Blessings from Being Raised in God’s Word

The Way Ministry and the Word of God have done nothing but benefit my life. Because I have been raised in the Word, every situation, conflict, or need that I have come across in my sixteen years has been perfectly dealt with by my family using the power of prayer, the Word of God, and ministry tools.

A brief example of a time when God blessed and healed me was around two years ago. The basketball season had just started for my high school. I was a freshman and on the team, which was looking very promising. In the third day of practice, however, I landed awkwardly and pulled my hamstring. I was having trouble walking, putting weight on my leg, and it really hurt. The trainer said I would most likely miss the next two weeks. This was so depressing to me because the first couple weeks of practice are so important to seeing where all the players fit on the team.

I arrived at home shortly after and hopped up the staircase to my father’s office. My dad, being a man with a lot of knowledge of the Word, reminded me that I could be healed. He found a few verses on healing; then he prayed. I arose from the office chair and immediately felt better and was healed. I even ran up and down the hallway with a big smile on my face. Another great thing was that I was cleared to play at our next practice. Just a couple of days later I was back at the gym as good as new!

I’ve learned in the ministry that I can always go to God in prayer.

Philippians 4:6:
Be careful [Be anxious] for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

We Are Stronger Together

What has blessed and continues to bless me is spending time with other believers as that helps us grow together as people. Many times in my young life, there were situations where I just needed to be around believers because I knew that we are stronger together than anything. Whenever I need comfort, or I need to express my joy, I know I can go to believers because they are friends that I can trust and laugh with.

I don’t have unbelieving friends because of their negativity. I have a lot going on in my life with school starting soon, and it can sometimes be stressful. Having to deal with schedules, managing friends, and having good grades is all that I think about. But whenever I’m with believers, these thoughts just stop—I don’t think about them anymore, and that is proof as to how easy it is to stop thinking about the world. When I’m with believers, it’s easier for me to deal with things because they have the Word like I do. They know about the world, and believers know how to comfort one another.

I’m very grateful to be raised in this ministry around believers. The Seventy-fifth Anniversary was amazing, and I hope to go to another celebration someday.

We Do Our Best and God Does the Rest

As a young, ambitious college music student, I made the decision to audition and apply for the Brevard music festival in North Carolina—a prestigious and intensive seven-week orchestral program. I knew that this festival would help me grow immensely, taking me to a higher level of musicianship and artistry. I was doing everything I knew to be accepted into the program, such as practicing my instrument a lot, asking my instructors for letters of recommendation, and listening to my viola teacher’s musical suggestions. Additionally, I was aware that the festival was going to be a big financial commitment, and I found it challenging to figure out how I was going to raise enough money for not only the festival, but also for room and board, travel, and so forth.

One night, my mom and I were discussing the situation, and she had the wonderful idea for me to write letters to my college professors, teachers from my past, businesses in the area, and anyone who had greatly influenced my musical studies over the years. So I wrote letters from the heart, explaining my passion for music and my desire to bless others with it, as well as how God had helped me achieve many victories over the years and how much I was believing to attend the Brevard music festival. After I addressed all of my letters and sent them out, I was peaceful because I knew that I had put forth my best efforts to raise the funds, and now the situation was out of my hands. I trusted that God would take care of everything.

A few days later, letters started arriving, and more and more came flooding in each day. People were sending very generous donations and cards, telling me how blessed they were to receive my letters and how they were praying and believing with me to reach my goal. Many who had heard me play music in the past were even telling me how much my music had inspired them and how they wanted to give back for all of the ways I inspired others. This was so touching to me because not only were my prayers to God answered, but also He was showing me a labor of love. I never truly knew how much my music meant to people. By everyone’s kind words and gestures, it was evident how much this impacted them and how much they cared about me. I not only reached my goal, but also I was accepted into the music festival with additional scholarships.

God gave me the desire of my heart this summer, and in the process, He reminded me of the true meaning of Luke 6:38: “Give, and it shall be given unto you….” I had given of my time and talents for years, and God was simply returning the favor. The great love of the household and support of those who believe in me never ceases to amaze me, and I am so thankful to be a part of their lives.

God Will Always Help Me

There is not room enough on this page to tell of what God has done for me. I am so happy I learned the Word of God in The Way Ministry.

