With God There Are No Degrees of Difficulty

Being involved with the ministry since 1974, I have had numerous opportunities to apply God’s Word to my life with very wonderful tangible benefits. A very significant victorious incident occurred when my wife was facing a very serious health challenge. Upon visiting a cardiologist’s office to check out a heart murmur, we were told that she had a life-threatening condition that required “immediate attention.” Since it was a holiday weekend, the most qualified surgeon to perform this very delicate procedure wasn’t available until a number of days later.

As we had experienced for so many years, God’s Word was our source of encouragement and comfort while we waited over a week for her to be admitted to the ICU at the local hospital. We had recently received the wonderful document from the leadership of the ministry entitled Our Father’s Healing. My wife and I utilized this work to help us focus our believing on the promises from God for His healing wholeness to be evident in her challenging time. Also a Sunday Teaching Service video helped us to be anxious for nothing and claim the peace of God to keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We also solicited prayerful support from our wonderful Way Ministry household. We were very clear on the will of God for our situation to be resolved victoriously.

On the eve of the surgery, the surgeon told us that her operation was a challenge that he only rarely encountered, and that the survival rate was slim (about 20 percent). With confidence we encouraged him that God was involved and we were believing for the best possible outcome. During the surgery I was able to control my mind to visualize and claim the victory according to God’s Word I had learned to trust through the years.

When the surgeon met with me after the operation, he informed me that his planned procedure would not work once he saw the details of her condition. Instead, along with the collaboration of his seasoned nurse, they developed an alternative course of action with promising results. He later explained to us that the passage of time from the actual heart-damaging incident until he was able to operate actually contributed to the successful outcome!

Now years later, my wife and I rejoice how God has enabled us to share with many people, our renewed confidence that the Word of God is the will of God. I am so thankful for the details of God’s Word that I have seen through this Biblical research and teaching ministry which has enabled me to believe and apply the promises in all situations, small and large. With God there are no degrees of difficulty. All things are possible to those who believe!

Find out what God’s Word says about healing. If you would like to know more about The Way Ministry, contact us.


My husband and I are so thankful to God for The Way International Ministry. Three years after we took our first Advanced Class, he was zapped by lightning through the telephone during an intense thunderstorm.

One of our friends was with me studying God’s Word in our dining room, when we heard a loud scream. We ran to the family room and saw my husband standing stiffly, arms at a ninety-degree angle, holding a telephone mouthpiece in one hand. After being asked three times if he was all right with no response, he collapsed onto the floor.

My first thought was, “We tithe and abundantly share. God promises to rebuke the devourer for our sake (Malachi 3:11), so we are NOT going to accept this as the final result today. God PROMISED!”

I laid hands on him and commanded and DEMANDED in the name of Jesus Christ for him to be totally healed. Then I told him to rise up and walk (just like Jesus did). He did. We could see the red burn on and in his ear where the electricity had entered his body. It was completely healed within thirty minutes.

I went next door to use our neighbor’s telephone as the lightning had severed our telephone drop line (even the answering machine attached to it was fried!) to call our doctor. Our doctor was also an Advanced Class graduate. He said that my husband was most likely fine but to take him to the ER for confirmation.

The ER didn’t know what to do with a man walking in the door who had been struck by lightning. Two ladies who had been talking on the phone during the same storm were already there in comas. The only book in their medical library about lightning did not include a scenario of a person walking into the ER. They called the largest hospital in the area, and they didn’t know what to do either. They ran some tests, gave him two bags of saline solution, and sent him home, telling him to take it easy the next day.

I stopped at a pay phone at two o’clock in the morning and left a message informing his employer, “My husband can’t come to work tomorrow because he got zapped by lightning through the phone. God healed him, and the ER folks said he’s fine but needs to take it easy tomorrow.”

That lady said she will never forget that call. And we will always be thankful to God and to the ministry that taught us what we needed to know for this miracle to be possible.

