I Wanted to Do Things Right

Since I came to this wonderful ministry and I experienced the great things God has done for our lives, my life has never been the same. I have Christ in me.

My shy self, proud and full of fears and uncertainties, was gradually disappearing; and today I am working on the same project as many of you: building my best version of myself.

It seems obvious now, but choosing that and changing the direction of my life wasn’t easy at all. I remember how Proverbs 3:5 and 6—“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”— clicked in the innermost part of my mind—my heart. I wanted to put God first. I wanted to be a better disciple.

I needed another environment to grow and develop in the Word. That’s how the idea of moving to another city (where the ministry office is located) with my daughter began to crystallize. Move out from where I was to a new city. We are talking about two thousand five hundred kilometers (or approximately one thousand five hundred miles)!

I wanted to do things right, and Proverbs 20:18 says that every purpose is established by counsel. I remember that the first thing I did was to go to my household fellowship coordinators in Africa who helped me clarify the situation and know if it was the right choice for me or not. With their love and dedication, both of them led me to make the best decision in order for God to work in my life; to ponder the paths and then follow them; to understand the purpose of my decisions, building up my mind to be bold in believing.

Operating these principles helped me to achieve success and to see the hand of God working in my favor. Today I realize that it was the right decision to make.

With God we can expect great things to happen: He always goes far beyond our expectations. A few days after I arrived, I found a school for my daughter; a week later I found a cozy house to live in; and the following week I found a job that blesses me a lot.

I regularly attend a household fellowship with our Country coordinators, and despite not having blood family here, the spiritual family abounds in love toward me. The household of God is a great support and a blessing for me.

How God Has Blessed Me

Our God is an awesome God! The Way Ministry, through its Sunday Teaching Services (live and on CD or DVD), fellowship meetings, classes, collateral studies, The Way Magazine, and other media, has kept me anchored in God’s Word so that I could see God work in me and my life’s endeavors.

When I awaken each day, it’s the Word that I do first—reading Scripture, praying, speaking in tongues, and listening to Christian music. It’s a great start to my day, and I’m ready to accomplish my tasks and conquer the challenges of the day!

So, let me relate one story about how God has blessed me (and my family).

In 2012 I decided to relocate to Florida. This decision involved leaving my job as well as relocating my elderly parents from Puerto Rico. In their eighties at this time, Mom and Dad required more care, and my siblings and I felt they could no longer stay by themselves on the island. In addition, every time we visited them we saw so many negative things going on in the small island. With God’s spirit at work in me, I knew we needed to do something soon. With everyone on board, my planning and preparation began. This all came to fruition in January of 2014. I moved first, and then by August 2014 my parents joined me. We sold their home and purchased a new home in Florida during this time frame. God is great!

After settling in and working various jobs, I now work full time teaching English to international students. This job came with a good salary and, most of all, health benefits—and more! God met this great need for me to continue working in a most rewarding job.

In September of 2017, Hurricane Maria devastated the island of Puerto Rico. None of us could have imagined the catastrophic effects of this hurricane until we saw the images and news reports on TV. We were heartbroken, to say the least. However, my parents, my siblings, and I remain grateful that we were able to move my parents out when we did. In the days that followed, we received news from the few family members and friends still living on the island that they were well. Months later, we also found out that my parents’ former home was untouched by the hurricane. God is magnificent!

Today my siblings visit frequently, with three out of four of us living in Florida. My parents and I enjoy listening to the Sunday Teaching Services and singing hymns with all. My prayer partner and I have seen great things come to pass for each of us. Our respective fellowships and Bible study groups stand stronger and more committed; we keep one another energized in our believing and continue to will and do of God’s good pleasure! God is amazing!

I Was No Longer Afraid

I grew up going to a denominational church that teaches that the dead are alive, and that they watch over us and take care of us. As a child, I was afraid of this teaching; I didn’t like to get up during the night because I was afraid that I would find a dead person somewhere in the house watching over me. As I got older, it made me mad to think that those dead people could come in and out of my life anytime they wanted without respect for my privacy.