In short, I have become confident in who I am. Who am I? I am a son of God with holy spirit inside. Before I learned the Word of God, I couldn’t be sure of anything. Today, I can boldly talk to and teach a group of peers in the ministry and on the job. When I learn a truth from God’s Word, I can be sure it is true. That builds the confidence inside of me.

Not too long ago I desired to change jobs and pursue a line of work I hadn’t done before. Some people said, “You can’t get a job like that—you don’t have any experience.” Before I learned about the power of positive believing on the promises of God, I may have believed them.

Psalms 37:5:
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

I applied for the desired job and got hired. I am meek and confident in what I do. The Word of God I have learned in The Way Ministry has given me a foundation to base my beliefs on that doesn’t fail. At any time I can go to God and find help.

Hebrews 4:16:
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

I thank my God and The Way International for the Word of God I have been taught.

God’s Word in My Heart Brings Peace

God’s Word truly is the stability of my life. Thanks to my parents’ faithful stand with The Way International for over thirty years, I was blessed with the incredible privilege to be raised with mighty believing examples all my life. As an adult I have been given MANY opportunities to apply those believing principles, one of which I would like to share with you.

As a child I was excited to grow up and become a wife and mother. God answered the first part of my prayer shortly after I completed serving in our ministry’s outreach program. I met my mighty man of valor, and we were soon married. God, as He is faithful, went on to answer the second part of my prayer, and I experienced a wonderful, healthy pregnancy.

When the time came to labor, things progressed smoothly. Eventually my body hit a wall that it just couldn’t seem to get past. Thanks to the wonderful gift of holy spirit, my husband and I remained peaceful, even though at this point my physical body was literally shaking from exhaustion and a slight fever. Soon it became evident that the medical staff was not as peaceful with the situation as we were! I began hearing whispers behind the curtain of the need to make medical interventions soon. Well, they didn’t know MY God!

God through His infinite wisdom had already arranged a solution to this opportunity. My parents and brother had arrived in town the previous day! My dad suggested we have a believers’ meeting and operate the worship manifestations. My family circled around me, held hands, and delivered God’s message for the situation. Immediately I stopped shaking and could tell it was time to deliver.

An hour later our sweet daughter was born with no more medical interventions. God wasn’t done delivering yet! After the postbirth checkup, it was brought to our attention that our daughter wasn’t moving her right arm at all. There was a tension in the room that I just couldn’t understand. Even as they explained the situation, I remember thinking, “So what’s the big deal?” Some may say I was delusional, but I know it was the peace of God in my heart that allowed for that response. God healed her completely without any medical assistance. Almost six years later I still look back on that day with great joy because today I can look at my daughter as she does push-ups, leads songs, and plays with two fully functioning arms. My deliverance was one of peace from the mighty Word of God I had sown in my heart thanks to The Way International.

Knowing God and His Word Brings Me Peace

Because of the Word I have learned in The Way Ministry, God has made known a peace in my heart that the world never gave. God has helped me to have peace in my heart in spite of living in a sometimes challenging five-senses world. Understanding the spiritual competition has enabled me to endure many things with a peaceful heart.

Before I learned the accuracy of God’s Word in The Way Ministry, I used to look for other ways to find peace. When I was twenty-three years old, I packed up my suitcases, quit my job, and moved away from the city where I had lived my whole life to a small town in the mountains. All this, so I could find peace. I was convinced that the city I was living in was the cause of all my distress. I didn’t like the traffic, the noise, the stress of my job, and all the many people crowded together in one place.

My first few months of living in my new environment in the mountains was very peaceful, and I thought I had found the solution to my anxiety. But as soon as I started meeting people, building relationships, and working different jobs, things became unpeaceful again. I was having the same problems I had when I lived in the city. It was all in the way I was thinking! I was basing my thoughts on worldly peace—the five senses—and I needed godly peace to reign in my heart.

After my brief stay in the mountains, I returned to my home state and started a small transportation business. As satisfying as it was to have my own business, often it was pressuresome. There was a payroll to meet, taxes to be paid, money to be billed and collected, sales calls to be made, and customers to keep happy. Sometimes I would lie awake at night wondering if the customers would send their payments owed to me on time, so that I could pay my employees.