The Simplicity of the Word Is Powerful

We Can Apply God’s Word and Share It with Others

One aspect of my life that I have been working and believing God for is to have the Word in my heart and mind so that I can seek for opportunities to share it with someone. A few months back, one of my coworkers had a health situation. The doctor told her to go to the specialist to have further testing to make sure that she was not developing a disease that the doctor suspected because of her symptoms. She came to me and said that she was not going to get the tests done because she thought she was fine. Then she asked me what would I do if I were in her situation. I said I would “let the peace of God rule” in my heart. She asked me what that meant, and so I went on to explain it to her. After we finished talking, she called the specialist and made the appointment for testing. She went to her appointment, and the specialist told her that she had come to him just in time, so that her condition was still reversible. She got the treatment that she needed. The next day, she came with tears in her eyes and thanked me for the Word that I had shared with her.

I thank God for The Way Ministry that teaches God’s Word rightly divided so that we can apply it and share it with others.

Proverbs 25:11:
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

We Can Rely on God and His Strength and Power

I am incredibly grateful for the Word that I have hidden in my heart, that I have been taught to understand and apply through The Way International and its many teachings and resources. The Word has brought strength and power to my life and has helped me overcome and be victorious through challenging times.

A few years ago, while my husband was out of town, I found a lump on my eight-year-old son’s neck. I prayed about it, confessed that nothing was too hard for God, read the Bible with my children, and that night I slept peacefully. I knew that regardless of my husband not being there with me, that with God on my side and the body of believers, I would be strong enough to take care of and believe for my son’s healing. Over the next week, we had many tests done and were given one diagnosis that required surgery and medication for the rest of his life. We continued to claim that there is nothing too hard for God and had a second opinion done with more tests. In the end, the lump wasn’t anything serious, and nothing had to be done with it.

I have learned that the simplicity of the Word is powerful. I have learned that we are strong enough to handle anything that life throws our way because we know that we can rely on God and His strength and power.

Already Healed

In the summer of 2014, I went through an extremely harrowing experience when my husband’s heart stopped. Because of the Word of God that has been sown in my heart over many years of standing on God’s Word in The Way Ministry, I was able to believe for his recovery and to keep God’s peace in my heart during the ordeal. I was greatly supported by The Way household through their prayer, comfort, and help.

It was evening and my husband had gone to bed before me. While reading, I heard an unusual sound that, at first, I thought came from the apartment above us. But I heard it again and then again, and I knew then I had to investigate. I called my husband’s name as I went to the bedroom, but there was no response. When I turned on the light, I saw he was not breathing and his open eyes were lifeless. Immediately I put my hands on him and claimed his life in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I firmly said his name and told him, “You are not dying on me tonight!” The situation was dire, but I knew my God was bigger than what my senses saw. I called 911. How thankful I am that we “happen” to live right across the street from our firehouse and emergency medical technicians. They were there within a few minutes and began their lifesaving work. After contacting my fellowship coordinator, I rode with them to the hospital.

My fellowship and Branch coordinators stayed with me at the hospital for many long hours that night, praying with me and giving so much love and support. The doctors told me that with a cardiac arrest and not knowing just how long my husband’s brain was deprived of oxygen, it was standard procedure to put him in a coma to allow his brain to heal. They warned that there may be brain damage.

Our Branch rallied with twenty-four hour prayer and always having a believer in his room. That helped me to keep my heart peaceful so I could focus my believing on my husband’s complete deliverance. Though the doctors said we wouldn’t know about his brain function till he came out of the coma, I determined in my mind and made my confession that “his brain is already healed.” I held fast to that for the next day and a half. When they brought him out of the coma, the nurses were calling him their “miracle patient”! His recovery continued, and he was home within a week. Three months later, a follow-up test showed his heart to be completely normal.

I thank God every day for his life and for the truth of the delivering Word of God I learned in our ministry and for the household of believers who prayed and believed with me so my husband’s life continues to be a blessing as he gives and serves and teaches and lives God’s Word.