When I got in the Word in The Way Ministry and was taught the accuracy of God’s Word, I learned that the dead are dead, that they are not watching over me, taking care of me. I learned scriptures like:

Psalms 6:5:
For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?

Ecclesiastes 9:10:
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

After I was taught this truth in God’s Word and continued to grow in my understanding of it, I was no longer afraid to get up in the middle of the night. I knew that the dead are dead and that I could speak in tongues anytime, including at night, and talk with my heavenly Father, God. That gave me great peace and comfort.

This is one of the many things God has done for me because of the Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry.

Exactly What I Needed to Heal My Heart

I started going to church at the age of seven. I was born again at the age of nine. I grew up in the church and attended faithfully three or more times a week.

The first moment I ever questioned my belief in God was when I was in my senior year of high school. I was seventeen, and my youngest sister passed away at the age of fifteen. I was hurt and heartbroken. The pastor told us we were not supposed to question God as to why He took my sister to heaven. She was up there with Him now and was looking down on us. I got angry at God. I did not see how He needed her in heaven. I also did not see how she could be looking down, watching over me, when I was so hurt and bad things were still happening in the world. I knew the Bible said that there wasn’t supposed to be any sorrow or tears in heaven.

When I was twenty-six and still attending that same church, I met a man who witnessed to me. He was preparing to take the Advanced Class as part of a series of classes through The Way Ministry. He asked me a few questions about the Bible. I responded with what I knew of the Word. He then showed me from the Word the correct answer. I was intrigued. I then explained to him about my sister and what the pastor had to say. He gave me the book Are the Dead Alive Now? by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille to read. It was exactly what I needed to heal my heart. It showed me from the accuracy of God’s Word, scripture by scripture, what God says about what happens when you die and when you will be resurrected from death.

That was over thirty years ago, yet I can still remember the peace, comfort, and healing it brought to my heart and life. I am still standing strong in the household of God and with The Way Ministry. I thank God daily for this ministry that has taught me the rightly divided Word.

Growth in the Word Leads to Boldness in Speaking It

This ministry has taught me how to be bold in speaking God’s Word. Speaking God’s Word is now an intentional habit!

Over time in my childhood and upbringing in church, I grew to be embarrassed to speak of my godly beliefs and practices. My parents taught me by their words and examples to live God’s Word to the best of my understanding, and I knew that Scripture says to speak His Word to others. However, well into adulthood, I still largely kept my beliefs to myself and usually shied away from speaking God’s Word to others.

Still going to my family’s church, I became convinced of the need for me to be a light in my own community as a witness and as an ambassador for Christ! I even took training classes in outreach along with other members of the congregation; but we never did anything with that training. However, the calling remained on my heart and in my prayers.

Enter The Way International. I met Way International ministers and discovered that they were interested and experienced in local outreach through speaking God’s Word. After realizing THIS was the opportunity to grow that I was looking for, I began attending fellowship—and outreach events—and ministry classes.

Though I was a student of the Bible for many years prior to being introduced to this ministry, I immediately benefitted from the decades of careful research and teaching of God’s Word. Learning about the “sonship rights,” and especially so much more about our ministry of reconciliation, was a thrill and an answer to my prayers.

The ministry’s focus of reconciling others to God was, and is, exciting to me! It has helped change my whole perspective on speaking God’s Word in outreach. I learned that one of my rights as a son of God is to speak the truth to all who want to know. Our ministry coached me in having my mind more fully prepared with the gospel of peace, and the one-on-one coaching in speaking forth God’s Word in outreach situations gave me a newfound boldness to introduce and speak God’s Word in a multitude of encounters.

This learning really sharpened my focus on the truth—on the present truth—and took my understanding to new heights, and it helped elevate my believing, my conviction, and my desire to MOVE God’s Word! Now I skillfully and fluidly introduce God’s Word into a conversation and have the habit to fearlessly, intentionally, and without reservation speak God’s Word.

I am an ambassador with a renewed mind, a workman of God’s Word, and a spokesman of it. Now, I am never ashamed to hold forth the Word of Life thanks to the accurate teaching developed over the seventy-five years of our ministry on what it means to be an ambassador for Christ.

