talking about how great God was!

God physically moved something lost and gave it back to me. God also worked in the household, even in a small child, to bring me to lost things. And this last example is when God communicated by revelation to show me where a lost thing was.

A friend had been visiting, and he told me he’d lost his keys. He thought they were in our family room. I went and searched quickly but didn’t see them in any obvious place. Then I prayed. Before I even finished my prayer, I heard a faint electronic beep. I opened my eyes and turned in the direction of the sound. I heard it again. My eyes went to a pair of boots. I walked over to the boots and stuck my hand down into one of them and grabbed the keys. I pulled them out and immediately noticed that there was nothing on that key ring that was electronic, nothing capable of making any kind of sound.

I just smiled to myself, realizing that God had produced a sound for me that I associated with a car to show me where the keys were. How amazing is our God? God’s faithfulness to me over the years in this small category has greatly built my believing in all sorts of other areas. If God is willing to care for me in such a simple area, what else would He do for me? This is a question I’ve often asked myself over the years. Seeing that question answered over and over again has been a great personal joy and a big part of my growing personal relationship with my loving heavenly Father.

Trusting in God for Deliverance

God’s Power Prevails over a Hailstorm

Springtime in my city brings all forms of precipitation. One spring day, a hailstorm was in the forecast. My husband and I lived in a house without a garage. We usually parked our car in front of the house. This day was no exception.

As the storm approached there was nothing we could do but trust God to protect our car from hail damage. We prayed and thanked God to protect our vehicle. Shortly thereafter, the storm arrived. As we watched the hailstones rain down on our car, we continued to speak in tongues and believe that our car would not be scratched, dented, or broken in any way. Finally the storm stopped. We went outside, expecting the best outcome. Our car was in the same condition it was in before the hailstorm: there was no damage to it whatsoever.

That evening on the news, reporters were showing extensive car damage at local car dealerships, damage which was being called “an act of God.” One of our neighbors had just bought a new car, which was also severely damaged in the storm. However, our Almighty God, the one true God, protected our car from this hailstorm. Matthew 18:19 was realized in our lives that day. We were able to take God at His Word, believe, and see this miracle take place before our very eyes.

Thankful for God’s Protection

Early one Sunday morning, I was taking a walk in a local park in my area before fellowship. I was enjoying some nice quiet time with the Father, speaking in tongues as I walked along enjoying the scenery. When it was getting time for me to leave, I started heading back to where I was parked and noticed a woman who was walking towards me on the trail. All of a sudden, she made a quick 180-degree turn. I thought that was rather odd. She then turned around and looked right at me with wide eyes. I stopped to ask her what was wrong, and she pointed at me and just said, “SNAKE!” I started scanning the ground in front of me thinking, “I don’t see anything,” until I finally looked straight down to discover there was a rather large snake right at my feet. If I had taken one more step, I would have stepped right on it! I carefully maneuvered away from the snake, took a picture as evidence, thanked the woman, and quickly headed to my fellowship coordinator’s house, excited to share my story. I was excited because I knew my fellowship coordinator had some expertise in identifying things in nature, and I had just finished reading chapter 5 of Joy and Peace in Believing, entitled “Claiming God’s Protection: Trusting in the Lord,” which I had been preparing to teach on in an upcoming fellowship. Now I had a great incident for my teaching!

I got to fellowship and showed the picture to my fellowship coordinator. He informed me that it was a copperhead that I had almost stepped on—a very poisonous and sometimes deadly snake. Needless to say, I was very thankful it didn’t bite me, but I was even more thankful for the Word I had just recently learned about God’s protection. I was thrilled to see that as I believed and applied the Word I had been taught, the results were clear. Because of that, I could give God the glory and share my story of deliverance with others.