I’d Never Been Healed Quite Like That

The clarity of God’s Word that The Way International teaches concerning raising children has blessed many parents, including my husband and me. Our two children, who are adults now, are aware of the profit of their upbringing. They have, at one time or another, in a card to us or in a paper they wrote, quoted Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” On a certain day when our children were somewhere between the ages of five and seven, I benefited greatly from what we had taught them about our wonderful God.

On that day, I became quite ill. I grew nauseous, and then became increasingly dizzy. I went to our bathroom and was on the floor ready to throw up and was very concerned that I would pass out. I was especially concerned for our children, as there was no adult with me, and the kids were outside playing. What would they do if I passed out? I remember thinking that one of the children would need to come in and pray for me. It seemed like I was about to pass out and throw up at the same time when I noticed that one of the kids had come inside and was standing outside the bathroom door looking at me. I said, “I’m about to throw up. Pray for me.” I was thinking that he would somehow pray that I would survive the experience, for I was surely going to vomit. I could already feel it bubbling up from my stomach. He prayed, “Thank you, God, that Mom doesn’t throw up.” He then turned right around and went back outside to play. I had never been healed quite like that before. As soon as he finished the prayer, the stuff inside of me immediately reversed course and settled back to my stomach. Then, one at a time, every negative symptom peeled off me in such a distinct manner, and I was better, as if it had never happened.

I don’t think our son was standing there for more than fifteen seconds, and I never talked with him about the incident. More than twenty years later, I was recounting the incident with a few people, including our son. He looked at me after I was done, and to my surprise said, “I remember that.”

When I Could Not See a Way, God Made a Way

I have learned the power of prayer and believing during my time in the ministry, and on various occasions seen the impact that they can have. One such occasion involved an event at my job.

After serving as a career officer in my country’s defense force for a number of years and reaching a senior level in the organization, I was approaching the age of retirement at that rank. I was looking forward to starting a new career as a civilian in the maritime sector, but I would have really liked to continue in the career that I had so much enjoyed over the years. My continuing, however, could occur only if I was elevated in rank; but this was not possible since there were no vacant positions in the organizational structure.

Although I had the desire to continue in my career, I could only see this occurring if a position became vacant at a higher level within the organization. This certainly was not my desire since the people occupying those positions were not yet at the point of their retirement and were not interested in leaving the organization. I had no intention of continuing at someone’s expense. In fact, I had a very close relationship with the people who occupied those positions, so this was certainly out of the question.

After some consideration, my wife and I decided to take believing action by daily going to God in prayer and asking that He make a way for me to continue. Within weeks of our taking this action, I was called to the office of the head of the defense force and informed of a decision that our government had made to establish a new aviation organization for the defense force. This organization would have the same status as the other three organizations that comprised the defense force at that time. I was also informed that even though I had no aviation experience, I had been chosen to plan, develop, establish, and head this new organization because of other skills that were identified as essential to the success of this project. Furthermore, being selected for this position meant that I would be promoted to a higher rank, giving me the opportunity to continue in my career.

I was surprised by this development. God answered my prayer in a way that I never even envisioned. When I could not see a way, God made a way. Today the organization is well established and is the preferred choice of many who wish to serve our country. God answers prayer in ways that we often cannot begin to contemplate when we go to Him with believing.

I Believed and I Received

I was so blessed with the clarity and simplicity of the teachings that were given through the Power for Abundant Living foundational class and other programs and publications in The Way Ministry. After taking the class, I was deployed with the Special Land Forces Commandos (BIR) on the eastern border and then in the northern region of Cameroon: two very remote areas where my isolation from the household was complete. I had only two elements with which to stand, God in Christ in me, manifested by speaking in tongues abundantly, and the Bible. I had learned in the Bible that the Word of God is the will of God.

Thanks to the Word of God that had been taught to me, I knew how to receive anything from God. I had learned to believe rightly and had built up great experience in this field. Everything I asked God for in my personal life, I received.

Romans 10:10:
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

My need to be assigned to a place where I could have access to the resources of the ministry and to the fellowship of the saints was now clear. In July 2008, I began to be clear and concerned in my prayers. At the end of 2008, God answered my prayers with a promotion to the BIR command post in Yaoundé, the capital.