Very soon after I started this business I was introduced to The Way Ministry, and I learned truths from God’s Word on how to claim His peace no matter what environment I was in. I learned in The Way Ministry that peace is part of the spiritual package we receive when we get born again of God’s spirit. I learned how to pray, I began to tithe, I learned how to operate the manifestations, and I started utilizing the spiritual resources I was given.

Then one day with no warning, one of my major customers filed bankruptcy and was not able to pay a substantial amount of money they owed me. The profit of my company depended much on this income. What was I to do? The Word I was learning in The Way Ministry helped me to stay calm and peaceful. I kept moving, kept tithing, controlled my expenses, prayed, and believed God.

And then one day, also without warning, I received a phone call from a salesman in Chicago who said the president of one of my smaller accounts gave him my name as a reference. He told me that his company had a new account in the town I operated and that they needed someone to deliver their merchandise. He said, “You’ve been highly recommended.” We started working together immediately. He gave me an order that day. This ended up being one of my largest and most reliable accounts. God provided for what I needed and more.

This incident encouraged me to stay peaceful in other situations that came up with the business, and this actually still continues to help me to remain peaceful in challenging times—knowing that God will always provide what I need. I’ve learned that God’s peace comes from a knowledge and application of His Word, not just from living in the mountains.

Because of the Word I have learned in The Way Ministry, God has made known a peace in my heart that the world never gave.

God Is Faithful

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

The truth of God’s rightly divided Word that I received and believed in The Way Ministry rescued me out of the darkness of this world bringing me back home to my heavenly Father’s arms of love. The Father that I learned about in the home Bible fellowships and then in the Foundational Class has been a Father who has been faithful and unchanging in showing me His love and compassion for over forty-two years.

How thankful I am for my parents who instilled in me a love for God. And how thankful I am for my brothers that introduced me to The Way Ministry and to the class on the Bible that unfolded to me a knowledge of the God I was taught to love.

Through the years He has never failed me. I can remember the summer after taking the class on the Bible when I first moved away from my Indiana home with a sibling to Washington state. This was significant because I saw how God was faithful to me as His child to always take care of me.

After settling into our new home and securing employment, life seemed to move along just as it did before without much concern even though I was quite a distance from my familiar upbringing. After a few months I began to feel lonely and lost. I realized the answers I was looking for I had already, but I couldn’t grow on my own—I needed other like-minded believers. Then I remembered that my brother who introduced me to the ministry had given me a phone number to contact the leadership in my new state to find the local fellowship closest to me. I remembered I could always go to my heavenly Father in prayer, and He would be faithful to help me. So I got on my bike that late afternoon, rode to a nearby phone booth, contacted the leadership, and was given a phone number and address of the closest fellowship.

As I was riding my bike, I stopped a few blocks from my home. I couldn’t believe it, I moved thousands of miles from Indiana, and I found that the address I was given was only a few blocks from my home here in Washington state. I decided to knock on the door right then and there. A smiling face opened the door; I explained I was a believer from Indiana and was welcomed in with open arms. To my surprise, songbooks were neatly laid out on chairs because it was fellowship night! Well, that began my journey on proving the truth of God’s rightly divided Word in my own life and learning that great is God’s faithfulness.

Here I am forty-two years later, and His faithfulness to me as His child has been proven over and over again in every category of life because I had a hunger to know God and was taught to know Him through this ministry. Through every season of life He has supplied abundantly. In the calm and in the storm He has been unchanging, forever faithful with no shadow of turning. His compassions have failed not, and as He was in my youth, He forever will be now and through all eternity.

Countless Blessings

My growth in the Word is due to two important factors:

1. My family:

I am very grateful to God for being born into a family of believing parents who taught me that the first thing to consider in life is the Word of God; they showed me the path of truth from which I will never depart.

2. My environment:

After being convinced of this truth, I used all the ways that were available that could help me to grow in the Word of God. The peaceful environment of the household fellowship meetings I attend every week allowed me to gain spiritual growth. I am always seeking to enjoy the countless blessings that God always pours on during fellowship. Since our lord has not yet returned, we must stand steadfast in this household enjoying these wonders that God continues to make available.