God Never Forsakes His Children

In 2017, I experienced a great health issue. My eyes couldn’t see anymore. My left eyelid had fallen completely. I was seeing everything double to the point that I could not read the Bible anymore or watch TV or drive. I could not take care of the fellowship that I was coordinating or anything else, even with my glasses on. According to the neurological service where I had been hospitalized, I was told I needed emergency surgery.

God never forsakes His children and is always able to change lemons into lemonade.

The household helped me in such a wonderful way, from the fellowships in my area to the Country coordinators. They did not cease to make mention of me in their prayers. The exhortations and teachings on God’s Word being His will, given to me by my Country leaders, really strengthened my believing.

God gave the final word as He answered our prayers. The emergency surgery which should have happened was delayed and then definitively canceled. Today I can thank my God for His wonders, because He delivered me. My health situation got better and better. I can see again, my eyelid is up, and I can use both of my eyes. Everything is just great. I went back to my daily activities as I used to do in the past.

What blessed me even more is that one day, as I was getting ready to ride with the assistant fellowship coordinator to our Household Fellowship Coordinator Training, he looked at me and told me, “You are the one driving!” I did not hesitate! I took the keys and drove there and back, which is almost five hundred kilometers.

This is what God is able to do for us, His children, and what He made available for wholeness, good health, and healing.

We Prayed and Believed for the Best Doctor and Hospital

I was first introduced to The Way Ministry forty-five years ago, and within those years I’ve had many victories in my life because of the Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry. These victories all began for me when I sat through a class called Power for Abundant Living. During that time in my life, I needed mental and physical healing. By the time the class was finished, I had a clear, sound mind and a body that was no longer dependent on anything. It had given me a new start in life. The ministry provided many other classes, and as I attended each one and made the material my own by studying and attending fellowships, I grew stronger. I could now go to the Word for answers on my own and believe and claim the promises God set forth in His Word.

One victorious incident happened when my husband and I planned to start a family. We thought through the details and the cost. We had good insurance and had prepared financially. We prayed and believed for the best doctor and hospital for the delivery. The first blessing came during our birthing classes. The classes were held in a newly built maternity wing of a hospital. It was clean, had private rooms for the patients, and had all the up-to-date equipment. The facility was something we had believed for, but it was not the hospital I was scheduled to deliver in. We knew God would find a way and did not budge on our believing. We found out that our physician also delivered babies in this new hospital and that we would be a part of the first group to deliver in the new maternity wing.

During my delivery there were some major complications, and after the birth of our daughter she had to remain in the hospital for ten days. God opened the door for me to stay in the hospital some extra days so I could be there with our child. Even after being discharged from the hospital, I was able to be with her day and night until she could come home. My husband and I believed God for her healing and for her to be strong enough to come home, and she did. The truths that we learned on healing and believing came from the teachings we learned in The Way Ministry.

The victory did not stop there. The cost of the doctor, delivery, and stay in the hospital for our daughter was in the thousands, far more than we had anticipated. We kept believing God and knew that He was our sufficiency in all things and that this too would be taken care of. After our insurance company paid their part of the cost and we paid our share of the initial delivery cost, there was still thousands to pay because of the complications during the delivery and our daughter having to stay ten days after she was born. We did not know how God would help us, but we never doubted that He would. Remember, I mentioned that this was a newly built wing of the hospital and that we were one of the first patients to deliver there. The hospital was giving the first few patients that delivered there no additional costs other than the flat rate of delivery. No additional costs! Our heavenly Father took care of us. We delivered in the best hospital, we had the best doctor, and God took care of our financial need.

God is at the center of my life because He loved me first and loves me unconditionally. The Way Ministry made it available through the classes, fellowships, Way Corps training, and wonderful leadership for me to know my heavenly Father by way of the Scriptures. For this I will be forever thankful.

You Do Your Best, and God Will Do the Rest

It was a beautiful spring morning. My wife and I were newlyweds and serving in our ministry’s yearlong outreach program. As I set out for work that day, I was excited to complete a remodeling job that I had been working on for a local policeman.

