We Do Our Best and God Does the Rest

As a young, ambitious college music student, I made the decision to audition and apply for the Brevard music festival in North Carolina—a prestigious and intensive seven-week orchestral program. I knew that this festival would help me grow immensely, taking me to a higher level of musicianship and artistry. I was doing everything I knew to be accepted into the program, such as practicing my instrument a lot, asking my instructors for letters of recommendation, and listening to my viola teacher’s musical suggestions. Additionally, I was aware that the festival was going to be a big financial commitment, and I found it challenging to figure out how I was going to raise enough money for not only the festival, but also for room and board, travel, and so forth.

One night, my mom and I were discussing the situation, and she had the wonderful idea for me to write letters to my college professors, teachers from my past, businesses in the area, and anyone who had greatly influenced my musical studies over the years. So I wrote letters from the heart, explaining my passion for music and my desire to bless others with it, as well as how God had helped me achieve many victories over the years and how much I was believing to attend the Brevard music festival. After I addressed all of my letters and sent them out, I was peaceful because I knew that I had put forth my best efforts to raise the funds, and now the situation was out of my hands. I trusted that God would take care of everything.

A few days later, letters started arriving, and more and more came flooding in each day. People were sending very generous donations and cards, telling me how blessed they were to receive my letters and how they were praying and believing with me to reach my goal. Many who had heard me play music in the past were even telling me how much my music had inspired them and how they wanted to give back for all of the ways I inspired others. This was so touching to me because not only were my prayers to God answered, but also He was showing me a labor of love. I never truly knew how much my music meant to people. By everyone’s kind words and gestures, it was evident how much this impacted them and how much they cared about me. I not only reached my goal, but also I was accepted into the music festival with additional scholarships.

God gave me the desire of my heart this summer, and in the process, He reminded me of the true meaning of Luke 6:38: “Give, and it shall be given unto you….” I had given of my time and talents for years, and God was simply returning the favor. The great love of the household and support of those who believe in me never ceases to amaze me, and I am so thankful to be a part of their lives.