I am very convinced of this true Word. Therefore, let’s stand on the Word of God, enjoying this healthy food that produces remarkable growth in the lives of those who apply the Word.

How Much More There Is to Life!

In 1981, I was working as the art director for one of the largest and most successful advertising agencies in Houston, Texas. Every day, I faced the challenge of generating original graphic concepts that could be produced within our clients’ budgets and time frames, concepts that would succeed in selling their products. I remember looking down at the blank sheet of white layout paper on my desk each day and feeling the constant pressure of quickly coming up with something from virtually nothing, and searching anxiously for the right inspiration.

At twenty-one years of age I had already reached my goal of becoming an art director, and was working successfully at my “dream job.” I thought I would have felt fulfilled once I reached my goals, but I still felt an emptiness in my life and that was puzzling. I traveled home to Pennsylvania to visit my family and to reconnect with my high school friends, thinking maybe that was what I was missing. But it didn’t take long to see that my old friends hadn’t matured at all beyond the games we used to play in high school, and I didn’t miss those.

On the trip back to Houston, I felt that empty feeling emerging even stronger than before. It didn’t seem logical to me that this could be all that life is about. With many thoughts swirling around in my mind, I suddenly blurted out, “God, I know there must be more to life than this! Please show me what it is!” Looking back, that was the first time I had ever prayed to God in that way, like I was speaking directly to Him. It was a short prayer, but it was sincere and from the heart—unlike the habitual repetition of the prayers I learned in the church I attended as a youth.

I purchased a Bible that looked easy to read, and began to read it. It provided some comfort, but I could not understand much of it. So I focused on the Gospels, because the message of Jesus Christ was pretty clear to me. The prayer I had uttered and my believing action to start reading the Bible must have been enough for God to open a door for me, because it wasn’t long before I was witnessed to by a Way Corps minister.

One weekend, I was out dancing at a local honky-tonk, country-western dance hall, when a waitress walked over to the table where I sat watching couples circling around the dance floor. I had noticed this particular waitress before, because she really stood out from the other waitresses. She had a bright, happy smile, she was a diligent worker, she was always so friendly and helpful to the customers she served, and she kept all of her tables clear and clean. As she approached, she put her hands on her hips and peered at me as if I was pitifully sad and abandoned. Shaking her head, she smiled and said the most amazing thing—“Don’t you know, there’s more to life than this?” Startled, I sat up in my chair and just stared at her. How did she…?—that was what I had just prayed about recently! Still confounded, I replied, “Yeah…what?” She laughed, waved her hand at me and said, “Oh, never mind, you wouldn’t understand,” and walked off.

There was no doubt in my mind that God had sent her to help me, so I tapped her on the shoulder several times that evening to ask her what she was talking about. The first couple of times, she reacted much like she did to my dazed reply, “Yeah…what?” Eventually, she must have perceived some sincerity in my tone of voice, because she turned around, looked me in the eye and said, “It’s God!

Wow! I was electrified! That was another validation of the godliness of this woman and God’s involvement in this situation. I replied, “I’ve been reading my Bible lately.” To that, she laughed in disbelief and challenged me by asking, “OK, which one?” as if perhaps I would not have a clue on what to answer. I replied, “Good News for Modern Man.” That got her attention. She seemed impressed that I was actually reading a Bible, but unimpressed with my choice, and with all confidence and boldness she said, “Oh, come to my fellowship, I’ll teach you the Bible!”

It took a few weeks due to my busy work schedule, but I did make it to her household fellowship, where I met her husband and children. Soon the room was overflowing with excited, smiling people. When the fellowship began, I was immediately impressed with the way this group of people prayed with their understanding, from the heart. It was the first time I ever heard the manifestations of speaking in tongues, interpretation, and prophecy operated. I remember that the messages were so comforting, edifying, and inspiring. They were amazing!

Later, she taught about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel, chapter 3. She taught like she knew the record by heart, with boldness, confidence, and authority. The teaching was in-depth and penetrated my heart. I learned vividly that day about the law of believing and what an impact we can have when we believe God. I saw how deeply those three men loved God and were so committed to keeping Him and His Word first, and how God protected and delivered them. I wanted to be like them and to have a relationship with God like they did.