I had a helper that day—a Marine Corps veteran who had served as a medic in the service and was working with me to earn his money for registration for the Foundational Class. When I arrived on the job site, I saw that the owner had left me a note, asking me to make one last adjustment to his outside decking. I picked up the skill saw, eager to work, without noticing that the safety guard had slipped. As I worked, the powerful saw jumped in my hand and injured my left forearm.

My Marine Corps vet friend quickly put a tourniquet around my arm. At just that moment, the police officer who owned this home decided to stop in and check on his project. Seeing my dire condition, he threw me in his squad car, turned on the lights, and raced to the nearby hospital.

On this particular day, a surgeon who was highly skilled at reattaching limbs was at this hospital and agreed to consult on my damaged arm. After examining my arm, he said, “I’m sorry, son, but I think it’s too damaged. We will have to fit you for a prosthetic.” I responded, “Doctor, I believe that if you will try to reattach my arm, we can do this. You do your best, and God will do the rest.” The surgeon agreed to stay and attempt to reattach my arm.

In the hours that I had to wait for an operating room to open, I continued to repeat III John 2 over and over to myself. With my wife at my side, we spoke nothing but the positives of God’s Word regarding the prognosis for my situation. Finally, an operating room opened, and the surgeon skillfully labored for hours to reattach my arm. The operation was a success. He was able to save my arm.

As I visited this doctor for many follow-up checkups and surgeries, he marveled at how quickly I was healing. Each time he would unwrap my bandages, he would shout, “Nurse, get the camera. We have to document this.” After six short months, I was back at work. My doctor fully agreed that he did his best, and God did the rest.

I am truly thankful for the Word of God that I have learned in The Way Ministry. Because of that Word, I know that I am more than a conqueror in any situation and that no problem is greater than my God.

We Can Claim What Is Ours

My husband and I were visiting my son and his family for lunch one day. While we were there, the air conditioner at my son’s home stopped working, and he and my husband went up on the roof to check the air conditioner. After about ten minutes, I heard a very strong crash. I quickly ran outside with others from the family to see what had happened. To my surprise, I found my husband lying on the ground unconscious in a pool of blood. Everyone was yelling, “Don’t touch him—let him lie there.” He had fallen on his head from about ten feet. With all the commotion, I couldn’t concentrate on praying; so I told my son to get everyone out of the area. They brought me a towel. I rolled it and put it under his head, and I held him next to my body. In my mind came the thought, “fractured skull.” Then immediately I claimed his life in the name of Jesus Christ. I said, “This is a lie, and the Devil is the father of lies, and the Devil has no right to take him from me. He is my husband and a righteous man with the nature of God in Christ in him.” Then I leaned next to his ear and told him, “You do not belong to the Devil. Remember who you are. You are a righteous man, and you are sanctified!” I looked at his face again. He was still bleeding profusely from his mouth and nose. I claimed his life again in the name of Jesus Christ, and at that moment the bleeding stopped and he breathed in deeply and became alive. It was then that I realized the intensity of the situation and was completely confident that God had performed a miracle. I instructed my family not to magnify the intensity of the situation because God had already healed him.

We went to the hospital, and they did all the necessary checks and tests. The diagnosis came back that he was fine and that he had no skull fracture. My other son who is a paramedic insisted on taking him to a private doctor who verified that he was just fine—no fracture or internal problems. Two days later my husband and I were sitting in our household fellowship coordinators’ training.

Thanks to God and His rightly divided Word that our ministry has taught us, my husband and I have no doubt that as we believe in God by living righteously as His sons and daughters according to our legal, God given rights, we can claim what is ours—like the life of my husband.

He Brought Me Deliverance

I learned in this ministry that God is my sufficiency. He knows all things and is everywhere present. No matter where I am, He is there to back me up. My responsibility in my relationship with God is to love Him and to believe that He will accomplish what He has promised. God promises that I am more than a conqueror with His sufficiency in every circumstance and in every situation, no matter what may come up in life. To God be the glory; He has been my help. He brought me deliverance when I found myself in distress on March 10, 2018, at exactly 2:00 p.m.