In 2009, I got married, and my wife and I fellowshipped with the household of believers. With great interest, I took the whole series on The Way of Abundance and Power. It allowed me to understand how God so wonderfully equipped us with His Word and His spirit so that we lack nothing.

I continue to build spiritual maturity by keeping God first in my life, by reading and studying His Word daily, and by manifesting His gift. The heart and commitment of my family is to serve God and His people, not because necessity is imposed upon us, but out of love, in recognition of what He has manifested to us in Christ, making us His children.

I Thessalonians 2:8:
So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.

My appetite for the Word of God remains big. The more I know this Word, the easier I can give it to those who hunger and thirst for the truth.

May God continue to abundantly bless the ministry of The Way International which teaches us God’s rightly divided Word.

Work Hard and Believe Big

Does God care about your grades in school? If you do, then He does. As a student, time is crucial; but as a young, spiritually developing believer, time for God, His Word, and His people adds a whole new dimension to scheduling.

Many incidents come to mind of how God blessed me in making good grades, but one stands out from my first year in college. We had a large ministry meeting over the weekend. I had a big test the following Monday. After much studying and memorizing for a math test, there were a few formulas that were challenging to remember. I did my best to prepare. I remember having a thought to write down on my test paper as soon as I got it in my hands all the challenging formulas while they were fresh in my mind. That way I wouldn’t have to think about them anymore through the test.

Everything I wrote down on the test paper was needed to answer the questions! God worked in me for complete success. We aced it! That set a precedent for me to work hard and believe big. God always came through.

He Brought Me Deliverance

I learned in this ministry that God is my sufficiency. He knows all things and is everywhere present. No matter where I am, He is there to back me up. My responsibility in my relationship with God is to love Him and to believe that He will accomplish what He has promised. God promises that I am more than a conqueror with His sufficiency in every circumstance and in every situation, no matter what may come up in life. To God be the glory; He has been my help. He brought me deliverance when I found myself in distress on March 10, 2018, at exactly 2:00 p.m.

That day, I remembered that I did not park my car well the previous night when I got back home. So I walked out to my car to park it correctly. I went then to the mailbox. From there I saw in the distance a believer from my home fellowship with her daughter, and at the same time, I saw my spouse leaving, as she had to catch the bus for work.

Suddenly a blackout, total loss of memory. I found myself at my apartment building entrance. What happened between the mailbox and the building entrance? I have no clue. The only thing I remember is that I could not open the entrance door with my badge. I actually mistook the badge for the key of my apartment. As it did not work I became more and more frustrated. I walked around, whispering incomprehensible words. Nobody understood what I was saying. This situation lasted about ten minutes and happened in front of the believer and her daughter, who were shocked. She understood that something was wrong and notified my children, my wife, who was still at the bus stop, and our Region coordinator of what just happened.

I then got some of my memory back, and we went up into the apartment. I asked my older daughter to pray for me. As I noticed the heavy atmosphere, I tried to speak, and I gave a short exhortation to everyone. I asked them to stand strong together in the Word and not to give the advantage to the adversary. After that, I agreed to go to the hospital. When we arrived there, I totally lost my language skills. I couldn’t talk clearly anymore.

I went through MRI scans, and two hours later I received a diagnosis: I had a superficial stroke without aftereffect, needing speech and language therapy. The cause of this incident was unknown. The doctors told me that I was “lucky” that the blood clot did not obstruct my blood vessels. That is why I regained my language skills and my memory after five hours. This is the wonderful work of God.

We are never alone. God is always present, wherever we are. I now know the reason why that believer and her daughter were in that very place at that very moment. God took care of the situation through her presence.

God is my rock and my hiding place, my refuge in time of distress. I continuously give thanks to God for His love and His goodness that He manifests toward me and toward the whole household in our Region.

The Healing Power of Communion: Mental Liberation

A few months ago, I was sitting in my living room chair attending our communion fellowship. I was listening to my fellowship coordinator read from various sections of Jesus Christ Our Passover. He read:

“…[Jesus Christ,] in the face of all this physical torture, was accused and interrogated in a manner totally illegal, unfounded, and relentless….”
“…This was a man who had done nothing but love people, heal people, and declare God’s truth….”
“…his life was unjustly maligned, called into question, and slandered….he was the epitome of love, innocence, and courage.”

