Free to Enjoy a Life More Than Abundant

When I got witnessed to, I was wearing a T-shirt with John 8:32 printed on the front.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

At the time, I didn’t know the magnitude of this verse until I started attending a home Bible fellowship, participating in our ministry’s classes, and applying God’s Word that I was receiving. The more of God’s Word I understood, the more John 8:32 became a reality to me. As a result, I have experienced deliverance and freedom from bondage in many categories of my life.

One particular category that I am thankful to know the truth about is the subject of death and what really happens when someone “falls asleep,” as God’s Word so gently puts it. To me, there is no greater pain than that of losing a loved one. But God, Who is the God of all comfort and Who comforts us in all our tribulation (II Corinthians 1:3 and 4), lets us know that when Jesus Christ returns, the dead in Christ shall rise first (I Thessalonians 4:16)!

Having lost a teenage sibling in the early stage of my Christian walk and recently my dearly beloved mother, knowing these truths has freed me from having a broken heart and has allowed me to stay thankful for all that God has done for me and continues to do. It is the truth of the Word that we experientially know that makes us free—free to enjoy a life more than abundant that Jesus Christ came to make available!