That day, I remembered that I did not park my car well the previous night when I got back home. So I walked out to my car to park it correctly. I went then to the mailbox. From there I saw in the distance a believer from my home fellowship with her daughter, and at the same time, I saw my spouse leaving, as she had to catch the bus for work.

Suddenly a blackout, total loss of memory. I found myself at my apartment building entrance. What happened between the mailbox and the building entrance? I have no clue. The only thing I remember is that I could not open the entrance door with my badge. I actually mistook the badge for the key of my apartment. As it did not work I became more and more frustrated. I walked around, whispering incomprehensible words. Nobody understood what I was saying. This situation lasted about ten minutes and happened in front of the believer and her daughter, who were shocked. She understood that something was wrong and notified my children, my wife, who was still at the bus stop, and our Region coordinator of what just happened.

I then got some of my memory back, and we went up into the apartment. I asked my older daughter to pray for me. As I noticed the heavy atmosphere, I tried to speak, and I gave a short exhortation to everyone. I asked them to stand strong together in the Word and not to give the advantage to the adversary. After that, I agreed to go to the hospital. When we arrived there, I totally lost my language skills. I couldn’t talk clearly anymore.

I went through MRI scans, and two hours later I received a diagnosis: I had a superficial stroke without aftereffect, needing speech and language therapy. The cause of this incident was unknown. The doctors told me that I was “lucky” that the blood clot did not obstruct my blood vessels. That is why I regained my language skills and my memory after five hours. This is the wonderful work of God.

We are never alone. God is always present, wherever we are. I now know the reason why that believer and her daughter were in that very place at that very moment. God took care of the situation through her presence.

God is my rock and my hiding place, my refuge in time of distress. I continuously give thanks to God for His love and His goodness that He manifests toward me and toward the whole household in our Region.

The Healing Power of Communion: Mental Liberation

A few months ago, I was sitting in my living room chair attending our communion fellowship. I was listening to my fellowship coordinator read from various sections of Jesus Christ Our Passover. He read:

“…[Jesus Christ,] in the face of all this physical torture, was accused and interrogated in a manner totally illegal, unfounded, and relentless….”
“…This was a man who had done nothing but love people, heal people, and declare God’s truth….”
“…his life was unjustly maligned, called into question, and slandered….he was the epitome of love, innocence, and courage.”

As I listened, the intensity of these words began to sink in. Viewed from the outside, Jesus Christ had all the reason in the world to back away from God’s calling. He was unjustly accused and wrongly imprisoned, scorned and mocked, tortured and crucified. But he never wavered in his commitment. He fulfilled his spiritual calling in the midst of the greatest unbelief and opposition.

Before communion, I had been weighed down by certain remarks from people around me. Words have great meaning for me, and I was feeling mentally heavy with some of the comments made by those I cared about. Even though I knew they were fiery darts sent from the adversary, I still felt the sting of what was said. But as I sat and heard these words about Jesus Christ during communion, I was suddenly released from my own mental bondage. Those harsh comments no longer held such great significance.

I felt like someone had picked me up and shaken me by the shoulders, saying, “Christ has already paid the full price for you! You are as righteous as God!” Even though I consider myself a joyful person, in those moments I felt a lightness that I hadn’t experienced for a while. No longer was I weighed down under any mental heaviness. I started to tear up with the realization that I could stand as a daughter of God—with no doubt or pain or hurt from the words of others—all because of what Christ accomplished for me. I realized I belonged to God, and Jesus Christ had long ago carried the weight of all injustice and accusation so I didn’t have to bear the burden for myself.

Jesus Christ was so convinced of who he was and who God had called him to be that he never wavered in his purpose. He never weakened his focus or second-guessed his decision to fulfill his Father’s will for his life. I am so thankful to recognize and claim this truth in my own life because of the research and teachings from The Way International. My mind and heart are strengthened daily with this knowledge, and I feel more confident and equipped to fulfill my own spiritual calling for God!