God Made a Bad Situation into a Witnessing Opportunity

When I took the Foundational Class in March of 1979, I became more confident in myself because of the love of God that was shown to me and because of what I learned about believing. I had the boldness now because of God and His Word to believe in what God could do for me, and I had the power of Christ in me.

Due to the confidence and trust in God that I received after taking the class in March of that year, I decided to go out on the ministry’s outreach program, called Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassadors. That outreach program was a year of great growth in all areas of my life. During that year is when my incident occurred.

I was driving down a road that I had thought I knew well. It had snowed the night before, so it was slippery. I thought the road had a natural curve at the end, but I was wrong! And very wrong was I! There was a stop sign instead, and I did not have time to slow down to stop. I turned my car to the right really fast. It whirled around into a spin and, with a big BUMP, went into a ditch. My WOW sister was with me, and other than it startling us, we were physically all right.

After calling for help at the closest house, the police came and the car was towed since it was in no condition to drive. When talking with the police, I found out that my insurance was no longer active. My parents had canceled it. The state we were in was the first one to require car insurance, so without it I was written up a ticket and told to appear in court.

It was a small town, and court was in the judge’s office. During the hearing, it was just the judge and me. He started with a simple chat, asking me where I was from, since my license was from Nebraska, and what I was doing there. I told him where I was from and why. He told me that he wanted this to be brief because he was feeling ill. That encouraged me to witness to him about believing and God’s healing that can happen when one believes. I asked him if he would like me to minister healing to him, and he said yes. I ministered healing, and he was so blessed because he instantly felt better! At the end of the meeting, he told me that he didn’t want to penalize me at all by charging a fee or revoking my license, but he had to at least revoke my license because he needed to do his job. He waived the fee. God made a bad situation into a witnessing opportunity for me! Or as they say, God made “lemonade out of lemons.”

Victory in Living the Word

In the past thirty years of my life, I have had great freedom to make choices in my life because of what the ministry has taught concerning “living within your means” and living debt-free.

I purchased a home in 1986 and considered if I could afford the mortgage even if I worked at a minimum-wage job. So I was applying the principle of living within my means.

But looking ahead, I wanted to do more for God with my time and talents. The best way to do this was to start living debt-free. So I worked toward and then paid off my mortgage, and I now have no loans or credit card debt.

When in the early 1990s our country entered a recession, I was able to face the challenges of the country’s financial crisis with trust in God and the absence of fear because I was free from the bondage of debt.

Living debt-free opened up opportunities to take on the privilege of being a household fellowship coordinator in the first years of the new millennium and to help others see the greatness of living the Word in this category. I am still sharing these truths today and will continue to do so in the current fellowship I have the honor to coordinate.

I was able to leave a job situation after thirty-eight years that had become very vexing day after day because I knew that I had that freedom of living debt-free. Another woman who was in the exact same situation at the company was afraid to look for other opportunities to use her skills elsewhere. She was too afraid to do so because her mind-set was, “I cannot because I have a mortgage.”

I have seen the benefit of what the ministry has taught me in very practical solutions for living in whatever financial or political climate that surrounds me in the world. I have peace. Being in bondage to debt would have caused me to fear and ensnared me. God’s Word, when applied, allows us to walk in freedom and abundance.

I thank God for His matchless Word, and The Way Ministry for teaching me how to apply it in every category of life so that I can walk circumspectly and unfettered, serving God with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Starting Married Life Debt-Free

When we were preparing for our wedding, we made up our minds that we would begin our marriage debt-free and also have a beautiful event that was within our budget. We were convinced from the Word we had been taught in The Way Ministry that it is God’s will for us to live within our means and that there is true freedom in living without financial encumbrances. Although neither of us foresaw any upcoming changes to our income levels, we decided to prove God by continuing to tithe and abundantly share, set a workable wedding budget, and pay off our debts little by little.

Over the course of the next year, we were amazed to see our debts shrinking and finally disappearing. We were blessed by individuals who gifted us some money here or there; but beyond that, we still to this day do not know how we were able to make our incomes stretch as far as they did. In fact, after our wedding was over and paid for, we were debt-free and still had an unexpected abundance of finances remaining. We started our new life together with a crystal clear example of what God truly means by “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”

I Am Able to Love Big!