As I listened, the intensity of these words began to sink in. Viewed from the outside, Jesus Christ had all the reason in the world to back away from God’s calling. He was unjustly accused and wrongly imprisoned, scorned and mocked, tortured and crucified. But he never wavered in his commitment. He fulfilled his spiritual calling in the midst of the greatest unbelief and opposition.

Before communion, I had been weighed down by certain remarks from people around me. Words have great meaning for me, and I was feeling mentally heavy with some of the comments made by those I cared about. Even though I knew they were fiery darts sent from the adversary, I still felt the sting of what was said. But as I sat and heard these words about Jesus Christ during communion, I was suddenly released from my own mental bondage. Those harsh comments no longer held such great significance.

I felt like someone had picked me up and shaken me by the shoulders, saying, “Christ has already paid the full price for you! You are as righteous as God!” Even though I consider myself a joyful person, in those moments I felt a lightness that I hadn’t experienced for a while. No longer was I weighed down under any mental heaviness. I started to tear up with the realization that I could stand as a daughter of God—with no doubt or pain or hurt from the words of others—all because of what Christ accomplished for me. I realized I belonged to God, and Jesus Christ had long ago carried the weight of all injustice and accusation so I didn’t have to bear the burden for myself.

Jesus Christ was so convinced of who he was and who God had called him to be that he never wavered in his purpose. He never weakened his focus or second-guessed his decision to fulfill his Father’s will for his life. I am so thankful to recognize and claim this truth in my own life because of the research and teachings from The Way International. My mind and heart are strengthened daily with this knowledge, and I feel more confident and equipped to fulfill my own spiritual calling for God!

I Wanted God’s Best for Marriage

I was sixteen years old when my father sat me down and informed me that he was divorcing my mother and within weeks would be marrying my mother’s best friend. My whole world fell apart in a matter of minutes. I had thought my whole childhood that my parents were happy. They were devout Christians. Why, my father was a minister for a denominational church.

During the months that followed, my three brothers and I were torn between what we thought was real and what we discovered was false. I concluded that if this is what a Christian marriage was—a facade for infidelity—then I would have nothing of it. My fear of getting married and failing at it was so great that I decided then I did not want to marry.

Only two years later, my college roommate introduced me to The Way Ministry. As I took our ministry’s classes, the Word of God I learned showed me His plan for a Christian marriage. I learned in Ephesians, chapter 5, the roles God meant for a Christian man and woman to fill in marriage. I saw powerful examples in the household of The Way of married couples who lived the Word of God in their marriages. These husbands and wives taught me the fundamentals of a strong marriage, in which both man and woman are like-minded and committed to put God first in their lives.

The Word of God I learned showed me what went wrong in my parents’ marriage. There was no companionship. They each lived separate lives. The only thing that kept them under the same roof was raising their four children. I decided that my life would be different from my parents’ lives. I wanted God’s best for marriage in my life. And as I built the truths of His Word about this vital category of life into the fabric of my thinking, God delivered me from all the fear of failure that enslaved me!

I began to date my sisters in Christ in the household and endeavored to live God’s love in these relationships. I built my believing to find the woman whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, moving God’s Word together. I got clear and concerned about what my heavenly Father wanted for me. At age twenty-six, I married my best friend. We have enjoyed over thirty-five years of marriage now. Because of the Word of God that I learned in The Way Ministry, I overcame my fear of failure, married a beautiful and virtuous woman, and today enjoy a wonderful life of serving God and His people together!

Teaching My Children God’s Word—I Can Do!

I truly have loved growing up in this ministry. The truths that I have learned over many years have helped me be victorious through many situations I have faced. God’s Word really is so practical for every stage of our lives!

One of the ways that I have most recently been applying truths I have learned in this ministry is in motherhood. My parents are great examples to me of diligently teaching the Word to us kids as we lived life. Now this was something that would be my responsibility. Before I had our first child, I wondered if I would be able to apply what God’s Word says in Deuteronomy 6:7:

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

It seemed that this would be a daunting task—to teach my children the Word diligently when talking, when walking, when lying down, when living life. It seemed like a huge task! I doubted whether I could do this all the time. However, as God always does, He works in us to help us accomplish whatever we set out to do. This is what I established in my heart after our first child was born and then again after our second child was born.