After the fellowship, I told her that I had some questions about God and the Bible, so she led me out to their patio, where we sat down in lounge chairs that she positioned face-to-face. She opened her Bible evenly in her lap, folded her hands on top of it, and said, “Okay, what are your questions?” I thought, “Is she really able to answer my questions right out of the Bible?” As I posed my questions, she efficiently turned from scripture to scripture and gave me answers by reading verse after verse after verse and letting the Word speak. I was amazed that she knew where all of those truths were and at how clearly and simply she was able to explain spiritual truths I had wondered about all of my life. I felt as if I drove home on a cushion of air that night and never missed another fellowship.

That night I had met a group of people who really understood and lived the Word of God and walked in the love of God. It was clear to me that they had tapped into something special. It was also clear to me that they were all as committed to God as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and they were as bold in their witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God was living and real in them, and I could see that the spirit of God worked in them mightily.

It wasn’t long before I was sitting in the Foundational Class, where the Word of God set me free in so many ways. By the end of the class, it dawned on me that the heavy weight of past hurts, bitterness, resentments, condemnation, and many other negatives that had weighed me down for many years had all been lifted and were gone! My heart felt so light! I felt so liberated and free! It was like a new beginning! I recall how exciting it was to begin learning to walk by believing, to walk in God’s love, to walk with no fear—to walk with my mind renewed to God’s Word, and to be at peace.

No longer did I have anxiety and fear when I faced those blank white sheets of paper on my desk at work. Now the inspiration flowed easily and effortlessly. I could see that God was prospering my work as I applied His Word on the job. I grew from just trying to survive day to day on the job to having full confidence and the ability to reach out to help support others.

That was thirty-five years ago. During the last thirty-five years I have even had the joy and privilege to serve God and His household as a Way Corps minister on Staff at The Way International Headquarters. I have a beautiful wife and wonderful children who all stand with us in the ministry. I have indeed discovered from this ministry that taught me God’s Word just how much more there is to life—the more abundant life that Jesus Christ came to make available, and I’m enjoying that every day!

My Brother Was Healed Completely

When I was a child, I used to ask many questions about God, and every night I would remind my mom that when she tucked me in, it was time to pray. As I grew older, my heart for God did not change, but my actions certainly did. My parents were very strict with us when we were younger, but as my parents divorced and separated, our household got to a point where we no longer had any rules.

As we grew older, our decisions became very irresponsible, and as a family, our unity was no longer there. Eventually, because of lifestyle decisions and continual bad habits, one of my brothers became very ill. I did not know what to do, so I did what I used to do when I was younger, and I poured my heart out and prayed to God. I did not receive an instant answer, but over time, I saw that God certainly was leading me down the path that I needed to go.

I went to many different churches with my friends and cousins. However, as my actions improved, my household got worse and worse. So a neighbor opened up her house to me, and as I would stay at her house, she would share God’s Word with me and listen to me patiently as I would talk for hours. On Sunday mornings, I would race over to her house to go with her to Sunday morning fellowship—she was a Way believer. It took me only a few weeks before I signed up for the Foundational Class. From there, I continued on to take each class as it became available. In a few short years, my mind was no longer full of the world’s negatives, but was flooded by God’s joy and peace.

The Word says in Acts 16:31, “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” For me, it wasn’t enough that I was healed and believing God’s Word. For my more abundant life, I needed my family to believe God’s Word and be healed. So as I progressed in my understanding, I always made a point to share with members of my family what I was learning that week.

My brother that fell ill became worse over time and at one point was hospitalized. My oldest sibling and I were both taking ministry classes and were searching for answers and ways to get him healed. We prayed and continually spoke the Word to our brother that was ill, but it got to a point where he no longer desired to live. At what felt like the lowest point, my older brother and I went to our first Advanced Class where we were greatly energized and enlightened to come back with God’s delivering love and power. Again, it was not an immediate healing, but things did improve greatly as the weeks progressed.

Being in the Word has not only saved my life, but it has done so much for my family as well. Each member in my immediate family is now standing in the ministry and thriving in their believing. My brother that fell ill was healed completely—unrecognizable! He loves God’s Word and has graduated from The Way of Abundance and Power class series and is living a victorious life.