Because of God and His Word, I am able to love big. I have been able to help my family members in times of discouragement. Many times have I brightened my mother’s day on the phone when she was in a down­hearted state of mind. It thrills me to leave others better than I find them. I was the first one to tell my family members, “I love you.” Now, they are comfortable saying, “I love you,” out loud too.

One time, my brother and sister-in-law from Ohio came to visit my husband and me in Florida, and we were going to go together on a cruise for the first time out of Miami (a three-hour trip from our home). Everyone had their ID with them. Three of us had our passports, and my sister-in-law had an alternate form of acceptable ID.

At the port, my sister-in-law was the final one of us to check in. She did not know that the law had just changed a month before, and her form of ID was no longer acceptable. Need I say any more? We were not going on that cruise. She felt so low, thinking that she had been the cause of the cancellation. She began to cry right there in the terminal. I just knew where my brother’s mind was tempted to go at this point—anger at his wife.

I immediately wrapped her in my arms and told her it was alright. We would just alter our vacation plans and go on the cruise again in a year or two. It took a little while for her to calm down, but I just kept comforting her, and my husband reinforced the effort. My brother, who could have really come down on her, saw that heart of love we showed her and was not inflamed towards her. Actually, he stayed pretty quiet for awhile and encouraged her later as well.

Had I not had the knowledge and wisdom of God’s Word, I am sure I would have responded according to the world’s way. But growing in God’s Word for many years has enabled me to love big and help others.

I Have Been Taught How to Love Others

My involvement in The Way Ministry was not only life changing but life saving! Because of the Word I learned in this ministry, I had a purpose for living again. I was looking for love but was afraid I would be hurt. I John 4:18 arrested my attention, and I wanted God’s love in my life and to get rid of the fear. I was looking to give, but I had nothing to give. I wanted to be sure of what I believed, but I had nothing solid I could say was true—only other people’s different opinions.

It wasn’t until I went on our ministry’s outreach program that I consistently applied the principles I was learning, and I saw these changes come to pass in my life. The outreach program was for one year. I moved to a place I did not know with others I did not know. I remember talking to God and saying something like, “God, I’ll go anywhere but no little Podunk town. I need a city with some big stores to shop in.” (I was from New York.) Ha! We were sent to a country town, population 1,243! That would teach me. All we had was a hardware store. But God had bigger ideas than shopping.

Well, in a big city you can get lost pretty easily, but in a little town you live in a fishbowl. In other words, everyone sees your life and gets to know you pretty quickly. Well, we held forth the Word to everyone in that little town—three times over. And after the initial shock of these “outsiders” invading their town, people began to take notice of the way we lived. We made friends with folks and eventually ran a Foundational Class in our home. We saw that these people who were pretty set in their ways were changing! But our time there was not without great challenges.

One day we were visiting the home of Tim, one of the students. We were talking out by the barn. A car drove into the driveway to where we were talking, and a man came out, very red faced and upset. He walked right up to me and asked what we were doing there. I was stunned at first but remained calm. He said he was the minister at the church in town. Then he pointed his index finger right under my chin and said, “You wouldn’t like it if I went into your garden and picked your fruit, would you?”

Now maybe a year ago I may have been afraid of this man. But on this day, I was different. I was acting in love, and there was no fear in my life. I was bold. I was convinced of what I had and what we had given Tim and of the great changes that were taking place in his life. I don’t know where the words came from, but I know it was God working in me to stand up to that man and lovingly and boldly tell him that we were teaching Tim the Word of God, and his life was changing. God gave me sure ground to stand on. And by the way, before the end of the year, a friend came to town and took me on a shopping spree in an upscale department store in a big city!

I love that I know what to think. I think the Word. It keeps life simple. And if I hadn’t learned the accuracy of the Word from this ministry, I wouldn’t have this to give to others. One of the greatest joys of my life is to have this Word and His love to give and help others the way I’ve been helped. I have purpose in life beyond what I ever imagined. Thank you, God, and thank you to The Way International, which has taught me and so many others the Word of God for over seventy-five years!