As our first child was growing, I realized that I really do know plenty of scriptures that apply to the situations we were facing. I also realized that I was already applying so much of the Word in my life, but usually quietly to myself. A big difference when you put children into the mix is that it is more of a verbal, out loud recognition of a verse that applies to the situation. Teaching my child how God’s Word applies to life’s situations was something that I could do. It can be an easy part of life because “It is written” is my standard!

One of the scriptures that we have utilized many times is II Timothy 1:7:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

This verse has helped me keep my sound mind in the face of a whiny child who is pushing his boundaries. This verse has helped my children keep their sound minds when they are learning different emotions and how to deal with them or when they’re simply learning that obeying their parents is the best option.

There have been a few times when I have been helping one of our children calm down, and sometimes I have been tempted to think, “How can I get him to stop crying? I don’t know what I can do!” Then quickly after that, I remember that I can always give him the Word. It always works.

So I will usually quote II Timothy 1:7 (or have him quote the verse to me if he is old enough) and remind him that God has given us sound minds. It doesn’t take long for the tears to stop and for his body and mind to get peaceful. I know that as our children grow older, this verse and many, many more will continue to apply to all of life’s situations.

How thankful we are for the truths of God’s Word which help keep the peace in our homes and in our hearts and in the hearts of our children.

Walking by the Spirit of God

My husband and I were traveling on an eight-lane highway, and there was a lot of traffic. One car stuck out to me as the driver was weaving in and out of the highway lanes. God was working in me and getting my attention to the end that I was not comfortable as this car was nearing ours. I admonished my husband, who was driving our car, to stay away from the driver in that car. He immediately switched lanes to avoid driving next to this car. Within seconds this car went out of control as the driver tried to switch lanes too quickly. The car began spinning in circles and spun out of control across three lanes until it stopped in the median once it hit the guardrail. Amazingly, the driver did not appear to be injured and there were no other cars involved in this accident!

The Way Ministry has taught my husband and me God’s Word, the Bible, and what it says about how to walk by the spirit of God and how to listen to God’s still, small voice. Also, we have learned that He is a God that loves and protects His people. This incident was an incredible illustration to me of God’s awesome care upon our lives and how God works in us when we are in fellowship with Him and walking by the spirit of God. What a joy and privilege we have to know God’s rightly divided Word that teaches us His loving nature to care for and protect His sons and daughters.

God Talked to My Spirit

In 2014, my wife, daughter, and I attended our first Advanced Class. It was an incredible time as we learned how to have a more mature walk in God’s Word. We learned how to walk by the spirit and operate the six revelation and impartation manifestations. Not only did we learn about these manifestations, but we met and saw God’s people from around the world.

A few weeks later, we were having a family reunion in Georgia. One of the events was tubing. We were having a great time tubing. It was a hot day and the water was cool but refreshing. My, my wife’s, and my daughter’s tubes were tied together as one. As the family was going down the river, my tube flipped over and I went into the water. After I got back in my tube, I discovered that I had lost my keys.

As we started speaking in tongues, praying, and believing, one of our family members was coming down the river past us. I stopped him and told him that I had lost my keys and to tell the others (some were believers) to pray and believe that I find my keys. As we made our way back to the bank to get out of the tube and walk back up the side of the river, I said to myself, “This can’t be happening.” The keys were to a rental car, and calling the rental car company was not an option. The adversary was trying to steal, kill, and destroy our vacation.

I went boldly to the Father and told Him, “God, You are going to have to fix this.” I was speaking in tongues as I was walking up the side of the river, not knowing where the tube flipped over. As I went back into the water, I dodged and pushed other people in tubes out of the way. Also, I helped others that were stuck on the rocks. God talked to my spirit and said, “Stop, bend down, and pick up your keys.” I then said, “Yes, thank you, Father. Thank you.”

Once we got back to the family members, we all rejoiced. It was God working in the situation as we all had mutual believing.